Take What is Given Freely

and Keep it Within Your Heart

The FIRST thing you need to know,

and this should be a great relief,

is that there is nothing YOU need to do.

You can stop working so hard to attain

an inner spiritual peace.

The SECOND thing you need to know

is that everyone else in the world, the entire world,

is going through the same things that you are.


The THIRD thing you need to know is, the reason you suffer,

it is because of sin in the world.

Everyone sins, everday, of everyyear.

This means that you are a sinner,

just as I am a sinner.

So, now you want to know how to stop the suffering.

God sent his son, Jesus Christ, to suffer for us,

on the cross, he suffered and took our sins into his heart.

So, you ask, how come I still suffer

if Christ has already suffered for me?

Christ's death on the cross was a gift.

In order to use a gift, you must accept the gift.

You suffer, because you have not taken the gift.

Here is how you accept this most wonderful gift ever.

FIRST, you tell God that you agree with him,

that you are a sinner.

SECOND, you tell God that you know that Jesus suffered for you,

and that you understand he took your sins in his heart.

THIRD, you ask God to forgive you for those sins,

and he already has.

FOURTH, you ask Jesus Christ to dwell in your heart.

This is how you accept the free gift of salvation.

If you have followed these 4 steps,

there will be a great weight lifted from your shoulders.

Some people experience a real feeling of freedom.

Some people feel extremely joyful.


Will you still sin, yes,but the debt is paid.

You are free from condemnation and hell.

Next, to live abundantly, in peace,

love, with great joy,

there are three things you should do.

FIRST, find a local body of believers.

That is, a church or group of people, who,

using the bible, fellowship together.

There is strength in numbers, Christians need each other

to build one another up,

to exhort each other and to provide companionship.

SECOND, go and get yourself a copy of God's Word.

THE BIBLE, I prefer the King James Version,

but find one you are comfortable with.

If you have done the first thing,

you should have no problem getting a bible.

THIRD, the first act of obedience to God,

is to be baptized.

You will find it very easy to be obedient,

because of the love God has for you.

God wants everyone to be saved.

Each salvation experience is unique.

Your salvation experience is unique.

Please share your experience with everyone.

I would be very happy to know,

that what I have told you has helped.

© 1997

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