At the beginning of the year I wondered how the new Millenium
would impact on our lives. Little did I know how much the new
year would change my life. I've had some major changes occur
this year. One would think that they may be all bad, but from bad
comes good.  That is what has happened to me.

To begin with, the man that I had been with for 20 years, and
married in November of 1999 and I are divorcing.  Somethings
are just meant to be, and this is one of them.  However while
that door on my life closed, another opened.

After attempting countless times to repair the things that were
wrong in our relationship, I came to the conclusion that there
simply was no "fix", and decided to leave. Shortly after that
decision another door opened to me that I never thought would.
My first love from Jr. High School contacted me. What started
out as a friend helping another friend through a rough time,
turned into something so much more. You can read about it
on our web page, "Second Chance at First Love".

I've gone on a Leave of Absence from Ford Motor Company
in an attempt to relocate to one of the offices in Michigan, since
I have now moved back there. The search is on to place me in a
department where I can utilize my Internet skills. However, I've
been told that it isn't important if I go back to work, I don't have to.
That is music to my ears, since I have worked all my life it seems,
and only wanted to be a stay at home Mom and a wife, I never
wanted a career outside the home.

We have done a lot of traveling since the first of August. We've
been to North Carolina, Tennessee, Florida, Indiana, California
and Vermont in that short period of time. I have throughly enjoyed
every minute of each trip. I will add some photo's of the Vermont
colors soon. Other photo's of our trips are on our other web page,
take a peek at them.

So, while I have had some major changes in my life, I find I'm
happier than I have ever been. Everything happens for a reason.

I have not made many changes to my pages, but will update that
in the near future. Please grab your favorite drink, and stroll
through my pages here and on my other web page and share
in my happiness.




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