Pawnee Christian

E-Text of Weekly Newsletter

6th & Elm  P. O. Box 207 
Pawnee, Oklahoma 74058
Newsletter published 52 weeks a year
Pastor Tom Scott
Volume XXIV, Number 48 --  November 28, 1999



Greetings, sisters and brothers, We invite you to join us for our First Sunday of Advent Service this week.

Although we hear all about how on January 1 a new millennium begins. Not all cultures see it this way.

For the Church, the time of Advent (which means "coming") signals the start of the new church year.  So, when does the new (church) year begin -- this Sunday, not January 1st.

Initially this season of Advent meant a celebration of the coming of Christ into the world.  It was a time of musical and dramatic performances grounded in biblical stories and prophecies of the Birth of Christ in Bethlehem.  It was a time when homes had an evergreen wreath.  Each week the people added  additional candles until just before Christmas Day there were four candles lit.

Later the church added a second theme of advent (coming).  This was the celebration of Christ Second Coming at the end of time. These themes give this time in the church a peculiar tension between the joy of His birth and the penitence of His return.

We hope that you join us Sunday to begin this year's season of Advent.  We hope that you also join us this Friday when we decorate the church for this glorious season.

                     Pastor Tom

          Thank You Very Much!

It was one the greatest Thanksgiving Dinners in our history! Although counting that many people is difficult, it appears that we had nearly 100 in attendance at this years’ Thanksgiving Dinner.  There was so much food we didn’t see anyone leaving looking hungry.

We want to thank the membership committee and everyone who had a hand in the dinner – from the cooks to the cleanup.

In addition to the dinner, the community service was well attended!  Some of the ministers estimated 400 at this service.  As for our part, it looks like more than 1 out of 3 who attended our dinner, also attended the service.  This was one of our best showing in years as well.  THANKS!

First Christian Church, Pawnee, Oklahoma appears to be VERY THANKFUL for the many blessings this year.  We are thankful for the success of both events and your part in this!

Guild Christmas Sale

Calling all women and men of the church.  The Guild hopes that you will be a part of their bake good and craft sale on Dec. 4.  We need every family to make something for this sale.  Please bring baked and/or craft items to Hillcrest Pharmacy on that morning by 8:30 a.m.  They also need plastic sacks, so if you have spare ones around the house, please bring them to the church this Sunday.  Helpers are needed to be at the church from 8:30 until the end of the sale!

Faith is believing what we cannot prove.
Updating some of our members and friends: Virgil Malone continues his rehab in Tulsa.  Word is that they are keeping him busy walking and doing other physical therapy.  Ruth Tague’s brother is in the hospital in Oklahoma City, word mid-last week was a bit somber, but by this past Sunday evening the word was drastically better.   Craig Jensen is about to finished his IV-treatment and hopefully will return to Pawnee later this week.  Bonnie Riemer is going to go to Houston for a “mini-bone marrow” transplant.  We ask that you keep these and others you know in your prayers.   …   We saw a number of old familiar faces at our Thanksgiving Dinner, some faces we haven’t seen in a while.  It was good to catch-up with where they have been and are going. . . . If you did not attend the Community Service, you missed the most energetic service we have had in years.  . . .  The contractor and sub-contractors will be in our building on Tuesday, November 30th to take care of a number of problems that we have discovered in the 10 months that we have been back in the building. . .WE WISH YOU A HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

Sign-up for Pictorial Directory

If you do not have a time for your picture in our pictorial director, please call Pastor Tom at home to let him know that you want a time.   If you have sign-up, please remember to be here at that time. We want things to go smoothly on next Tuesday and Wednesday.

Thanksgiving Offering

We had set a goal of at least $350 for our Thanksgiving Offering.  At the end of the second Sunday to receive this offering, we raised $188.  We have ONE Sunday left to make our GOAL and we are $112 short!  Surely we are not going to fall short in our efforts to help those beyond our own church. We are all part of the body of Christ, so let us help our sisters and brothers.

Christmas Eve Service

Don’t forget about the Christmas Eve Candle light service on the 24th of December starting at 11:00 p.m.!

November 1999 Plan

Elders: D. Jo Ferguson, Steve Strode
Communion:  Karen Gibson, Ann Scott, Janice Harp
      28-Barbara Hudgins, Ann Seeliger, Jim Wilkerson, Les Crocker, Jr. Deacons
Shutin Communion:
     28-Steve Gibson and Bill Adams
     28-Ann Seeliger, Jennifer Lyons
Worship Leaders:
     28-Austin Banning
Candle Lighters:
     28-Kayla Lyons, Jennifer Low
Nursery Attendant
     28-LeAnn LaBron


For our Church’s Christmas Program this year we are going to have a special program/worship service on Sunday, December 12th during the morning worship time.  We currently have several individual/groups working on items for this event.  However, we are still looking for individuals/groups to participate.  If you would like to sing a song, recite a poem, give a reading, play an instrument, etc.  please contact Pastor Tom as soon as possible so that we can finalize this service.  After the service we will have a “pitch-in” luncheon with a tasting party.  Now a pitch-in luncheon is kind of like a pot-luck dinner, only not as formal.  You are asked to bring lunch items (sandwiches to spaghetti to ????), enough for your family and a little more.  We then “spread” this out on the tables and everyone can share a bit in the meal items.  Then for dessert you are asked to bring some Christmas goodie item (again enough for your family and a little more).  These items could be cookies, fudge, pies, cakes, candies, to ???).  With this being nearly 2 weeks before Christmas we hope that everyone will be able to attend the Christmas Activity.

If you have comments or suggestions, email me at

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