There are many, many members of the Magoch family spread throughout the world. Each cluster thinking that their's is the last line. It is through this great medium called the Internet that a few of us have found that the Magoch line was not ended, just scattered.
Little by little, the genealogical mystery of the Magoch family is becoming less and less so. What seems to be definite is that the Magoch name came from the old Hungarian religion, relating to the high priests, or "the keeper of the flame".
There is also reference to the settlement of Magoch , which was first mentioned in 1426. The town of Magocs,(or Nagymagocs) as it was later referred to fell victim to the Tartar raid of 1590.
How we will trace our roots back that far to make the connection remains to be seen. For a history buff like myself, that's where all the fun is.
My great grandparents were Frank and Anastasia Albrecht.
They immigrated from Poland/Germany in 1891. (wouldn't you know it. ONE year before Ellis Island. Frank Magoch was born to Melchior Magoch and Magdellan Olswanowska in Klotyldowo (Labiszyn) Poland. He reportedly had two other brothers who, as he was, were once officers in the Kaiser's army. He also had two sisters who came to the States with him. One married a man by the last name of Krolski, in New York. (this name was later changed to Kroll.)Anastasia Albrecht was born 18 January, 1871, in Freiburg, Germany to Andrew John Albrecht and Cecilia Myslowiecki.
It was in 1889, that Ana's brother, John came to America, worked, and saved enough to bring his family, as well as the member's of Frank's family (as far as I know) to the U.S.
Frank and Anastasia had nine children. Four lived to adulthood. The four children were Michael(1893-1984), John(1898-1983)[my grandpa],Leokadya(Laura)(1899-192?)and Sally (living).
As I said, I am the granddaughter of John Magoch. He married Frances Kleinschmidt in 1927. In 1933, they had my father (also named John). I was born in 1973, and that is pretty much the genealogical history that I have.
If any member of the Magoch family would like to link to this page, let me know, so we can have our own online tree. :)