Knowing that "Secular" Feminism has made inroads politically "world-wide", it also now seeks to creep undetected into the True Assemblies of Yeshua (Jesus).[1] The People of G-d should be on guard, expecting them to attempt to use passages from Holy Writ to assert their "unisex feminist" political ideas from "the world", and establish their own "churches" based on their false teachings. These ideas were not present whatsoever in any of the writings of the first 5 Centuries of early Church. Such "churches" can be termed "female churches" and below is how they can be identified and how they operate.


Some "churches" do highly encourage emotionalism in the services. This can be done by long periods with ever-increased emotional crescendos of "praise music" with people swaying this way and that, and we have seen some swoon from overcharged emotions. Within these "churches" you can find references to "Summoning", "Invoking" and/or Praying just to the Holy Spirit which is not Biblical. Scripture says that the Holy Spirit will always Glorify Jesus and never Himself.


One lady we observed swooned, fell backwards, and hit her head on the sharp corner of the pew with a loud "BANG"!!! She was out for awhile as her family rushed to bandage her gaping gash. She was carried outside by family members.


Others get so charged up, they begin running around the inside of the church at full speed with their hands raised, shouting. They are sometimes cautioned to all run in the same direction, because these "church runners" or "runners" (as they are known) act spontaneously, it is completely unrehearsed. We have witnessed people running in opposing directions at full speed and an actual collision took place. Both were at a dead run as they rounded a corner, and collided. One was knocked out cold for several minutes. Many people started "praying in tongues"[2] over him, and he finally was helped up, obviously still dazed, and began walking again with assistance, and then started running again, (at a much slower pace) in the same direction as everyone else.

These injuries, to our knowledge, were not made known outside the two churches where we observed them.

These are not the only instances of the highly unusual we have observed. These are not "isolated incidents". Several others are, frankly, too shocking to place on this page.

There is little or no Strong Doctrine found in the lyrics of their "praise music", but an emphasis on "feelings" is always present. This seems to cater to the women as they appear the most affected. We would have to call these churches "female churches" because of their emphasis on emotions.

They do not teach the True Oracles of G-d as Foundational Doctrine. They teach that "other things" are The Oracles of G-d, which is a lie.

Many times they are led by a so-called "female pastor", or a male whose wife is "pastor", or "co-pastor" and is given authority over co-operative and competely submissive male congregants.[3]

The Righteous shall see, and Rejoice: and all iniquity shall stop her mouth. Psalms 107:42


Sometimes, Ministries that do not agree with their type teachings can come under attack and heavy criticism as the "female leaders" actively seek to discredit the critics, or "behind the scenes" try to "coax their men" to rise up against True Men of G-d and so draw away unsuspecting sheep who have been lulled by their "feel good" ministry to these "female churches" using these or similar tactics.

Sometimes, a man who surrenders to the womans' "spiritual authority" (usually just to keep the peace) is told by her that he is also "called to be a pastor" and so he then "co-ministers" with her. She has "anointed" him as "pastor". What a pitiful travesty.

Here some arguments you may encounter used to "validate" "female churches":


The "unisex equality" or Egalitarian Argument

Passage used: "There is neither Jew nor Greek, neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female, for ye are all one in Christ Jesus." Galatians 3:28

Feminists point to: "there is neither male nor female" immediately, saying this clearly supports egalitarianism. But is this so? Let us see how simply they twist the Scripture to make it appear to say exactly what they want. The verse must be read in context. Two verses previous, it says:

"For ye are all the children of G-d by Faith in Christ Jesus." Galatians 3:26

Verse 28 therefore, obviously continues on and defines more precisely what verse 26 means: i.e., that all these classifications alike are "one in Christ Jesus", NOT that differentiations are erased, or that "unisex" values have been created!

If all differentiations were erased at the point of Salvation, the portion "neither bond nor free" would also be erased, true? So ask yourself, are there any "free" people after Salvation? Some may say, "No, we are not free but servants"? It also says there is no more "bond" however. Away with this block-headedness. The verse therefore cannot mean what they claim it means, but Galatians 3:28 expands on verse 26, telling the Elect that all classifications become the "children of G-d by Faith in Christ Jesus".

Jewish as well as Gentile are Saved in the same way. (Remember how the Jews were surprised to find how "the Gentiles have also Received the Holy Spirit the same as we."?) Salvation was now open to all by Faith in Yeshua as Messiah. Likewise, males as well as females, bond as well as free, etc. are all Saved in the same way.


Let your women keep silence: for it is not Permitted unto them to speak; but they are Commanded to be under Obedience, as also says The Law. I Corinthians 14:34

The Commandment here is to the Men, not the women. The Men are to have their women cease from preaching to Men in the Assemblies. In doing so, the woman usurps a Mans' Office.

Some Feminists say that this was a Command only to the women in Corinth! They say they were known there as "chatterboxes" and should not have been gossiping publically, etc.

Still other Feminists say the Command was to BOTH the men and women and that Paul meant that both men and women should be silent because they were perhaps "making too much noise".

Then the Apostle Paul, being a Man, would have had to keep silence also because he was a Man? Also the Apostle Peter couldn't speak? Away with this twisted nonsense! The Scripture says what it says. Can we see how Feminists clearly desire to force their own private interpretation on the Scripture?


The problem is, Feminists just refuse to submit to Men, plain and simple. The Scripture Commands it, and they are in rebellion against submission, some more, some less.

"The world" also encourages them to leave home to "get out from under" their fathers' authority without being married. Many times this is to cover for fornication. We have heard of cases where the female "spiritual authority" will bring her to divorce the man for unscriptural reasons, or drive the man out of his own home, or, if he offers continued resistance, she will leave him for some denomination that does support her "preaching".



Deborah was a Judge in Israel. She was a Judge in the Civil realm. She was also a prophetess, but never held the Office of Prophet as did the Prophet Samuel for instance. To be called a Prophet in Israel, one had to pass the Torah test of true and false prophets. (I John 3:4) Under the Old Covenant, anyone who prophesied in the Name of the L-RD falsely was to be put to death. The Old Testament Prophets and the Apostles were directly involved in Scripture. Today, no further Scripture is required. That is why the Office has passed away.

D'vorah (Deborah) was spiritually never over the Aaronic Priests or the Levitical Priests who Offered Sacrifices at the Bais HaMikdash (Holy Temple), or the Levitical Priests based in other cities who Ministered and Taught G-ds' Word to the people. She could never be Qualified to be a Priest, and she could never have taken the place of a Priest at all as some feminists try to delude persons into thinking.

She was not chosen to write any Books of the Old Testament, and not one of her prophecies appear as Old Testament Scripture. Neither do any other books or prophecies written by women appear as Scripture either.

The Civil military leaders went to her, (not the Religious Arm; the Priests) and she helped Israel, but the Apostle Paul calls it, "a shame" that any male would have to do so, that no usurping the Man of G-ds' role be dubbed "routine" in the Assemblies! I Corinthians 14:35

Aquila and Priscilla

Some say "Aquila and Priscilla" were women. This is not so; Aquila was the husband of Priscilla.

As Priscillas' husband, Aquila excersized authority over her in his own house. She, as a G-dly wife, was totally submissive to him and would have eagerly and lovingly helped him as he taught, being a full and wonderful example to the whole Church and the Ladies thereby.

Secularizing Feminists cry out, "Priscilla taught Apollos!". But remember, Apollos was taught privately in Aquilas' house (not before the whole Church) with Aquila (the husband) present at all times. Priscilla, being with her husband at home, helped in that way.

Once Apollos became a Man of G-d, the whole Church would have rejoiced in recognizing his Spiritual Authority when he Fully Matured.[4]

In Acts 18:2 Aquila had previously met Paul. They were said to be fellow tent-makers. Aquila would have been very familiar with Pauls' Gospel. The Jews living in Israel were all familiar with Patriarchal Israel (the man having the authority). It was one of Pauls' Duties to teach the things of Patriarchal Israel to the Gentiles. The Gentiles came out of paganistic cults and idolatry where Matriarchal women were many times in charge. True Israel was never to fashion itself "after the nations". To do so leads to a "Jezebel spirit" which women are warned against supporting in any way by I and II Kings and Revelation.

Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols. Revelation 2:20

"...your sons and your daughters shall prophesy..."

Joel 2:26 and Acts 2:17,18 are not speaking of the Office of Prophet (op. cit.). Anyone who claimed such an Office was of necessity Required to pass the Torah test of True and false prophets. Deuteronomy 18:22, I John 3:3. Even if such a claim of being a Prophet were substantiated by a full list of Prophecies (we have not found one case that has, by the way), there will be not one more Word or Book added to the Canon of Scripture.

"...had four daughters, virgins, which did prophesy."

The four daughters were under the authority of their father in his own house and also under the authority of all the Apostles as well, including Paul. No woman had authority over any aspect of the early Church including Blessed Mary the mother of our L-rd.[5] There were no New Testament Books written by any of the four daughters who were Faithful and Obedient in their fathers' house, as they were also "virgins"; under their fathers' authority and domiciled in his house.


"Salute Andronicus and Junia, my kinsmen, and my fellowprisoners, who are of note among the Apostles, who also were in Christ before me." Romans 16:7. King James Version.

First of all, the proper name "Junia" is incorrectly rendered from the original Greek in the King James Version. It should correctly read "Junios" (from Iounios) and is not a female name, but a mans' name!

Second of all, a better rendering of this section of the verse would be:

"...well and favourably known TO the Apostles..."

NOT that he WAS an Apostle as were the 12.


Women were Permitted to enter into a previously Made Divine Covenant, and Promises were Given to them based on the Divine Covenant, but they were never Permitted to offer any blood sacrifice on the altar on their own behalf themselves to make any such Covenant in the first place. They always had to go through the auspices of a male Priest with whom the Divine Covenants had been Made.

So it is in the New Covenant: Yeshua is The G-d-Man, the Son. G-d Made the New Covenant with a Man, Yeshua, and He Sits on the Throne over all. (Matthew 28:18) His mother Blessed Mary, is not "Co-Mediatrix". Women can enter into the New Covenant by Faith, but the Divine Covenant Rests on Whom the Covenant was Made with: Yeshua. Again, not a woman. Women are Permitted to come "boldly unto the Throne of Grace" now, but only through a Man: Yeshua, and In His Name because of the new Melchetzaddik Priesthood.

No woman was ever Commanded to make a ritual slaughter herself to make a Divine Covenant.

If any women says that she has no part to that which has gone before, she is "boasting against the branches" and "the root" of the Old Testament Saints (The Men of G-d).

The sole ones who have ever had any blood "covenant" as a ritual slaughter with their "gods and goddesses" with a woman in participation as a "spiritual authority" were and are still today, the "high priestesses" of satanism, paganism and witchcraft.

They and all who follow her will be cut off. Romans 11:18-22.


We find no basis for foisting "Unisex Secular Feminism" on the True Assemblies of Yeshua.

Both Secular and Christian Feminism are direct descendants of SECULAR HUMANISM with roots in pagan "goddess worship" condemned numerous times in the Old Testament. In pagan worship, females had equal or superior standing over against males. Those are their origins and their real roots, and we reject them.

More Following Soon!


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[1]The Civil Arm is to be kept separate from the Religious Arm. This is to prevent the State from dictating what religion the citizens are required to adhere to. This is what the United States calls "Separation of Church and State", and the Supreme Court has consistently so Ruled.

[2]We find nothing wrong with Praying however one wishes. If anyone should demand, or attempt to coerce by "spiritual bullying" that one must "speak in tongues" or they are "not really saved" however, this is where we must draw the line. Go HERE for more on the subject of "Tongues".

[3] The effeminate shall not Inherit His Kingdom.

...neither effeminate...shall Inherit the Kingdom of G-d. I Corinthians 6:9.

Submissive males are effeminate. They allow themselves to be abused or dominated. This could be Masochistic. Being "effeminate" is not confined solely to the male. The female "dominatrix" is likewise effeminate in elevating what is female to a position of dominance. A subconsciously submissive male may seek out a dominatrix. Egalitarianism (unisex) and Sado-Masochistic gender role-reversals in whatever form have always been the identifying characteristics of many "popular" pagan cults. Bringing a male into submissiveness by a "dominatrix" through seduction was the method most commonly used. There are also more subtle methods. A dominatrix brings a male into submissiveness, and by her example, teaches other females how to do the same. These become her followers and advocates. This is known as a "Jezebel spirit". True Israel is to never be involved with that which was or is pagan. True Believers, Men and Women, are not to become seduced into becoming effeminate, or to encourage it in any way.

A certain well-known TV so-called "female evangelist", "pastor", "teacher" was heard announcing to the television and live studio audience that, "I Prayed over my pantyhose so they would last longer, and it works!". In the studio audience the men could be heard giggling as the women both squealed and tittered.

Seduction is not always based on such. It can also be "Emotional Manipulation" or "Emotional Seduction". The Emotional Manipulator is usually a classic neurotic. In a relationship, if a blindly trusting male is "attracted" to a dominatrix, should he become caught-up in "the rosy glow" of his emotions, and "the way she makes him feel", Emotional Manipulation may occur. While the male is in pursuit of "the rosy glow" he fails to be "emotional enough on demand" (to strengthen the submission process), there can be, shall we say, "problems with the relationship" sometimes known as "irreconcilable differences".

As he is led along (instead of correcting him), she participates in drawing him away by his own lusts. Yakov (James) 1:11, but if he is "not responsive enough" on her ever-increasing level of suggestions (as arbitrarily determined by the dominatrix), to bring him into full submission, then complaints can be made about "not caring", "not being compassionate enough", "too judgmental", "intolerant" or "not sympathetic enough" or "not loving enough" to what the dominatrix has been taught should be considered "reasonable progress" on his part. He may then be accused of being "heartless", "having no love", etc. and by such accusations or even pouting this is intended to produce "guilt", surrender, obedience, and submission. If her "manipulation-guilt powers or techniques" or "feminine wiles" are not working as well as she has anticipated, a dyed-in-the-wool dominatrix will give the man the "cold shoulder", and just "disappear", leaving the unsuspecting male to wonder, "what happened?"!

This is "Her Will Be Done".

The dominatrix-type knows that to seduce some men, it must be done by means of emotional as well as carnal suggestions. He must be immersed in the emotional (fleshly) realm of his soul first and foremost. If he balks, refuses, or does not give signs of becoming submissive, some females simply can't handle it, as they may have been assured this would "work every time". The most dominant females ("butch" types or shemales as they are sometimes called) may feel free to "explode" and attack the man with various bitter accusations, insults, embarrassments, etc.

This was well-known in the Ancient World.

Emotional Manipulators can also be "Passive-Aggresive". They encourage others to become co-dependant through promising much, but delivering little, or nothing at all (except more promises). If dissatisfied, it is always about something someone has done to them. They themselves refuse to become accountable. If you would think them vulnerable, most of them really aren't. Most of them could care less. It's all part of the "game". The condition of the Heart is what is at issue. The "hard-hearted" are set to walk away at a moments notice.

[4] These feminists sometimes doggedly continue their woeful complaint: "But Apollos needed to return to keep on learning from Priscilla!". He would be "ever learning" some "new thing" they say?

We are told plainly of those who are: "ever-learning but never coming to a knowledge of the Truth", however.

Once the Elect Man of G-d gets past "basic training", he moves "on to Perfection".

"Therefore LEAVING the Principles of the Doctrine of Christ, let us GO ON to PERFECTION: NOT LAYING AGAIN THE FOUNDATION of Repentance from dead works, and of Faith toward G-d, of the DOCTRINE OF BAPTISMS, and of laying on of hands, and of Resurrection of the dead, and of Eternal Judgment. And this we will do IF G-D PERMIT." Hebrews 6:1-3 (Emphasis added)

Since many of these same feminist-led congregations concentrate week-after-week on Doctrines we are supposed to move AWAY from, they may remain immature and never graduate. At some point, hopefully, the Men of G-d will mature beyond the "milk" and have a real increased hunger for "strong meat", and be encouraged by True Ladies of Grace to Fully Mature.

Some remain caught-up in the preaching of one sort of "baptism" or another (as does UPC/"Apostolic" for instance), and DO NOT "go on to Perfection" moving AWAY FROM "baptisms" as Hebrews 6:2 says! They could remain babies being nursed by their admiring feminists, and simply end-up merely mimicking "baby talk" a mile a minute, while their feminist "pseudo-teachers" deceivingly "assure" and lull them into believing they have "attained spiritual maturity" when they have not.

But then again, perhaps G-d has not Permitted them to do so either, as Hebrews 6:3 says might happen.

[5]Blessed Mary the mother of our L-rd Jesus never preached a single sermon, never usurped any authority over a man, did not write one word of the New Testament, never started her own church or "discussion group" that had men in attendance listening to her, never was a "co-apostle" or ever went on a missionary journey. Yet she is ranked above all Women as the most Blessed for all Eternity. Why? Because she was a True Lady and Submissive to the Men of G-d of the Church and is now set forth as an example for all women Forevermore.