Breal out of frames here!  
  Join me in thanking the wonderful CL's of Heartland Pointe.  
  After a recent operation, I returned to my CL duties by attending a meeting, only to be surprised by this wonderful display of caring and affection.  
  The images have been resized here, the originals have been saved on my computer and printed for display on my Bulletin Board next to my computer.  
  I cannot thank these wonderful people enough, Joanie for taking care of my Email while I was on leave and being my "support" person with her great advice and caring phone calls, Donna for her neverending patience as a Co-Liaison in Pointe, Oregon Rose for her great sense of humor and cheering personality, Tykie who seems so quiet but can leave you rolling on the floor with laughter, Steve "all-law" our own personal "Pointer Brother" who tolerates our teasing with complete dignity, Deb and her quiet sweet ways, Carolyn-the one who adds that little extra to everything she does, and Gina who sits so quietly during the meetings and comes off with a real whopper that sends you rolling without warning. There are so many more in Pointe that offer so much as friends! It would be impossible to explain what they mean to me here. If you would like to get to know them better, just click on the little goodie they made for me and visit them, meet their families and get to know them, they are here for you, too.  
  I have removed all the private text from this page because that was for me and me alone. I treasure it and will always.  
  Why am I a Community Leader?  
  Well, here is why there is HEART in Heartland, these special people and the love they give.  
  From Deb!! From Carolyn!!  
  From Tykie! From Oregon Rose!  
  From Steve (all-law) From Gina!  
  From Joanie! From Donna!  
  And of course I have to give credit to Deb for her beautiful graphics! The background and graphics to match came from her art!  
  Design by Deb  
  This site honors the Eleventh Commandment. Does yours?  
  I am a member of The HTML Writers Guild  
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   Page Authored by Cat Cat! © 1997,1998,1999  
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