Well to start off, I am glad you stopped by my page. My name is Judy. I am known as *~ Pretty §eal ~*. I am 34 years old born on May 9th. I have lived in Mississippi most of my life, but just recently moved from Louisiana.Back to mississippi. I also have 3 wonderful kids. Lori is the oldest, she is 14 years old. Jose is 12 years old, all of his family members and friends call him Mikey, that has been his nickname since he was a baby. The baby of the family is Monica, she is 9 years old.

This is me and Crystal

This is me"Pretty §eal"

Let's see...I like all kinds of music. I also like watching movies and I am a BIG WCW fan I hated to see the show end. I also do alot of Cross-Stitching. I like to read books and hanging out with my sister Debbie.I have ICQ my number is 3948262 and my favorite color is Purple And Black. Anyway enough about me and my family. I hope you enjoy your stay and please sign my guestbook before you leave. :)

Please Come Back To Visit Me Anytime... :)

This site started being created on Oct 10,1998
CopyrightŠ1998,1999,2004 ~Judy Kay Palmer~ All Rights Reserved

All graphic's on this page by:
Melanies Home Spun Collection's

*Note ~ If I have used any material without giving proper credit and recognition,
Please E-Mail and let me know...Thank you!

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