
"You Are A Perfect Friend"
you known me in good and bad times
you have seen me when I was happy and when I was happy
and when I was sad you have listened to me when what I said was intelligent
and when I talked nonsense you have beenwith me when we had fun
and when we were miserable
you have watched me laugh and cry
you have understood me when I knew what I was doing and made mistakes Thankyou for
believing in me and for alway's being ready to share thoughts together
"You Are A Perfect Friend"

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Cute Little Girl's provided by Cute Color's.

*~*Perfect Friend*~*

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This site started being created on Oct 10,1998
CopyrightŠ1998,1999,2002 ~Judy Kay Palmer~ All Rights Reserved

All graphic's on this page by:
Cute Color's

>*Note ~ If I have used any material without giving proper credit and recognition,
Please E-Mail and let me know...Thank you!