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promoting genealogical research related to the surname NORWOOD.

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The NORWOODs are believed to have originated in the county of Kent, England, where Sir Stephen de Northwode (bef 1177-1231), son of Jordan of Sheppey1, first adopted the Norman-style surname, descriptive of the north woods of his estate on the "Island of Sheep."

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The Norwoods who immigrated to North America in the seventeenth century include:

Francis Norwood, who first appears on Cape Ann, Massachusetts, in 1657.

William Norwood, who settled in Virginia in 1648.

Captain John Norwood, who arrived in Virginia and settled in Maryland by 1650.

Richard Norwood, the first surveyor of Bermuda, settled on that island in 1622.

Descendants of these four men and their wives have spread out in North America, moving westward with the expansion of the United States and Canada, and may be found today in most states and provinces. A Richard Norwood died in Boston, Massachusetts, in 1644, but we know nothing of his origins or progeny. Other Norwoods have come to the new world at other times, and some families have adopted the name Norwood.

In addition to the Norwood families of the the thirteen original American colonies and Canada, are those who remained in England and those of Ireland, Australia, and perhaps other countries. This web page has been designed to serve those with an interest in the Norwood family, from whatever line they may descend, wherever they may live; and all are invited to make additions and corrections to the information contained here.

Enjoy your visit and please sign my guest book before you leave.

Thank you for coming.

Dick Norwood


By G. Marion Norwood Callam
Prepared by Pat Crewe

Do check the guest book, because many visitors leave their lines of descent, and you may find a contact to aid in your family research.

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Thanks to Kitty and Neil Crowley, Design Consultants

If you have other information you would like to contribute to this site, please send it to me at my e-mail address, and I will add it to the appropriate page. All data pertaining to the Norwood surname will be welcome, including your own line of descent, images, stories, etc. If you have data, such as will transcripts, obituaries, deeds, biographies, Bible records, or pensions, please use the GenConnect link and submit them there. You can also submit queries to GenConnect*, but you might like to use the guestbook at this site for queries too. If you have a query for me specifically, please send it to me via e-mail. The Norwood-L mailing list is a good place to exchange information and pose questions. Send your messages to:

--87 subscribers as of 26 August 2007--


The tree in the background is a 300-year-old Beech planted by Francis Norwood at Seven Acres in Gloucester, Massachusetts.
Photo courtesy of James G. Dempsey.

1. According to the work of G. Marion Norwood Callam of England, "Jordanus de Sheppey's son Stephen was born towards the end of the eleventh century"(24) and "Late in life Jordanus married Cicely, daughter of Wlmar [sic], by whom he had two sons, William and Stephen" (22). It should be noted that these relationships are documented in English records, and that these early Norwoods in Kent were landed nobility, who served the crown and endowed local monasteries and convents, so records are abundant. However, Jordanus de Sheppey has been identified as a son of Harold II, Alnod (or Wulfnoth or Ulf) Cild. This Wulfnoth was the youngest son of Harold and Edith Swanneshals, namesake of his great grandfather. According to Ian Walker's biography of Harold, Harold's sons were beginning to come of age by 1066, so Wulfnoth probably reached 20 by around 1076 or so. Little is known about Harold's children in any case, and I haven't seen any reference to Wulfnoth's life after the Conquest. Regardless and my point here: if Stephen de Northwode was born around 1177 (which is not the end of the 11th century), he was not a grandson of Harold II. Jordanus de Sheppey may have been. James G. Dempsey has done independent research in the primary English sources, and his work, Norwood-Northwood families of Kent, Warwickshire, and Gloucestershire, should be consulted as well when researching early Norwoods.

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This page was updated 06 March 2008.

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