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Granny's Country Cottage

My name is Terri.  My family and I are from Southern New Jersey, near the Jersey Shore.
I have three children and three step children. Yes, we are the Brady Bunch!
    Our kids are involved in many things that keep us running. Between soccer, baseball, football,
    cheerleading, ballet and the two oldest now holding jobs..........*sigh*
    The Life of a Parent....What life???? Need I say more? :)
    You can meet some of our tribe at their own sites. 
    They are listed in Granny's Site Directory below.
        Spring is arriving here in Southern New Jersey.  The daffodills and tulips are peaking their heads, the Robins have returned from their winter retreat and I am just itching to get back into my gardens.
          We recently celebrated the three year anniversary of purchasing our
        First Home together. We are always in the midst of remoldeling. 
        Check out some of ourprojects!!
        Our home (and yard) are truly a labor of love. While not old enough to be considered "victorian" it's just old enough to remind me of a little cottage hence our name  "Granny's Country Cottage".
        Now that you've gotten to know a little bit about me, come on in, grab a cup of coffee or tea and see our little home on the web.  What began as an idea for one web page has turned into many pages and the list keeps growing *grin*.  So, be sure to bookmark our site and visit often.
        Please use our  Site Directory to  you find your way around.
        Before you go though I would like to ask you to please sign my guestbook so that I can return the visit and if you find any broken links along the way please, let me know about them.  It's getting harder and harder to keep up with these pages.

        [ GuestBook by TheGuestBook.com ]

        Thanks again for stopping.  I Look forward to getting to know you!

        These are a few of the websites I've designed.
        Stop in and say hello to them!!

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