Early Jewish-Christian Synagogue Prayers

Found among the "Apostolic Constitutions" (some capitals added).

These Prayers come from Syria, contained within the Apostolic Constitutions that were written there. This would be within the circle of the Apostle Pauls' evangelism in Antioch, Syria. There is also a possibility of ex-Essene influences from Damascus.

They come from approximately the mid-2nd Century A.D. as the earliest date. The time of the Bar Kochba revolt was 135 A.D. (mid-2nd Century). They retain a distinct Jewishness, and do not denote Gentile Churches as some have suggested. They also contain the word "Christian" side-by-side with Jewish-type Prayers, and were written in Koine Greek.

According to Dr. James H. Charlesworth, "the Greek flows smoothly and gives no indication that it is a translation of a Semitic language." That means that no Hebrew or Aramic base is found. This would appear to validate the presence and usage of the Greek Septuagint (LXX) as a Scriptural base. It is also very important to notice the similarities between these Prayers and the Prayers that are used today in all Jewish Synagogues. In V: the mention of "a" Shabbat, and X:, note the emphasis on the Law of G-d. By the language used, these clearly were not Gentile Churches around Antioch, but rather Jewish-Christian Assemblies which also included Gentile Believers (See "Prayer on Behalf of the Catechumens" below) who were taught Doctrines and the moral Law.

Also in Prayer XIII: Note the use of the Office of "Bishop" (episkopos) and in addition, "Eucharistic Service" (Communion), all the while continuing to follow a distinctly Jewish Prayer, mentioning The Law of G-d (I John 3:4), "a" Shabbat (sabbaton), and the Festivals (Feasts of the L-rd).

Particularly Note the Thanksgiving to Three Aspects of G-d, The Father, The Son (as "Both G-d and King"), and The Holy Spirit at the close of the Prayer.

I: A Prayer of Thanksgiving Following Communion

(AposCon 7.26. 1-3)

(Then after the Communion, you shall Give Thanks in This Way:)

We Give Thanks to You, O G-d and Father of Jesus our Saviour, on Behalf of Your Holy Name which You Caused to Encamp Among us, and on Behalf of the Knowledge and Faith and Love and Immortality which You Gave to us Through Jesus Your Son. O Master Almighty, The G-d of the Universe, You Created the world and what is in it through Him, and You Planted Deeply in our souls a Law; and You Prepared for men the Things (necessary) for Communion. (You Are) the G-d of the Holy and Blameless ones, our fathers Abraham and Isaac and Jacob, Your Faithful servants; the Powerful G-d, the Faithful and True One, without falsehood in Your Promises; the One Who Sent Forth upon earth Jesus Your Christ, to Live together with men as a man, Being Divine Word and Man, and radically to Destroy error.

V: A Prayer Praising G-d for His Redemptive Deeds for Israel, Old and New, and For the Institution of Days Set Apart for Worship

(AposCon 7.36. 1-7)

O L-rd, Almighty One, You Created (the) Cosmos through Christ, and Marked out a Sabbath Day for a Remembrance of this; because on it You Rested from all Your Works[1], in Order to give Attention to Your Own Laws. And You Appointed Festivals for (the) Gladdening of our souls, so that we may come into Remembrance of the Wisdom Created by You:

X: A Prayer on Behalf of the Catechumens[2]

(Note the distinct Jewish tone of this Prayer)

(AposCon 8.6. 5-8)

Let us all Earnestly Entreat G-d on Behalf of the catechumens: that the One Who is Good and Loves mankind will Kindly Hear their Prayers: and having Received their Supplication, that He may Assist them and Grant them for their Good the Requests of their hearts; that He May Reveal to them the Gospel of His Christ, Illumine them, and Give them Understanding, Educate them in the Knowledge of G-d, Teach them His Ordinances and Judgments, Implant in them His Pure and Saving Fear, Open the ears of their hearts to Engage in His Law day and night; and that He May Establish them in Piety, Unify and Number them among His Holy Flock, Grant to them (the) Washing of Regeneration, the Garment of Incorruption, (and) Real Life; and that He May Save them from all impiety, and give place to no adversary among them; and that He May Cleanse them from all pollution of flesh and spirit, and Dwell in them, and Walk (among them) Through His Christ, and Bless their Comings In, and their Goings Out, and Guide their Affairs for their Good. Let us still Earnestly Supplicate for them that, Obtaining Remission of their trespasses Through (The Mystery), that they may be Deemed Worthy of the Holy Mysteries, and of Remaining constantly with the saints. Arise, catechumens, Request the Peace of G-d Through His Christ, that the Day Be Peaceable and Free from sin, even the Entire Time of your Life, that your End be Christian, that G-d Be Gracious and Kind, (that G-d Grant) the Forgiveness of trespasses. Dedicate yourselves to the Only Begotten G-d Through His Christ. Bow down and Receive a Blessing.

XIII: A Prayer of Praise and Benediction, Spoken by a Bishop at the Close of the Eucharistic Service

(AposCon 8:15 7-9)

O G-d, the Almighty, the True One and Incomparable One, Who Is Everywhere, and Present in All Things: and Who Is In Nothing as though Being In One Certain Thing; the One Who is not circumscribed in Places; the One Who is not growing old in Time; the One Who does not come to an End in the Ages; the One Who is not subject to Origin; the One Who does not need a Guardian; the One Who Is Above corruption; the One Who does not admit Change; the One Who Dwells In Unapproachable Light; the One Who Is By Nature Invisible; the One Who is Known by all those who with Good Will* Seek You with rational natures; the One Who Is Understood by all those who with Good Will* Seek After You; the G-d of Israel, the One Truly Seeing, Your People who have Believed in Christ: Being Gracious, Attend unto me on Account of Your Name and Bless those who have bended low their necks Before You, and Give to them the Requests of their hearts -- the Things that are Profitable -- and do not make them a castaway from Your Kingdom, but Consecrate them, Guard, Shelter, Assist, Deliver them from the stranger, from every enemy: Preserve their Homes, Guard their Goings In and Goings Out! Because to You (Belong) Glory, Praise, Splendor, Reverence, (and) Worship; and to Your Servant Jesus, to Your Christ, to our L-rd, Both G-d and King; and to the Holy Spirit; Now, and Always, and Into the Ages of Ages. Amen.

*[NOTE: See Philippians 2:13]

Talmudic Ruling on Greek


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[1]Note here is is not stated The Sabbath Day, but instead, A Sabbath Day. This could indicate an early recording of the setting apart of Sunday as "A Sabbath Day". The Christians therefore would have established Sunday as "their" Sabbath by historical remembrance, then tradition then Church Ruling. The fact is that the final battle was not completed until Death and Hell were defeated by Christ. He defeated Death and Hell and has the Keys and so the Sunday Sabbath Commemorates His Resurrection Victory. His Work is now Completed and He is in His Eternal Sabbath, and we could say, "Resting from All His Works".

"Seventh Day" sects (several of them cults) often insist, "The Sabbath Day cannot ever be changed from Saturday". However, The Sabbath of Sabbaths (Higher than the Sabbath Day) in the Older Testament is not necessarily on a Saturday at all. It is Yom Kippur, which for the Essenes was always on a Friday, and for rabbinic Judaism can be any day. There has always been more than one "Sabbath Day" in Judaism, so their insistent demands that it only be a Saturday is simply not borne out by the facts.

This also refers to the moment-by-moment Rest in HaMoshiach Yeshua now available:

There remaineth therefore a Rest to the People of G-d. For he that is entered into His Rest, he also has ceased from his own works as G-d [did] from His. Let us labor therefore to enter into that Rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief. Hebrews 4:9-11

The Apostles and the Disciples had announced that 1st-Century Christianity therefore was a legitimate Jewish sect and could Rule on which Day they now chose to be Shabbat because The Messiah had come and had given them Prophecies, Revelation, teaching and instructions in what would become the New Testament.

[2]The "catechumen" were Gentile believers who were put through a course of study before Baptism. In the Book of Acts we see that believers were Baptized as soon as they believed. This was because the vast majority of the earliest believers were Lawful Jews living in Israel or were strongly influenced by them.

As the Assemblies grew by leaps and bounds, and more and more Gentiles were added, it was thought necessary to put them through a course of preparation before they were Baptized. This was called the "catechumenate". By the beginning of the 3rd Century A.D. this period of preparation lasted three years. Doctrines were taught during this time, and required evidences and signs of the depth of their committment. To partake of Communion, one had to be Baptized. As "catechumens" believers as yet unbaptized were permitted to worship with the Congregation, but before the Communion was given, they were dismissed.

Baptism by these groups came to be administere once a year on Resurrection Sunday. The catechumens fasted Friday and Saturday and were Baptized that early Resurrection Sunday morning.

Upon Full Immersion (or if much "living water" [water flowing naturally by an ingress and an egress] was not available, then water was poured over the head three times in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit), after emerging from the water, the newly Baptized were given white robes to wear as the sign of their New Life in Christ (Colossian 3:9-12; Revelation 3:4). They were given pure water to drink as the sign they were completely cleansed outside as well as inside, and were annointed with oil as a sign they were now members of the Royal Priesthood. They were then given milk and honey as the sign of the Promised Land (The Kingdom of G-d) they were now entering by Faith.


Charlesworth, James A. The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha. Volume II, New York. Doubleday. 1985.

Gonzalez, Justo L. The Story of Christianity. Peabody, Massachusetts. Prince Press. 1999.

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