Darrell's Web Site

Table of Contents

FYI: When you go to any of the pages below your browser will open a new window and when your through viewing that page if you will close the window, this page will be waiting and you will not have to load it again.

(For details see next table below)
  1. Go to my Home Page
  2. Meet me & See Pictures of my family (slow loading)
  3. Today's Bible Verse
  4. JESUS did this for you!
  5. The Committed Christian... for Christians only!
  6. Some Great Links Christian/Optical & Others
  7. Go to the Stubborn Button Page... careful!
  8. Y2K, Prelude To Chaos or Media Hype was a page to help us get thru the year 2000 and is no longer needed!
  9. Learn about my Church
  10. Hear Music from our Church Services (with pictures)
  11. Hear Preaching from our Church Services (with pictures) This page is under construction AND will be back online soon.
  12. Search the KJV Bible by Chapter/verse or keyword
  13. God's Plan of Salvation
  14. My Faith... how did we get here and why
  15. Surf Chattanooga, Tennessee!! Where I live!
  16. History of Chattanooga, Tennessee!! Where I live!
  17. Visit My Tenneessee Links Page
  18. Useless Facts!
  19. The Visit... for Christians only!
  20. Popular Optical Sites and Email Addresses (lots of em!)
  21. My Optical Work..learn about making eyeglasses
  22. Meet Don Mingo (slow loading)
  23. The Indians of Regeneration Reservation (slow loading)
  24. Which Bible should I be using? by Mickey Williams
  25. It's time to "Smile"

Content of Pages
  1. Visit My Home Page and see some of what this site is all about. From this page you may move to all major pages by following the Link Box at the bottom of the page. This Link Box is found on each page of my site or you may visit my site from this "contents" page.

  2. Just so you can learn a little about me and see pictures of my family I set up my Personal Page. There is even a RealAudio message from me.

  3. How about a Bible Verse for Today? Maybe this is the one God has for your heart today!

  4. Please make every effort to go here to see what JESUS did for me! Most people find this page very touching and I think you will also. (Please make sure your sound is on!)

  5. For all you Christians out there I have this Encouragement page designed to be viewed by COMMITTED Christians only! (However if any of the rest of you care to take a look it might make you wonder what's real and what's not??)

  6. I have a Links page that I hope you will visit after you've had a chance to spend some time on my site. There are links to Christian Sites that I enjoy visiting and some links to Optical Pages because I am in the Wholesale Optical Business. There are other links also, a ton of links but I hope you'll spend some time here first.

  7. This is just a little Fun Page that I got a kick out of and thought it might be good for a laugh!

  8. I am concerned about Y2K and if you would like to learn a little or a lot about it go to "Ted Derryberry's Y2K Links" or to "Y2K, Prelude To Chaos or Media Hype?", as I have found both sites are loaded with good information! We no longer need these pages so I have removed the links. I do thank the authors for the help they gave us during this time.

  9. My Church page is probably the most important page on my site. Please visit here and learn a little about where I worship. I have the starting times for our Services and a little about what we believe. There are pictures of the staff and a tool to do a Bible search with. There is even a link to hear the Bible read by Alexander Scourby, you may choose any book of the Bible and listen as long as you like. I would also like to invite you to visit our Church anytime you can and you will see for yourself why I think God has blessed me so greatly by allowing me to worship Him at Calvary Baptist Church!

  10. To hear Richard Floyd, our Music Director, our Choir and others of our church sing please visit My Church Music page! There are recordings taken right out of our Worship Services and converted to RealAudio to give you an idea of the type of music we enjoy. God has really blessed our Church with some wonderful singers who love God and want to serve Him with their music. They are a real Blessing to me and I would really like to share this blessing with you! (Note: You will need RealPlayer to hear this music but if you don't have it don't worry because you may download a FREE version from any of my pages that have music on them! So go and enjoy!) Please let me know if you have any problems listening and maybe I can help you via email!

    To hear my pastor on RealAudio please visit my Preaching the Word page! This will give you a sample of the kind of preaching we hear every service at Calvary. You will need the same RealPlayer discussed above to hear this message. Please let me know what you think of his message and send him a word of encouragement if you believe that he's preaching the truth of God's Word!

  12. This is a great tool for Searching the KJV Bible by Chapter/verse or keyword. When you type in a word all the verses that contain that word come up.

  13. If your not a Christian but have wondered what it's all about or if you've wanted to ask questions about being "saved" but haven't been able to do that then this is the page for you! Or if your a Christian but have doubts then check out my SALVATION page! This is "God's Simple Plan of Salvation" that can change your life forever just like it has done for millions of men, women and children the world over! Please don't miss this page.

  14. Why are we here on earth? What purpose does our life serve here? What do we need to be happy and content in our life? Why do some people seem to be happy and full of joy while others are doomed to sadness and disappointment? I believe there is a key to happiness! To see what I'm talking about please visit my FAITH page. This is what I am persuaded life is all about.

  15. Hey! Check out Chattanooga, Tennessee my home town! This site will give you enough information to make you want to come for a real vist. This is where I've lived since 1964 and I don't want to move too far from downtown!

  16. For a brief look at the History of Chattanooga from 1540 to the present, check out this page!

  17. This is the state I was born in... half way between Chattanooga and Knoxville, Tenneessee, and here are some links to information about my favorite state (Home of the Volunteers, National Football Champions, 1998!).

  18. Now here's some Useless Facts that I found and thought you might need sometime.... hmmm, but if you need them they are not useless anymore???.... so should I change the name to... nah!

  19. Now here's a thought provoking page concerning "The Visit"... for Christians only! Take a look and see how your life fits in the picture.

  20. My Optical Work..learn about the company I work for and a little about how we make eyeglasses for your Doctor or Dispensary!

  21. Meet Don Mingo (slow loading) a friend of mine who is in full time service to the Lord. You will enjoy reading about how he moved from the dark side of life and into God's light!

  22. The Indians of Regeneration Reservation (slow loading) are in need of our help, please take time to read about this mission in our own country!

  23. Which Bible should I be using? by Mickey Williams. Mickey took the time to research for himself and these are his conclusions about the different versions of the Bible. If you take the time to read about what he found it will clear up some misconceptions about God's Word.

  24. It's time to "Smile" Check this page as a friendly reminder!


I'm sorry to say I cannot always approve of the banner listed below!