Hi, My name is Terri,  creator of
Granny's Country Cottage & owner, designer of MJM Web Design Studios

First and foremost I'm a mom to three kids:
Joey 18, Michael 18 & Molly 10.

Joe just graduated high school and is enrolled
in college courses for computer networking and programming.
As my first born, he is teaching me how to parent and boy do I
feel sorry for the other two.  :)  I really enjoy Joe right now.  I
enjoy being able to talk to him as an adult.   He will always
be my little boy!

Michael is my middle child.  Mike is entering the 6th grade this
year.  He's in for some big changes.  For a child who loves sports
I have a feeling it's going to take him some time to adjust to not
having recess this year!  Michael is an honor student and an
avid sports fan.  He plays baseball and soccer.

Molly is my youngest and last child.  My only girl.  I am very
proud to say she's my daughter.  Molly is a very bright and
creative child.  She loves to write stories and has gotten many
awards through her school.  She enjoys ballet and cheerleading.
She is also a very stubborn, strong minded young lady.  A leader.
And man oh man can the girl shop!!

My hobbies include:

Web Design

Things I really dislike:

Unfair People
Peas, Lima Beans & Liver (yuk)

My philosophy on life:
          You can't change yesterday and tomorrow is a gift. So, enjoy today.  I have no tolerance for rude or mean people and won't deal with them. Everything in the world comes second to my family.  I refuse to ever be unhappy! Life is too short and you choose what kind of life it will be.
Loosing my mother two years ago has made me appreciate how short life is
and how quickly it can be snatched away from you.  Live today as if it
were your last.


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