""What I Believe"

I Believe God!

My Faith Is In God!

I am surprised by the number of people who have little or no concept of who God is! I talk with people right here in Chattanooga who say they believe there is a God but do not want a relationship with Him and they don't believe the Bible is His Word. They say it's a great book and you can learn some wonderful lessons about life from it but it's not inspired by God.

Fact or Theory?

I wonder if we are not being misled by the presentation of the theories of the scientific world as to how we got here and where we are going. These theories are presented as though they are facts. Watching the explanation of the "big bang" theory on television I never once heard them say if this theory is true such and such happened. Instead they say that such and such happened just as if they have facts that show it happened and we never seem to question them. If we did we would find they have no facts but only theory. I'm not here to debate the "big bang theory" but to share with you that even if I were convinced it were true it would offer no comfort to me in times of trial and heartache. I need something that will ease the pain when I've lost a loved one or when my uncle tells me he has cancer and only a little time to live. I need someone I can turn to and get relief. I need someone who can help me in my daily life at home with my family and at work, wherever I go each day. That’s where my Faith in God comes into play.

My Faith In God!

I don't just call upon God when I'm having times of trouble but I try to walk with Him each day. You see God is not some mystical spirit in some far off place but He is one who seeks and desires fellowship with each of us. I am persuaded that the Bible is His Word and that He speaks to us through it. The Bible tells me that God is Love! He loves us and wants only the best for us. He has the power to force us to love Him and follow Him but His desire is for us to come to Him on our own and He will not force us. From my own experiences I can tell you that He does offer comfort and security when you trust Him and try to follow him. I have experienced life without Him and there is a peace and comfort in Him that I could never have without Him. If you have read this far I assume you have some interest in what I am sharing with you so I would like to tell you more about what I believe about God and why I think He should be an important part of each of our lives.

In The Beginning.

I am persuaded that God is Eternal… that is that He has always been and always will be! In our minds, where time is so important and we never seem to have enough of it, we cannot conceive of eternity, but God can and He has a plan for us in eternity. In the beginning of time God Created everything that is, excluding nothing. He Created the heavens and the earth and everything in them and it was good. But God had a master plan and it included us so He created Adam… the first man and put him on Earth. As the crown of His creation He gave him control over all the animals and everything He had created. And God walked with Adam and they had fellowship together in the Garden of Eden, where Adam lived. As time passed Adam (who was a very intelligent man) noticed that each of the animals had mates… they came in pairs, male and female. So God decided that Adam needed a wife and He created Eve from one of Adams ribs. They were very happy together and enjoyed fellowship with God as He came and walked and talked with them. If you will, try to picture what life was like on Earth at that time….. there was no hunger, no sickness, no stress, no hate, no aches or pain and no death! It was a perfect place and full of peace and happiness. Adam had control over all the beast and didn't have to plow the ground or plant anything or feed it to get it to grow. The earth was rich and everything grew without blemish and without any effort on Adam's part (Heaven on Earth?).

Sin and Seperation!

There was however, one thing God had commanded them not to do and that was not to eat the fruit of one of the trees in the garden. As time went on there was no problem with this until one day Eve was persuaded to try this fruit and then Adam also tried it. Now God is not only Eternal but He is also perfect. Up to this point I think Adam and Eve had been perfect also but now they had done something for the first time… they had disobeyed God, their Creator! And you know something happened that changed everything in the garden and that change has been passed down to all of us even to this day. Adam and Eve had never felt guilt but now guilt was causing them to feel very strange indeed and when God came to fellowship with them that evening they did something else they had never done before.... they hid from God. You know I think we all tend to do that same thing today. Stop and think about it and people ae just naturally afraid to come into God's presence. We are afraid around people who are close to God. Our natural tendency is to move away from God. Well this is what Adam and Eve did, they tried to hide from God because now they had guilt because they had disobeyed God… they had committed the first sin. We now have that sin nature in us and maybe that is why we tend to run from Him. God in His perfection cannot abide sin and what Adam and Eve did broke the fellowship they had with God. Now if they had not done this the Earth would still be the same as it was then but when this sin came into the world everything changed.

Heaven on Earth No More?

God said because of this that Adam would have to earn his food by the sweat of his brow and so he had to work to get food to grow and he also lost his control over the animals and then there was stress, pain and death. Yes now God said that Adam and Eve would grow old and one day would die! This sentence of death is still on us today. It is appointed for man once to die… that is one appointment we will all keep one day. This would be a sad story indeed if it ended here but God still has a plan and that plan includes you and me. He still wants us to have that fellowship with Him that Adam and Eve had back in the garden and He has worked out a way for that to happen. It's all part of His plan and I have accepted this plan for my life and He is offering it to you.

Happiness Now and Forever!

You know it seems to me that even some of the most wealthy people with all their money and homes and cars when you come right down to it are just not happy. If you follow their lives many end up as they approach death feeling that they never did find the one thing they thought their wealth would give them and that is peace inside. There was a week of special nights on the Biography television show that was showing only the very rich and famous who in every case lived such lonely and sad lives even with everything money could buy. In the end they left such sad legacy for the world to see and many died all alone. It was so sad! It should also be noted that many poor people go through life and when death comes to their door they will say they never had peace in their hearts. Sure money can provide good times and a lot of fun but in the final days of life it has no value. What is needed at that time cannot be bought or earned or bartered for but it can be obtained as a gift from God to anyone who wants the same fellowship with God that He wanted with Adam and Eve and that He wants with us. We don't know exactly where that garden was but God has promised that we can know a place even greater than Eden if we really want it. This is what life is all about! This is where we find true happiness and fulfillment in our lives!
This is the best known secret in the world, that happiness comes when man and God are in fellowship which is the reason we were put here on Earth to begin with. If you want to know how a watch works who better to ask than the watchmaker. If you want to know what makes a man work who better to ask that the manmaker! God is the manmaker and He has told us what makes us work best! God's truth is that we work best when we have that fellowship with God and when we know that death does not end that fellowship but just enriches it beyond anything that our minds can imagine! Yes happiness is knowing that it just gets better after death if we can make everything right with Him!

If you are still interested, please follow the link below and I will try to explain how He can make it happen for you.

Link not ready yet! PAGE TWO COMING SOON!

(My SALVATION Page will tell you how to make it happen!)


I'm writting this to you so you'll know you can Live Forever..... DC








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