Congratulations Joe
You Did  It!!!

I am very  proud to announce that on 
Monday, June 19, 2000 
my son, Joseph Anthony graduated  from
Vineland High School
(exactly 20 years after his mother graduated from the same school)
This being my first child to graduate high school I can't begin to
tell you the range of emotions I felt that day. Most of the day
I cried.  Some of my tears were of happiness.  Some of them were
that my mom wasn't there to see him.  Some of them were because
there was no doubt that I was now officially OLD! And, some of 
them were fear.  Fear that this child is now an adult.  That this is 
the beginning of his adult life.  To know the struggles that are ahead
of him if he doesn't choose the right roads to travel.
He's still my baby! 
(view Joe's Birthday Page!!)

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