Welcome To My
Little Home :)

Hi,I'am so glad you came to visit my little home on the web
And please come back and visit anytime ~If you want to know more about me or my family~ Just click on our names below~ Pretty§eal, Lori, Mikey, And

I hope you have enjoy your stay.
And come back to see me anytime :)


Links About Me and My Family

About Myself

My Kids Pages

Click here to see photos of me and friends.

Click here to see photos of my family

This Page Is Dedicated to My Sister's

My Cross Stitching Page

Links to other pages that are friends of the §eal Team.

BlackSeal's Domain


Dannie's Homepage

Lantern Man's Homepage

This is Gracie Girl's Page

This is the section where you can find cards for that special someone.

Graphic Garden Postcard's

The Kissing Place

Cute Color's Postcard's

HallMark Online Shop

My Favorite Chatrooms.


Where to get mIRC



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"*~*Pretty§eal*~* Page!!"

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My Other Page's...

My other pages
Just a few things that like
Hi,I hope you en-joy these pages that I made and please sign my guestbook before you leave Thanks *S*.
Award's I Have Won Forever Friend's Awesome Graphic's My Fairy Page
Our Family Holiday Page My Guardian Angel Page Peom's That Touch The Heart If Teddybears Ruled The World
My Second Bear Page My Perfect Friend Page My Angel Bear Page My Angel Page

My Newest Pages'

My Friendship Quilt Page

My Mood Page

My Adopted Friendship Page

You can e-mail me by clicking on the cute bear below.

This site started being created on Oct 10,1998
Copyright©1998,1999,2004 ~Judy Kay Palmer~ All Rights Reserved

All graphic's on this page by:
Graphic Garden

*Note ~ If I have used any material without giving proper credit and recognition,
Please E-Mail and let me know...Thank you!