~~Angels By My Side~~


Please do no take any graphics on this page. They were made especially for my mother.

Angels sent from up above,
Please protect the one I love.

Last night I had a dream,
It had a tale to tell.
I dreamed I saw an angel;
Poor thing, he wasn't feeling well.

His body bruised and battered
His wings were ripped and torn--
This angel could hardly walk,
He looked so tired and worn.

I walked right up to Him to ask;
Angel? How could this be?
He turned around and paused a bit,
Then He spoke these words to me:

I am your guardian Angel,
A great task as you can see.
You've run amok most all of your life,
Look what it's done to Me.

These bruises are from shielding you,
In times both dire and ill.
Those alcoholic bouts and drugs you've used,
I've often paid the bill.

You see my wings are ripped and torn,
How often they have flown you
From evils unaware.
Each mark is it's own story,
Of deadly wounds destroyed.

You made me wish--more than once-
That I was unemployed.
If only you could make it
Standing on your own.

Oh don't fret or worry--
But please try to remember--
I'm getting old and frail.

I could not believe all that I heard,
Let alone how much He cared.
I wept upon His shoulder,
Then left Him in despair.

The next day I sat and pondered!
Should I really try?
And in the distance I thought I heard;
A frail old Angel cry.
author unknown

I cannot ease your aching heart
nor take your pain away.
But let me stay and take your hand
And walk with you today!

I'll listen when you need to talk
I'll wipe away your tears.
I'll share your worries when they come
I'll help you face your fears.

You're not alone, for I am still here.
I'll go that extra mile
And when your grief is easier,
I'll help you learn to smile!

~Our Guardian Angels~

When angels sense you need them,
And angels always do...
They come, unseen, from everywhere,
To help and comfort you.

They hover close beside you,
Till all your cares are gone.
Till they can see you're ready,
Once again to carry on.

Then some of them may fly away,
And take their gentle touch...
To other hearts that need the love,
Of angels very much.

But one, at least, stays with you
As your constant friend and guide...
For guardian angels never leave,
They're alway at your side.
author unknown

An angel on my shoulder
Smiled up at me today
I needed a friend and the angel said
He would never go away.

At times in my life, I have felt so alone
I could not keep my tears from falling
But now I know I am guided by love
When I hear my angel calling.

In all of those moments
When I felt pain and sorrow
And I thought that no one could hear
My angel gave me courage and strength
He was not gone, he was near.

Yes, we all have times in our lives
When holding on is hard to do
But you are never alone, with an angel by your side
He is there to see you through.

So, when your world keeps turning
And many things do not seem to make sense
Just remember, your angel is there by your side
Close your eyes and feel His presence.

~Smile At Your Angel~

Did you know,
that there are angels standing by you?
Yes! It's so!
And although you cannot see them,
they are everywhere you go.
They will watch you at the table,
they will watch you at night in bed,
they will watch you when you are playin',
they hear everything that's said.
So, when you wake up in the morning,
and look out at the sky,
smile and say,"Good morning!"
To you angel standing by.
author unknown

There was this lil' girl one day sitting in the park. Everyone passed and never stopped to see why she looked so sad. Dressed in a worn pink dress, bare foot and dirty, the girl just sat and watched the people go by. She never tried to speak, she never said a word. Many people passed, but never did one person stop. Just so happens the next day I decided to go back to the park, in curiosity of if the lil' girl would still be there. Right in the very spot as she was yesterday she sat perched on high, with the saddest look in her eyes. Today I was to make my own move and walk over to the lil' girl. For as we all know a park full of strange people is not a place for young children to play alone. As I got closer I could see the back of the lil' girls dress was obscenely shaped. I figured that was a reason the people just passed by and made no effort to help. Deformities was a low blow to our society and so help you make a step toward assisting someone who is different. As I got closer the lil' girl slightly lowered her eyes to avoid my intent stare. As I approached her, I could see the obscene shape of her back more clearly. Grotesquely shaped in a humped over form. I smiled to let her know it was ok, I was there to help, to talk. I sat down beside her and opened with a simple Hello. The lil' girl acted shocked and stammered a hi after a long stare into my eyes. I smiled and she shyly smiled back. We talked till darkness fell and the park was completely empty. Everyone was gone and we at once was alone. I asked the girl why she was so sad. The lil' girl looked at me and with a sad face said "Because I'm different". I immediately said "that you are!" and smiled. The lil' girl acted even sadder, she said, "I know". "Lil' girl", I said, "you remind me of an angel, sweet and innocent". She looked at me and smiled, slowly she stood to her feet, and said. "Really?". "Yes ma'am, your like a lil' guardian angel sent to watch over all those people walking by". She shook her head yes and smiled, with that she spread her wings and said, "i am, I'm your guardian angel", with a twinkle in her eye. I was speechless sure I was seeing things. She said, "for once you thought of someone other than yourself, my job here is done". Immediately I stood to my feet and said, "wait, so why did no one stop to help an angel?". She looked at me and smiled, "Your the only one that could see me, you believe it's in your heart". And She was gone. And with that my life was changed dramatically. So, When you think your all you have, remember, your angel is always watching over you.

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This page was created on July 13, 1999
Remodeled January 22, 2000