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Redneck Pride Ring

- P R I D E -   N O T   - P R E J U D I C E -
This Redneck Pride Ring site is owned by
The Redneck
Join the Ring and show your Redneck Pride!
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- H E R I T A G E -   N O T   - H A T E -

Already a member? Edit your site information here:

Site ID No:

Why did I create the Redneck Pride Ring? Simple! To educate the public. You see, Rednecks in particular and Southerners in general are getting a bad rep on the web. Now, I'm not going to name no names, but a few folks are going around spewing out a bunch of hate and calling themselves rednecks. So I figure, if I can get a ring of sites up that tell the truth about Southern life, maybe we'll get a little more good publicity - and it can't hurt traffic either!

I've set up a few rules to make this thing work better. I know, I know, nobody likes rules, but these ain't too bad. And in the long run, they'll make this ring work a whole lot better.

  1. NO HATE GROUPS! You can celebrate your history and heritage without putting others down! Political views, OK. True history (even if it hurts!), OK. Just don't go putting folks down 'cause they're not from the same place you are.
  2. Your site must be complete (as much as any site ever is). This just means don't have one dinky page that says "under construction" on it. Make it look decent, OK?
  3. You must put the webring on your site. This is just fair play. Others are advertising your site for you with it, you do the same. It don't have to be on the first page, but make it easy to find, OK?
  4. The Redneck Pride Ring is open to anyone who meets the requirements above, and who has a web site dealing with any aspect of Southern or rural life. I don't care what color you are, where you came from, etc., if you meet the requirements you're in!

OK if you're ready to join the Redneck Pride Ring, here's how to do it:

  1. Type in your site information and click on "submit". You only need to click once, sometimes the server is a little slow. Be patient, OK? Then hit your BACK button to get back here and scroll on down.

    Submit site to the Redneck Pride Ring
    Owner's Name:
    Site Title:
    Site URL:

    Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
    Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
    Description: Enter a short description of your site.

  2. OK, now copy the code below and paste it into your page coding. You'll need to make a few changes:

    • Everywhere it says "--id--", put in your site ID number.
    • Where it says "--your name here--", put in your name (however you want it to appear on your page. This is your e-mail link.
    • Where it says "", put in your e-mail address. If you want to specify a subject (like "webring"), just add "?SUBJECT=" and whatever you want the subject to be after your address (no spaces). And don't forget to leave the quote marks aroiund the whole thing.
    • If you use the code that is e-mailed to you after you pressed submit, change everywhere it says "--ring_id--" to "redpride". If you copy it here, I've already done that.
    • Don't go changing nothing else. You might get it to where it don't work. Webring has spent a lot of time getting it just right. If you have any problems, e-mail me.

  3. As soon as you get it up on your site, e-mail me and let me know. I'll check it out, and if everything looks good, I'll get you added to the ring. This might take anywhere from an hour to a week, depending on how busy I am, so be patient (I'll e-mail you and let you know when you're added to the ring).

    If I get to your site and you don't have the code in yet, I'll probably add you anyway, but please be sure to put the code on your page ASAP. It helps everybody involved.

    OK, Here's the Code!
    <!--start cut here---> <CENTER><P> <TABLE BGCOLOR=#000000 BORDER=10 CELLPADDING=5 CELLSPACING=0 WIDTH=500> <TR> <TH> <A HREF="" TARGET="_top"><IMG src="//" ALIGN="left" WIDTH=80 HEIGHT=125 BORDER=0 BORDER="no"></A> <A HREF=";id=--id--;next" TARGET="_top"><IMG src="//" ALIGN="right" WIDTH=80 HEIGHT=125 BORDER=0 BORDER="no"></A> <B><FONT SIZE=3 COLOR=#FFFFFF>- P R I D E -</FONT></B> <FONT SIZE=1 COLOR=#FF0000>   <I>N O T</I>   </FONT> <B><FONT SIZE=3 COLOR=#FFFFFF>- P R E J U D I C E -</FONT></B> <BR><CENTER> <TABLE WIDTH=290 CELLPADDING="2" CELLSPACING="2" BGCOLOR=#BBDDFF><TR><TD> <CENTER><FONT Size=2> This <A HREF="" TARGET="_top">Redneck Pride Ring</A> site is owned by <BR> <A HREF=""><FONT SIZE="2"><BLINK>--your name--</BLINK></FONT></A><BR> <FONT SIZE="2"><A HREF="" TARGET="_top"> Join the Ring and show your Redneck Pride!</A><BR></FONT> <FONT Size=2> <A HREF=";id=--id--;sprev" TARGET="_top">[Skip Prev]</A> <A HREF=";id=--id--;prev" TARGET="_top">[Prev]</A> <A HREF=";id=--id--;next" TARGET="_top">[Next</A> <A HREF=";id=--id--;skip" TARGET="_top">[Skip Next]</A><BR> <A HREF=";ring=redpride" TARGET="_top">[Random]</A> <A HREF=";id=--id--;next5" TARGET="_top">[Next 5]</A> <A HREF=";list" TARGET="_top">[List Sites]</A> </FONT> </CENTER></TD></TR></TABLE> <B><FONT SIZE=3 COLOR=#FFFFFF>- H E R I T A G E -</FONT></B> <FONT SIZE=1 COLOR=#FF0000>   <I>N O T</I>   </FONT> <B><FONT SIZE=3 COLOR=#FFFFFF>- H A T E -</FONT></B> </TH></TR></TABLE></CENTER> <!--end cut here--->

    That's all there is to it! Thanks for joining the
    Redneck Pride Ring


    There's been Rednecks showing their Pride here!