family album



If you're like me, the minute you pick up an envelope of newly developed pictures, you go through them before you even reach the store exit. Unfortunately, as the days pass and the pictures pile up, the task of getting them into albums never gets done. Finally, all your favorite snapshots retire to a box in the closet and slowly the memories fade. It's time to get those pictures out of the boxes and into beautiful, creative albums.

heart spade

Seveal years ago I started making memory albums for each of my grandchildren and one for my family. They are in special acid free archive quality albums, to preserve them for the future. This is a hobby where your creative ability can truly shine. Each page consists of pictures, stickers, cutouts, hand inked borders or designs. Journaling, writing about each picture, is an important step.You can preserve your childs awards and achievements by making a pocket page.

heart spade

How many of us have pictures of our family that we can't remember where they were taken or when?? In some older pictures you have to guess is that Aunt Sally, or is that Aunt Jane? Now all my pictures get imformation written on the back in special acid free pens. Special decorative sissors, punches, glue pens, stencils, patterned and colored papers are used to make these page layouts. Its alot of fun to create a page to go with your pictures. There are several good monthly magazines out that will help you with ideas.


Where do you start? Everyone always asks this question. If you are like most people you probably store your family photos in a box or a drawer. This is the place to start! Remove your pictures. Place them in plastic shoe boxes, in which you have placed dividers, made from acid free card-stock paper. Label them as you see fit. Such as family, place, vacation, holidays etc. This will help you to keep your picture organized. Or, Rubbermaid makes a Photo Storage Box, complete with dividers. It is best to start with your current pictures.


You can make beautiful pages with your old family black and white pictures. I made special memorial pages for loved ones who have passed away. My grandchildren love to look at their own personal album. It's a hobby that is ongoing, one that you never tire of. As you take family pictures, or you receive them from friends and relatives, file them. When you have time, or if you are like me, the creative mood has to strike you..lol..your pictures will be waiting for you.

heart spade

We have several shops here in town that are full of supplies Micheal's, Jo Anns Crafts, Old America and even Wal-Mart. If you are looking for a new hobby try this I think you'll like it. I have found alot of good memory album sites here on the web. Some of them have pages showing complete layouts. Use your copier and make a guide to go by. There are even contests where you can enter your best layouts. This is a great hobby for children also. Please give this a try it's a lot of fun. Plus you will finally get those pictures organized..and you can truly create a family heirloom from the heart!


~Everyone has a Guardian Angel~



Here are some of my favorite memory album links, they are invaluable sources of information as well as inspiration for your new projects.

Memory Magazine...On-line magazine The Graceful Bee for ideas and inspiration

A B C'S of Scrapbooking...Album ideas, contests, message board and tutorials

Just Scrap It...newsletter and great printable layouts

Our Layouts...Layouts,Layouts and more Layouts!!

Scrap Happy...layouts,sayings,quotes and instructions.

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