This is a Genealogy Site



This is my first try at creating graphics.  I wanted to use original graphicis for my genealogy site and started creating my own. Feel free to copy any graphics found on this site for use on your homepages. A link is not required but I would appreciate it if you would sign my guestbook and tell me about your site so I can visit. If you choose to link to this site there is a graphic button below. Thank you and enjoy!.

If you use these graphics please copy them and save them to your hard drive.  

If you have any suggestions for a particular graphic you would like to see on this site let me know.

Genealogy Graphics #1Genealogy Graphics 1      Genealogy Graphics #2Genealogy Graphics 2    Genealogy Graphics #3Genealogy Graphics 3

Genealogy Graphics #4Genealogy Graphics 4    Genealogy Graphics #5Genealogy Graphics 5    Genealogy Graphics #6Genealogy Graphics 6

Genealogy Graphics #7Genealogy Graphic 7    Genealogy Graphics #8Genealogy Graphics 8    

Genealogy BackgroundsGenealogy Backgrounds    Genealogy Backgrounds 2 Genealogy Backgrounds 2    Boardered Backgrounds #1Bordered Backgrounds

Bordered Backgrounds #2Bordered Backgrounds 2     Bordered Backgrounds #3 Bordered Backgrounds 3   Backgrounds Backgrounds

Lines & Bars Lines & bars     Sets Sets      FramesFrames Banner Blanks  Banner Blanks

Christmas Graphics 1Christmas Graphics   Christmas Graphics #2 Christmas Graphics 2     Christmas Backgrounds Christmas Backgrounds


Visit other Sites I Host

CJ Creations - Graphics (not genealogy)    White-Jones Genealogy - My genealogy site  Tally's Page - My 1 year old Vizsla Pup   Cross Stitch Addicts - Cross Stitch as a hobby

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