The "O" is removed to Accord Respect for The Divine Name and not offend Observant Jews.

Throughout the Hebrew Scriptures (The TeNaK) we find the Four Hebrew Letters of The Sacred Name, also known as the Tetragrammaton. The Tetragrammaton is the four letters in Hebrew for Y""H (L-RD). The Tetragrammaton is the verb "To Be" Doubled (I AM That I AM, or Doubled), which Proclaims G-ds' Eternal Existence.

Outside Jewish or scholarly circles, it is not generally known, but in Judaism, beginning in B.C. times, because of excesses and fear of offending The Creator, there was a ban on saying The Name.[1] Still following that Law within Observant Judaism today, The Name is only written in Scripture, but outside of that, not written, or spoken. Instead, such Terms as Adonai, HaShem, L-RD, or G-D are used. This reason that this is done is to Accord Respect for the Divine Name by following the Rulings of ancient Judaism by not violating the Third Commandment of the Ten Commandments:

Thou shalt not take The Name of The L-RD thy G-D in vain, for He will not hold him guiltless who Taketh His Name in vain. Exodus 20:7

The Essenes also Observed the ban on The Name. To demonstrate this, among the Dead Sea Scrolls at Qumran they wrote four dots (****) in place of The Name. These scrolls have been C-14 dated to B.C. times, so the ban was clearly in effect before Yeshua (Jesus) Arrived.

In the Brit Chadashah (New Testament), Yeshua rebuked the Essenes in several things, but did not mention their Observance of The Name. In fact, in The L-RDs' Prayer, Yeshua Addresses The Father as "Our Father" without using The Name, and also Says "Hallowed Be Thy Name", which again reinforces Respect for The Name.

It is true that Yeshua Said, "I AM" (ego eimi). The Greek construction is not the same as the Hebrew, in that the verb "to be" is not Doubled as in the Hebrew, so Yeshua did also Observe The Name in those places. [2]

Of all of the false charges brought against Yeshua [3], not one of them concerned Him saying The Name.

The Apostle Paul said, "in the Jews, I have offended in nothing". This means that Paul also Observed this Mitzvah, and in Respect, never used The Divine Name. Since Paul was an ex-Pharisee, he knew well about the ban on the Name, and out of respect for his Jewish brothers, did not use It so as to not cause a stumbling-block when witnessing to them about Yeshua.

Also, the Apostle Paul was never charged with violating the ban on the Name.

According to the Brit Chadashah (New Testament), Believers in Yeshua are Commanded to Preach the Gospel " the Jew first...", yet Respect for The Name is an issue often overlooked or even ignored by the very Assemblies toward whom they are first Commanded to Preach the Gospel.

Scripture Says that not only Is The Father Y""H, but The Holy Spirit and Yeshua Are also.

Some teach that only The Father Is Y""H, and deny Yeshua, G-D The Son, Eternal Pre-Existence with The Father as The LOGOS, and some say the Holy Spirit is not Y""H either? Go HERE to find out the Truth!


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[1]The reason for this is that The Divine Name (Y""H) was being used in magical incantations and formulas. In order to prevent this unlawful thing happening, the Ruling was put into effect after the Babylonian captivity.

"The discontinuance of the enunciation of The Name was intended to prevent the blurring of the distance between G-d and man and the use of the Name for magical purposes." Ephraim Urbach."The Sages". p.134.

Therefore, within Observant Judaism today, since the Ruling was never countermanded, it is still in force.

It is said by some, this is one more way to strictly determine whether a Jewish state has indeed been established (following the rabbinical Rulings on the Law of Moses) or not. By definition therefore, many rabbis (many of these are some of the most Observant Jewish sects) have declared that the modern State of Israel is not really a Biblical state at all, but merely a political one. These rabbis are sometimes known as "anti-zionists". They may live in Israel, but based on this and many other things as well, do not recognize the modern State of Israel as a true Jewish State, or any true "Biblical fulfillment of Scripture".

[2] Nevertheless, those that would insist that when Yeshua Said "I AM" that He Spoke the Tetragrammaton, John 8:24 is a Statement then that He Is The Tetragrammaton in such a case:

"Therefore I Said unto you that you will die in your sins; for if you do not Believe that I AM (ego eimi) [He]*, then you will die in your sins." (GB, 1560-1602, KJV 1611)

But the Greek says:

John 8:24: "I said (epo) therefore (oun) unto you (humin), that (hoti) ye shall die (apothnesko) in (en) your (humon) sins (hamartia): for (gar) if (ean me) ye believe (pisteuo) not (ean me) that (hoti) I (ego) am (eimi), ye shall die (apothnesko) in (en) your (humon) sins (hamartia)."

"[He]" in John 8:24 as seen in most Bibles, does not appear in the Greek manuscripts, but was added by translators.

Also Yeshua did not violate the Ban on the Name, as He did NOT Say the verb "to be" doubled.

Some would insist that Greek was not in use at all in the 1st Century A.D. and that all Jews spoke only Hebrew or Aramaic because of a general hatred of all things Greek. This is not the case, as can be plainly seen by the Ruling recorded in the Talmud that the Old Testament Scriptures were fully authorized to be trasnslated into Greek.

The "anti-Greek" position was later taken as a reason to reject the Greek New Testament altogether as being "un-Jewish". We know from the Talmudic Ruling above however, that The Greek New Testament is Fully Lawful.

[3]The Name (The Hebrew Tetragrammaton) in the Old Tetstament Greek Septuagint (LXX) was translated "Kurios". The same word "Kurios" is also used over and over again in the Greek New Testament with Reference to Yeshua being L-RD.

Go HERE for the Names of G-d.

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