Talmud Declares Samaritan Scriptures False

Talmud - Mas. Sotah 33b


"HOW WERE THE BLESSINGS AND CURSES [PRONOUNCED]? WHEN ISRAEL CROSSED THE JORDAN etc. Our Rabbis taught: Are they not beyond Jordan? [This means] on the other side of the Jordan and beyond; such is the statement of R. Judah. Behind the way of the coming of the sun — the place where the sun dawns. In the land of the Canaanites which dwell in the Arabah — i.e., mount Gerizim and mount Ebal where the Cutheans dwell. Over against Gilgal — [this means] near Gilgal. Beside the terebinths of Moreh — [this means] Shechem. Elsewhere it states: And Abram passed through the land unto the place of Shechem unto the terebinth of Moreh; as the terebinth of Moreh mentioned in this latter verse is Shechem, so in the former verse it means Shechem.

"It has been taught: R. Eleazar son of R. Jose said: In this connection I proved the Samaritan Scriptures to be false. I said to them, ‘You have falsified your Torah but you gained nothing thereby. You declare that ‘the terebinths of Moreh’ means Shechem; we too admit that ‘the terebinths of Moreh’ means Shechem. We learnt this by an inference from analogy; but how have you learnt it!’

"R. Eleazar said: ‘Are they not beyond the Jordan’? [This means] near the Jordan; because if it signified on the other side of the Jordan and beyond, is it not written: And it shall be when ye are passed over Jordan! ‘Behind the way of the coming of the sun’ — [this means] the place where the sun sets. ‘In the land of the Canaanites’ — i.e., the land of the Hivites. ‘Which dwell in the Arabah’ — but do they not dwell among mountains and hills! ‘Over against Gilgal’ — but they could not see Gilgal! — R. Eliezer b. Jacob says: Scripture has here only the intention of pointing out to them the route for the second [part of the journey] as it had pointed out to them the route for the first [part of the journey]. ‘The way’ — [this means], Proceed along the high-road and not through fields and vineyards. ‘Which dwell’ — [this means], Pass through inhabited territory and not through deserts. ‘In the Arabah’ — [this means], Pass through the plain and not through mountains and hills.

"Our Rabbis taught: How did Israel cross the Jordan? Each day [during the journey in the wilderness] the ark journeyed behind two standards, but on this day [of crossing] it journeyed in front; as it is said: Behold, the ark of the covenant of the L-rd of all the earth passeth over before you. Each day the Levites carried the ark, but on this day the priests carried it; as it is said: And it shall come to pass, when the soles of the feet of the priests that bear the ark of the L-rd etc. — It has been taught: R. Jose says: On three occasions the priests carried the ark: when they crossed the Jordan, when they walked round Jericho, and when they deposited it in its place."

It should also be known that there were Texts corresponding to the Samaritan Scriptures found in the caves at Qumran. This may indicate another point of deep disagreement between rabbinic Judaism and those connected with the Manuscripts deposited in the caves.

There is no evidence of a "Canon of Scripture" from what was found at Qumran. The above Ruling from the Talmud with its' rejection of the Samaritan Scriptures, means that because these Scriptures were found in the caves at Qumran, it seems to discount the theory that they were "secretly transported" from the Holy Temple in Jerusalem "by Pharisees or Sadducees" prior to the destruction of Jerusalem.

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