Welcome to the A.A.O. (Animal Activists Online)....a group of people on the Internet dedicated to protecting the rights and lives of animals.

By using our computers and our hearts we send out mass letters, petitions, emails, stories, etc to everyone who'll listen to help in the fight against animal abuse. Our goal is simple, no more animal abuse!

If you would like to join in the fight to save our animals, become a member today!

Meet the Angels

There are 3 very special angels I've chosen to represent the love and work we do here at A.A.O. and I'd like you to meet them now. Each has a special job and each is the essence of our love of animals:

"Angel of the Abused Animals"

Josette's job is a special one. She watches over the hurt, abused, neglected, & homeless animals worldwide.

"Animals' Guardian Angel"

Gwendolyn is guardian of them all. She is the watcher and protector of each and every animal on Earth.

"Angel of the Animal Angels"

Angelina is a wonderful angel. She is the one who leads lost souls to Rainbow Bridge and watches over them while there.

These angels were created by the love that pours from all animal lovers' hearts to protect and watch over their furried friends. They are a symbol of our love, devotion, and dedication to better the animals' world.

You will see them continuosly throughout the A.A.O. pages. They are there to represent our love and what we stand for.

These beautiful, special angels were created by and used with special permission from:
Cat Stuff Graphics
Many heartfelt thanks to Glenda.

If you would like to become a member of A.A.O. you must fill out the form and take the membership graphic and put it somewhere on your website (make sure to upload to your own server!). You may also join the A.A.O. Webring for A.A.O. members only.

To become a Member of the A.A.O., you must agree to abide by the following creed:

The Animal Activists Online Creed

I believe in, practice, & uphold the following statement with all of my heart, all of my love, and all of my soul:

"Not to hurt our humble brethren (the animals) is our first duty to them, but to stop there is not enough. We have a higher mission - to be of service to them whenever they require it..If you have men who will exclude any of God's creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who will deal likewise with their fellow men."
~Saint Francis of Assisi

If you can abide by this creed, please fill out the form by clicking here:

Join A.A.O.

You may may browse through the Member Registry and meet the members of A.A.O.:

View the Member Registry

Or Goto the:

A.A.O. Message Board

A.A.O. Chat Room

(You do not need to be a member to participate in the Message Board or Chat.)

Please let me know your comments & suggestions about the A.A.O. by signing the guestbook:

[ Sign the A.A.O. GuestBook ] - [ View the A.A.O. GuestBook ]
[ GuestBook by TheGuestBook.com ]

Any questions or comments may be sent to me via email:

All angel graphics on this page are
Copyright of and Used with Special Permission
Graphics by CatStuff
Many heartfelt thanks to Glenda Moore

especially for the design of our lovely banner:

You can link to the A.A.O. using this banner & URL:


My URL: http://surf.to/aao

I got it for free at http://come.to

Hosted by Geocities