Stuck in someones Frames? Grab Hold here!  
  WHAT ARE THEY-and whose idea is it?  
  When we are born, there are no preconcepts on what our lives will give us. That is the innocence of youth. And as we grow, even if our parents don't lock us in to a role in life, along comes this horrific overload on our system called PUBERTY. The reason every Mother looks at her thirteen year old daughter and cannot believe this was the joy of her life such a short time ago. This time of raging hormones and emotions produces the demon child we all see in the OTHER kid. Suddenly, it lives in your house, and regardless of your religoous beliefs, has you considering a Priest in residence.....The demon child who knows it all.  
  How, might you ask, can I comment on this subject? I am, after all, not a parent! Ah! But I was a child, and a demon child. Raised by caring wonderful people who saw me through all the ills and ails of childhood, and never denied me anything. They gifted me with knowledge and understanding, and acceptance of the individuality of people. And, without warning, I was attacked by this strange overwhelming feeling that I knew all there was to know and adulthood had roared into my world with the gift of amazing wisdom! I knew it all! I was in charge of my world! No one before me had ever been as aware of the world around them!! I WAS WOMAN!!  
  All of the intelligence my parents had nurtured was draining into the black hole of puberty and there was no way to stop it. As it gradually took possesion of me, my parents began to lose their place in the world of all knowing. I was after all, thirteen and an adult, much more mature than other thirteen year olds. What could my parents possibly add to what I already knew?  
  Now enter-RELATIONSHIPS!  
  I was ready! I knew I was adult enough to handle true undying love. Like Ricky Nelson or Elvis, or the Beatles. From that day forward it has been a steady awakening to what exactly a relationship is. and my Mother, well she knew all along. And Dad? Well it is scary to think how much he tried to teach me during those turbulent years. Had I only listened... But there are no regrets on my part, everything I succombed to was vital in giving me the strength I have today. I am sorry for each and every loving grey hair I imparted on my parents'. Today, that is the score card, Parents -All, child-Lucky.  
  Why go on about my parents?  
  I found out about relationships, watching them. I learned two very important things, you cannot love without being a whole person, and there is no "percentage" to any relationship. It is all. Total. Love is a wonderful thing, but without being totally committed to yourself, you cannot be totally committed to another. After the raging hormone thing passes, a lot of women enter the desperation era of their lives. Without realizing it, they begin searching. Must have a partner, must not be alone. Looks odd, feels awful! Want to be a Mother! Well CHILL!  
  Everyone wants to be a part of something. But no one is really certain what at first. Seems like a relationship might do it. Wrong. Not unless you can be a total part of yourself. What do you see when you look in the mirror? Oh my thighs look HUGE! My hair doesn't go with my face, I am a total mess! Well, approach the mirror...don't be afraid, it really can't hurt you, see that? That is a total person. No one on this earth is as perfect as the person before you. Now stare until all you see is the mirror itself, then you have reached the point of freedom from the trappings of society. Now you can be part of a relationship, successfully!  
  Rules of a successful relationship.  
  Yes there are rules, there have to be.  
  1. I am me and I'm good at it.  
  Don't change or try to change to fit a relationship. It doesn't work.  
  2. You are you and good at that.  
  Again, trying to change the basic person is another way of seeking out something different than what you have. If you want change, get out.  
  3. No Demands.  
  Two lives can share one point in time. But always remember, they are TWO lives.  
  4. Seperate is Strong  
  Sharing in a relationship is the added bonus, but seperate is stronger. Two people do not have to share every interest, friend and bathroom activity. Sharing is the thing that is going on at all times inside the soul.  
  Okay! Next issue, ABUSE.  
  This is it's own page. too much to put here! For young women, just becoming involved in relationships, this is a pretty important bit of reading. Please take a few moments of your time and check it out. There is wisdom to be gained from experience.  
  To my opening page on Womanhood What is Abuse and how to react  
  Now a touch of humor! A very dear friend sent this to me, I thought you might enjoy it!  
  Waiting for the perfect man! Just click on the paw!  
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