Thoughts and Theories

Poems, Sayings, and Other Witticisms

Fools who laugh,
With audacity, at responsibility.
Which spreads wider than the sea.
Fools who cry!
For the weight of the world
Is on their backs.
And it is not their burden.
Everybody is a fool my beloved.
Which are you?

By Jaime Queen 1998

If you want to see more of Jaimes' poetry and writings, see them at:

Whispers of the Soul: A Poets Page


Born in 1891

Henry Wiggins was the first surviving child of Laura N. Queen (b. April 6, 1872) and John Sherrill Wiggins (b. September 6, 1848). Henry was a soldier in World War I. He survived a gas attack, but was sent home and hospitalized from irreparable damage. He remained in hospital until his death on December 17, 1921, at the age of 30. He is buried in the Queen Cemetery, near Indian Creek in North Carolina.
In the summer of 1981, the following poem was found, typewritten in a book at the house of Henry's brother, Bob Wiggins.


January 23,1921
USPHS Hosp., No. 60
Oteen, N.C.


O dear little flag in the window there
Hung with a tear and a woman's prayer:
Child of Old glory, born with a star
O, what a wonderful flag you are

Blue is your star in its' field of white
Dipped in the red that was born of fight;
Born of the blood that our forebearers shed
To raise your mother the flag overhead

And now you've come in this frenzy day
To speak from a window to speak and say
I am the voice of a soldier son
Gone to be gone till the victory's won

I am the flag of the service sir
The flag of his mother I speak for her
Who stands by my window and waits and fears
But hides from the others her unwept tears

I am the flag of the wives who wait
For the safe return of a marital mate
A mate gone forth where the war god thrives
To save from sacrifice other men's wives

I am the flag of the sweethearts true
The often unthought of the sisters too
I am the flag of a mother's son
And I won't come down till the victory's won.

(Wrote by Henry Wiggins on Sunday night after supper, when nothing else to do. Goodby to all friends at Oteen. Goodnight dear sweetheart.)

A thought expressed is a vision shared with the world.


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