Join Our Webring!

Hello, and welcome to

The Queen Ancestor Webring!

The Queen Ancestor Ring is a webring which was established to link the many webpages around the WWW that contain themes of Interest to the Queen/Mc/MacQueen Families and related families. The webpages of the Queen Ancestor Ring members all contribute to providing information about the data, interests, activities and history of the The Queen/Mc/MacQueen family. If you have a page(s) that are of Queen interest then why not join the The Queen Ancestor Ring! It is easy to join, does not cost anything and all you need to do is follow the instructions below. If you have any questions/problems/suggestions then do not hesitate to email the Queen Ancestor Ring Webmistress at

What exactly is a Web Ring?

The whole idea of a Web Ring is to provide another way of visiting many sites on the WWW. It basically gets rid of the need to use Search Engines to find sites of similiar contents. You no longer have to find and type in key words of the types of sites that you would like to view. Instead, you can visit another site of your interest at just the touch of a button by way of a web ring.

A web ring consists of the following things:

A group of sites that are all of the same subject These sites are "linked" or "connected" together by CGI script The script allows the members of the ring to... Go to the next site of the ring Go to the previous site of the ring Get sent to a random site of the ring List the next 5 sites of the ring And get a listing of all of the sites of the ring

Rules/Regulations for joining the Queen Ancestor Ring

The first rule is that you must have some kind of link to the Queen/Mc/MacQueen Family on your site otherwise it destroys the original purpose of the Queen Ancestor Ring!!

I do not mind if you belong to a bunch of Rings, however, I would prefer you place the fragment for the ring on your main Family Orientated webpage or a page created just for your Webrings, however if this is not possible then please place it in a location that is easy to find by providing a link of some sort to the ring.

I will not accept pages which contain nudity, sexually explicit material, or extreme profanity.

O.K..How to Join the Queen Ancestor Ring

If you follow the 4 steps, you should have no problems in joining the Queen Ancestor Ring!. However if you do come across any problems, please email me at

Step 1. Submit your site to Queue

Step 2. Copy the HTML code onto your webpage

Step 3. Email The RingMistress (see below)

Step 4. Wait for confirmation from me via email that you have been added.

E-Mail The Webmistress

You MUST postalq@grnco.netE-Mail the WebMistressin order to be considered for addition to the Queen Ancestor WebRing! Just Email her at : postalq@grnco.netand include both your Site ID Number and E-Mail Address. You will be automatically E-Mailed back when your site has actually been added to the Queen Ancestor Ring.

Should you have any problems or questions and are a member of the Queen Ancestor Ring, please include the following in your Email messages to the Webmistress so that she can respond quickly and accurately to your requests:

your Site ID Number

the name of your site

your email address

If for any reason you are unable to reach the webmistress at, then e-mail the co-mistress

Links to other sites on the Web


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