The believer must base everything they do upon Faith. Faith is the bedrock of our Foundation. No other system of thought can replace it.

Someone doesn't think so? Look at these verses:

...for without Faith it is impossible to please G-d. Hebrews 11:6

...for whatsoever is not of Faith is sin. Romans 14:23



Believers in Yeshua (Jesus) are Commanded to:

Let This Mind be in you, as was also in Christ Jesus:... Philippians 2:5

Yet, the King James Version and many other versions say:

"Come let us REASON together, Saith the L-RD." Isaiah 1:18

"Reasoning together" seems to support mans' ability to "reason" on his own with G-d? This would mean that man might have the ability (the Humanistic Ideal) based on using his "reason" alone to figure out G-d independently? This is the argument many consistently use.

Indeed it would! But let's look closer!

Guess what? That is NOT what the original languages say! In both the Hebrew Masoretic Text (MT) and the Greek Septuagint (LXX) there is a different word than "reason" in Isaiah 1:18!

The same word is found in Job 9:33 and it is not translated "reason" there, but rather has the meaning of entering into agreement WITH G-ds' Absolutes concerning His Judgments and NOT that man has an "independent, autonomous ability of human reason" in his own fallen fleshly intellectual power to be able to bring G-d into question or establish absolutes on his own using his "reason" as Socrates taught, and as is STILL taught today in their "halls of learning".

In the Septuagint, Micah 6:2 also has this same word used, and there it is not translated properly as "reason" either. Humanists, both secular and Christian, continue to use Isaiah 1:18 to "validate" the "Socratic Ideal" while the Apostle Paul totally refuted the Greek Socratic Ideal, Humanistic philosophy and all thinking based on "human logic" or "human reason"!

Human reason is the main tool used by Humanists to displace Faith as our sole Foundation. They seek to place "the godddess of Reason" on the "throne of their minds", and in our minds also if we will let them!


Reason, however, has been thouroughly debunked as a system in every generation, but Humanistic man will not give it up! It is all he has! Here are even more examples of reason being defeated:

Paul defeats Socrates HERE.

Hume defeats Deism and Lockes' ideal of Empiricism based on 16th-Century "Pure Reason" HERE. Humanistic mans' term "Natures' God" bears no real resemblance to the G-d of the Bible.

Even secular philosophy now confirms that "reason" is not valid by means of Postmodernism HERE.

We could go on and on. When will believers wake up?


We are told that the Churches are the place where we are to learn "religious" things. Does your Church teach how to implement Divine Faith? Is the Gift of Divine Faith-in-Thinking no longer taught? Has it been Ignored? Forgotten? Put it this way: Has any other system of thinking been substituted FOR your Divine Faith? Does your Church warn you about these other systems?


Instead, Believers should should start focusing on their "Faith Quotient" NOT some humanly devised "Intelligence Quotient". People can talk all day long in terms of "facts", but where is Faith?


Many now ask, "Is there or was there ever a Correct Way to Think using our Divine Faith at all?" The Scriptures clearly state that there IS, and ALSO Reveal other substitutionary systems in operation in the world, and that the world keeps on attempting to place OVER our Gift of Divine Faith. Let's take a look at the Scriptures, Divine Faith, and these other competing systems or world-views and how they continue to operate:

The Scriptures Say that we are to have our Minds "Stayed" on The L-RD, "Forever".

"Thou wilt Keep him in Perfect Peace whose Mind is Stayed on Thee because he Trusteth in Thee. Trust ye in the L-RD Forever, for in the L-RD G-D is Everlasting Strength." Isaiah 26:3,4

Our thinking is to begin with Fully Trusting in G-D. He has Provided a Way for us to Think. He has not abandoned us to whatever methods of thinking the world, Humanistic men or unregenerate men have to offer. This is further examined HERE

The Four Ways of Thinking [1]

Divine Faith

Rationalism [2]

Empiricism [3]

The Law [4]

Divine Faith is the Only System of Thought Authorized in the New Testament for the Regenerate

Divine Faith in the Regenerate [5]

Divine Faith is our Sole Principle of Thinking:

"...but the Just shall live by Faith." Habakkuk 2:4, Hebrews 10:38

"...for without Faith, it is impossible to please Him." Hebrews 11:6

"For whatsoever is not of Faith is sin." Romans 14:23

Divine Faith (Trusting in G-D with Patience and Inheriting the Promises) in the Regenerate man is described in Hebrews 6:12 and 11:1.

"That you be not slothful, but followers of them who through Faith and Patience Inherit the Promises."

"Now Faith is the Substance of Things Hoped for, the Evidence of Things not seen. For by It, the Elders (the Biblical saints that preceded us) Obtained a Good Report."

All of our Thinking is to Rest Securely in this Gift of Faith Given to us by G-D. Ephesians 2:8,9

Avraham Obtained the Promise after he Patiently Endured in Faith.

"And so, after he (Avraham) had patiently endured, he Obtained the Promise." Hebrews 6:15

Whatever opposes our Faith, fear, doubt, worry, anxiety, is to be "cast on the L-RD".

"Casting all your care upon Him, For He Careth For you." I Peter 5:7

Beginning with Faith and Patience; Hope and Charity (Love), and the Virtues and Nobility are Added. This is our True Goal and the Biblical Ideal. Hebrews 6:12

Hope is "elpis" in the Koine Greek, which actually means "Confidence". The unregenerate man also has a type of "confidence", but his confidence is said to be in "the flesh", or human works\ability. Self takes the credit. This of course, is the foundation of all HUMANISM down through the centuries right up to our own day.

In the Regenerate however, Hope or Confidence is Believing and Trusting in G-D to Keep His Promises. We are told to Expropriate His Promises by Faith, and to "Enter His Rest" that is Directly Connected to Trusting in Him:

"Let us therefore fear, lest a Promise being left us of Entering into His Rest any of you should seem to come short of it." Hebrews 4:1

In other words, there is a Blessing Connected to Fully Trusting in Yeshua HaMoshiach (Jesus the Messiah), which the Brit Chadashah (New Testament) Says is "Entering into His Rest". This is a "Spiritual Place" in the Realm of Faith in Moshiach that now Exists for us!

"...if they shall Enter into My Rest: although the Works were Finished from the Foundation of the world." Hebrews 4:3b [6]


The Gift of Faith that has been Given by G-D must be Pursued; even Rediscovered and Reimplemented as the Believers' Primary Goal and Sole Way of Thinking. [7], [8]

Implementation of this Faith-in-Thinking includes being Delivered from both offenses and offenders. Go HERE for more on this.



Water Baptism is very necessary is to have our CONSCIENCE Cleansed.

Also Partaking in the L-RDS' Supper (Communion) is very necessary.


"Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the Knowledge of G-d, and bringing into captivity every thought to the Obedience of Moshiach (Christ)." I Corinthians 10:5


"But ye, Beloved, building yourselves up on your Most Holy Faith, Praying in the Holy Ghost." Jude 20

For the Believer in this life, the highest application of Faith to experience is Seeking and Gaining Full Entrance to the KINGDOM OF G-D! This must have Top Priority.

"Nevertheless, when the Son of man cometh, shall He Find Faith on the earth?" Luke 18:8b


© Copyright 1999, 2000, 2001 People of G-d, Messianic Ministries, Inc. No reproduction or redistribution without the prior Written Consent and Approval of People of G-d.


[1] The Four Systems: These systems can be found within Regenerate and unregenerate man, all except the Sytem of Divine Faith. The unregenerate man does not possess Divine Faith as it is a Gift Given to the Elect only, with which each does Believe. Ephesians 2:8,9. Thwe unregenerate may have "humen faith" which is not the same, and cannot secure Salvation.

The Regenerate man is Energized by Grace Spiritually (Philippians 2:13) but must use them realizing in the Spirit that Divine Faith automatically has the Pre-eminence as the Base for every other system (especially the Law [Torah]), but the unregenerate man is said to be "in the flesh" (without Divine Faith) and uses human "faith" or ability to energize his systems. The Christian Humanist also reverts back to Socratic philosophy and assumes that Truth can be found using mans' reason. This is because man still seems to be enamoured with things Greco-Roman.

Men may also reject Faith to give themselves the credit, citing their "superior reason" or "intelligence".

There are also new "Laws" now in the New Testament. Some of these "Laws" are Faith, Hope and Love; but the greatest of these is Love. These are our "Spiritual Laws". Our Faith "Works by Love"; Galatians 5:6, and Love is a Commandment. It is called "The Law of Love" and fulfills all the Torah. Galatians 5:14. One of G-ds' Attributes Is Love. I John 4:8-16

"The Law of Love" does not abrogate the Torah as some falsely teach. See HERE.

[2] Rationalism: Best expressed by "Cogito ergo sum": "I think therefore I exist". Using intellectual "reasoning", logical development, etc., to base ones' decisions upon. When we say "Rationalism" in this context, we mean the Socratic Ideal of man seeking autonomy through this system, rejecting the Gift of Divine Faith as the Foundation putting mans' fallen intellect in its' place.

[3] Empiricism: This is "The Scientific Method". Nothing is accepted as "truth" or "law" unless the experiment can be reduplicated in a laboratory under precisely the same conditions. It is, however, loosely based upon the five senses as well as presuppositons, and therefore can be subjective. The experimenter uses data that agrees with his preconceived "theories" and many times ignores or disregards conflicting evidence. In the fianl analysis, since "modern thought" and the majority of colleges and universities have accepted the false belief that "there are no absolutes" as a First Premise, this only leads to Random Universe. Intellectual Meaninglessness for man. This in turn results in a dehumanizing effect with "Man as Machine" and mere Statistics as a substitute for "truth", which are subject to the inherent biases of whatever group happens to be in charge of the "latest poll".

[4]"For the Law (Torah) is not of Faith." Galatians 3:12. Let us take the Gentiles for instance. The Gentiles Laws are listed in Acts 21:25, but also can practice a form of "law" (Fruits of the Spirit) that coincide with what is in the Torah.

"For when the Gentiles, which have not law, by nature the things of the Law practice, these, having not law, to themselves are a law; who show the work of the Law written in their hearts, their conscience bearing witness with, and between one another the reasonings; accusing or also defending; in a Day when G-d Shall Judge the secrets of men, according to my Glad Tidings, by Jesus Christ." Romans 1:14,15

The Apostle Paul speaks of several "laws" in operation in the New Testament and the "Law" that Paul is referring to here is the Law of Faith which affirms the Fruits of the Spirit also found in the Torah. We see this from Romans 1:13; 2:4-5. Also this passage:

"Where then the boasting? It was excluded. Through what Law? of works? No, but through A Law of Faith." Romans 3:27

[5] Faith in the unregenerate man: Most unregenerate men possesses "human faith". That would be for instance, the faith that a foreign country exists because one studies a map never having been there. The unregenerate man is only left with giving credit to self. He is said to be "in the flesh". An example of man "taking the credit" might be the elevation of mans' "Self Esteem" instead of Giving the Glory to G-D our Creator and Thanking Him instead of giving credit to ourselves. Socrates carried this a step further in his debates with the Sophists, and stated that man must place this intellectual faith solely in his own reason. This is consistent with all the modern-day philosophy of Humanism. The Apostle Paul clearly states that before OR after Salvation, "the flesh" possesses "no good thing". Romans 7:18. For Humanists, both secular and Christian, Divine Faith is either wholly or partially rejected as the Foundation, and mans' reasoning ability is put in its' place. Only that which is "reasonable" or demonstrable can be considered, and it is that which his human faith believes in; following Socrates again. The Bible is removed as the Absolute Standard at some point because sooner or later mans' reason overrules it as being "not reasonable" so he changes the interpretation of the Divine Absolute to suit his own presuppositions. For some, the Brit Chadashah (New Testament) is "not reasonable" when it is compared to the Older Testament. In this case, certain ones would attempt to alter or retranslate the New Testament emphasizing their own presuppositions to give the Older Testament authority over the New, and so change G-ds' Word. This is seen in the case of what the New Testament calls "Judaizers". A review of the Melchetzaddik Covenant clearly demonstrates that our Covenant is Better than what Judaizers attempt to falsely teach. The Torah is still "holy, just and good", but is designed as a Schoolmaster to bring the individual to the New Covenant in Yeshua, and our Covenant has Authority over all other Covenants.

[6] Some have suggested that "Entering into His Rest" merely means the Observance of Shabbat, and that should the Israelites have Observed it, they would have entered in then and there; but the Israelites DID Observe Shabbat!

"So the people rested on the seventh day." Exodus 16:30

Plainly, the New Testament says that they did not Enter into His Rest. Yet they did Observe the Sabbath? So the New Testament is referring to another Place Entered into: Faith in Him, our Divine Sabbath of Faith in Moshiach! We know this from the New Testament: there Is a Better Thing Prepared for us:

"And these all, having been borne Witness to through Faith, did not Receive the Promise, G-D something Better having Foreseen, that not apart from us should they be Made Perfect." Hebrews 11:39,40


[7] The Grace Gift of Divine Faith and all of our Thinking must be joined together: James Chapter 2:14-17

"What profit, my brethren (James is speaking to Saved individuals here), if someone has faith but does not have works? Can faith Save him? If a brother or a sister is naked and destitute of daily food, and one of them says to them, 'Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,' but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what profit? Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead."

The Apostle James is teaching that those that claim to be believers, but have an incorrect Application not derived totally from Grace (Philippians 2:13), can be said to be manifesting only "human" or "unregenerate faith" and not the Gift of Divine Faith which would have recognizable Production acceptable to G-d. This would be the Production of the Fruits of the Spirit, for:

"Because the Law worketh wrath..." Romans 4:15

It is G-ds' Grace System and His Work, not ours at any point. This is the "gold silver and precious stones" versus the "wood, hay and stubble" (I Corinthians 3:12). Foundationally therefore, The Gift of Divine Faith-in-Thinking, Given by Grace, must be of Primary Importance for every Believer. We must realize that It has been Given in Grace as a Vital Part of our Salvation, and we are Commanded to Excersize It in every area of our lives.

[8] The Regenerate man sometimes falsely believes that Grace is not important as far as "Entering into His Rest", but depends upon his own human works\ability. This is the introduction of the Humanistic element into the Faith, and where the "Law Observer" becomes Humanistic. It will not work. It results in the individual not Entering, because he "sought it not by Faith", that is, not wholly by the Grace Gift of Divine Faith, but only by "human faith" or a Humanistic understanding.

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