My Stuff
Bible Verse for Today
My Church Page
My Salvation Page
My Faith Page
See Today's Bible Verse for a word of enlightment and look at another if you like... neat!!!
Learn about my Church.... There are Pictures of the Staff and Worship Times are Listed! There is also a great Bible Search Tool.. Check it out!
God's Simple Plan of Salvation! Read a message so clear many others have read and believed... get eternal life!
Learn a little about what I believe about Life!


This is some stuff I had on my LINKS page and HOME page that took too long to load but I didn't want to give up!


Days until the year 2004

Only year, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds left until the year 2004!!!

Year 2004

Time remaining
until January 1, 2004



Have you ever been in a crowded shopping mall, turned to take your child's hand, and he or she was no longer in sight?  And then, a minute or two later, you spot your child.  You put your arms out as your child comes running back.  Now, everything is just fine.  For some parents, remembering that terrible moment lasts a few days.  For some, it lasts forever because the child is still missing.  Please do what you can to help!


I feel that the Year 2000 problem we are facing is important enough to place these links on my Home Page! Please take time to prepare your family for this potential problem. I'll tell you up front that no one knows how serious this will become and what the effects will be but I promise you that you will be affected. Someone has said that 50% of all companies will not become compliant in time. For the safety of your family please take time to learn something about this potential problem and then decide if you need to make any special preparations. To start with I suggest you listen to the discussion on Real Audio listed below and then take a look at the links I've supplied. I know you're not supposed to put links on your home page to take visitors away but this is too important to worry about that. There is enough information here to help you care for your family and also learn how you and your church can become an effective witness for Jesus Christ during this time of potential crisis. May God Bless and Grant Us Wisdom.

Prelude To Chaos or Media Hype? Information To Guide A Credible Christian Witness

For a link that seems to have some good information on this subject click here for

Click below to order this book from
The Millennium Bug: How to Survive the Coming Chaos by Michael S. Hyatt
This best-seller is written by a Christian and is recommended by many as the best book to introduce people to the Y2k problem.
Click to Listen to the author on Real Audio.

If you want to read up on Y2K check out this Great links page!


years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds