Pawnee Christian

Online edition of Weekly Newsletter

6th & Elm  P. O. Box 207 
Pawnee, Oklahoma 74058
Newsletter published 52 weeks a year
Pastor Tom Scott
Volume XXVIII, Number 33 --  August 24, 2003


Greetings, sisters and brothers, We invite you to join us church this week!

After the VW shop finished making the corrections in Ann's VW recall, I went to the Christian Bookstore in Tulsa to pick up some more communion cups.  While I was there I walked around to see what was new.

One of the items that caught my eye was a necklace with something dangling down from it.  I couldn't make out what it was so I went to investigate.

The closer I walked towards it the more I couldn't figure out what it was.  Finally I realized that it was armor hanging down at the end of the necklace.  I thought to myself, now who might wear that.

Of course, I know the passage from Paul talking about wearing our armor, but it is not physical armor he was talking about, rather spiritual armor.

Who know, maybe we should wear armor around our neck to remind us that God does protect and keep us.

It's interesting, however, that after that experience I remember that one of this week's lectionary texts is Paul's words talking about armor, so ….

We hope that you will join us as we look at Spiritual Armor and what it means to each one of us!


Pastor Tom

THANKS FOR THE Fellowship Activity

We would like to thank the membership team this past Sunday for our "Back to School" fellowship Pot-luck dinner.  It was amazing how good the food was considering that the minister suggested we bring foods that we ate at school.  There was macaroni and cheeses, salads, cookies, which we did have in school.  But the minister said he never remember having potato salads.

Thanks to all who shared in the day and we look forward to next month's activity that will tempt our taste buds with foods with an international taste!

[That was the week that was]

This past week was certainly eventful.  Surgeries, hospital trips, white coat ceremonies, doctor's visits and a train wreck was just a part of what happened in the life of our members the past seven days.

We want to report that Hollis Adams is doing as well as can be expected and better following his car/train crash last Thursday afternoon.  Although he will still be in the hospital for a while, most of the tubes are out and he is nicely recovering at this point (Monday Morning).  We look forward to the week only being better for Hollis.  We as that you continue your prayers for his quick return to health and Pawnee.

More information of TWTWTW continues on the next page!

"It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ!"
- Patrick Henry
News from the Pews

        In addition to the TWTWTW on the previous page, we also have others we ask for prayers.  Lawrence Smalley will have more tests and hopefully surgery soon to remove the cancer on his left temple.  Please pray for Lawrence… Steve Gibson who had tests ran last week will continue to have more tests the first part of this week to determine the course of action, we also ask that you pray for Steve and Karen.. This past week Margretta Butterbaugh had some surgery and we pray that all will be well very soon for Margretta.  Please pray for Margretta and Jack… Luther Wheeler also had surgery this past week and the doctor said that things went very well (although he somehow received a cracked rib in the process which can be very painful).  Please pray for Luther and Donna and that he will soon be back in Pawnee and that all will continue to go well for them… We began the parking lot process this past week.  Drain lines were found and determined to still be working, plans were formulated as to how we can best serve the needs of the city as well as our own.  There will be work this week getting everything ready for the asphalt to be laid next week.  So we will have just one more week of a mess and then things should be "looking good."  We want to thank everyone who has offered to help… At the board meeting last week among the business discussed was our Pastor's vacation schedule.  He will take a week in September and Ted Harp will preach.  He will take the last week of his vacation in October (in two installments).  In October he will be gone on Sunday the 19th.  During this time of vacation he will again represent our congregation as he will preach at the Sunday morning worship service for Oktoberfest in the city of Tulsa.  Like last year, he will need a couple of elders and others to help with the communion portion of this service, if you would like to share in this event, please let Pastor Tom know.


Again we want to remind all of our youth in grade 6-12 that the youth group will begin meeting on September 7, 2003.  Trinity Brown and Kelly Bryant did a great job representing our church in this joint venture with the Methodist Church.  Trinity headed the group and will again this year.  We ask that not only do our youth support this group, but may all of us lend a helping hand whenever asked.

Worship Committee Meeting

There will be a meeting of the worship committee on Wednesday, August 29th at 6:15 P.M.  All members of the committee are encouraged to attend


Choir has returned and will be meeting at 7:00 P.M. on all Wednesdays EXCEPT the second Wednesday of the month due to the board meeting when they will meet at 6:30 PM.

Parking lot

The entrance to the parking lot on the north (and east) side of the church may still be torn up this Sunday.  You can still get into the east parking lot via the alley on the south side of the church.  Hopefully the parking lot will be asphalted by the next Sunday.

Fellowship Dinner Schedule for the Rest of the Year

September 14  - Potluck lunch fellowship meal with theme of Foreign Foods – TEAM: Ted and Janice Harp, Loran and Suzanne Zweiacker, Marshall and Barbara Hudgins

October 26 – Evening Potluck fellowship meal with harvest theme and children trick and treating in various rooms – TEAM: Steve and Karen Gibson, Marty and Tobi Wilson, Mike and Tina Godberson

November 23 – Evening Thanksgiving Dinner TEAM: Diane Heisler

December 14 – Potluck lunch fellowship meal of finger foods – TEAM:

      As you can see each month for the rest of the year has a fellowship activity, also PLEASE NOTE:  we need team members, especially for the months of NOVERMBER and DECEMBER.  If you would like to volunteer to be a team member, contact the Harps.  We hope that you will mark thee dates on your calendars and join us.

August 2003 Plan
August Communion: Diane Heisler, Khris Douglas


24 – Janice Bryant, Ted Harp
31 – Janice Bryant, Ted Harp
24 – Judy Griesel, Janice Harp,  Bill Griesel, LeAnn LaBron
31 – Barbara Hudgins, Chris Battles,  Daniel Burnes, Geoff Roughface
Shut-in Communion:
24 – Cheryl Bryant, Michele Low
31 – Jarrett Maltsberger, Lore Burchette
Worship Leaders
24 – Mark Burchette
31 – Valerie Low
Candle Lighters:
24 – Darrell Low Family
31  - Austin Banning Family

SOS FUND is needing YOUR help!!!
The electricity bill is climbing as the days of summer continue to fall upon us.  To keep the church comfortable for everyone we need help with the bill.  Please make it a priority on your list to donate to the SOS fund on Sunday.  Lets all work together.

If you have comments or suggestions, email uw at

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