Minister:                 Rev. Tom Scott
        Secretary:               Jessica Scott
        Custodian:                Vonda Brensing
        Children's ministry:      Daniel Burnes; Jillian Zweiacker

2003 Officers of the Board
        Chair    Janice Bryant
        Vice-Chair   Bill Griesel
        Secretary   Marianne Denny
        Treasurer   Marianne Denny
        Financial Secretary  Velma Stokes
        Chair of Elders   Cheryl Bryant
        Chair of Deacons  Michele Low

2003 Committee Assignments

        Christian Education:   Ann Scott, Chandra Battles
        Finance:    Kelly Douglas
        Property:    Mark Burchette, Steve Gibson
        Membership:    Ted and Janice Harp
        Personnel:   Vice-Chair of Board, Chairs of Elders and Deacons, 2 at large members
        Worship:    Pam Ferguson
        Youth:     Trinity Brown, Pastor Tom

If you have comments or suggestions, email me at

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last update July 14, 2003