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Created/Published/Edited by: Christy aka
This month's
issue is dedicated to:
* Columbine High School, Littleton,
Colorado *
* Our Soldiers in Kosovo *
* The Graduating Class of 1999 *
* Mothers *
This past month has indeed been one of sad news. We have had 3 of our soldiers taken into captivity by the enemy..... And one of our local high schools has been the site of dramatic devastation.
To everything there is a
season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time
to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; A time to kill, and
a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; a time to weep, and a time
to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; a time to cast away stones, and a time to
gather stones together; a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing; a time to
get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away; a time to rend, and a
time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; a time to love, and a time to
hate; a time to war, and a time of peace.
(Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8)
Weeping may endure for a
night, but joy cometh in the morning.
(Psalm 30:5b)
Hi guys.. Welcome to the May 1999 issue of the Game of Life. =) Glad you could join us. I am filled with sadness when I think of the unnecessary tragedy that happened recently at Columbine High School in Colorado. A Town... a State.... a Country is grieving at the loss and left wondering at the cause. 2 teenagers (and who knows at this point how many others had their hands in this as well) took the lives of 12 of their classmates, seriously injured many others, and had obvious plans (that THANK GOD did not come to completion) to destroy the entire school (or a large portion of it) and end the lives of all within. How have we come to this place where there is so little value place on the LIFE of another??? Our thoughts and sincerest prayers go to those directly affected by the Columbine HS tragedy... You have faced a great loss, such heartbreak... perhaps physical pain.... There are no words... nothing anyone can say.... that will erase this sad day from history. But from this tragedy, you will go on... you will turn a new page... You still have your lives in front of you... Today is your time to mourn... but soon will be your time to heal. Our thoughts and prayers are also extended to our brave soldiers held captive in a foreign land.... Your nation is ablaze in your honor. The Candles Across America Campaign has the nation lit up... real candles and ones on webpages created in the honor of our Brave. =) Let's also remember Memorial Day... On this day, and throughout the month, let us REMEMBER and appreciate what our brave soldiers of the past endured and what they fought for... Our freedom came at a price. To the Graduating Class of 1999... YOU are the very last class of this millennium. This is YOUR moment to shine. From here the world awaits you. You can go anywhere, do anything. I urge you to set a goal for yourself... and reach out and achieve it. Your life is now what you make it. Please make your choices wisely. =) To the mothers across the nation... across the world... this month we pay honor to you... for who you are and all you have done.
To the readership of the Game of Life, I want to say thank you to each of you for your support and such kind words. I have added a guestbook to the Christy's World of Love and Smiles website.... view / sign... Here are a couple of other webpages within that site that you may not have had a chance to view yet.. Friends / Genealogy / Supporting Our Soldiers. To our co-editors... thank you so much for all of your hard work and talent that truly makes this newsletter what it is.
SPEAKING OF CO-EDITORS..... We have a new one !!!! Y'all welcome Darla aka to the fold! =) She will be bringing us "The Domestic Goddess" (Household Tips) and "Darla's Goodies." =) Thank you for joining us, Darla, and for sharing your talent with us. Kick back now and make yourself at home. <grin>
As promised in last month's issue... I have personally made the Welcome banner and section tags.... =) There is still soooo much to learn using PSP though... Hang around and you'll find out, lol. Until then, you get the simple stuff I came up with. =)
Okay... I am going to HUSH now so you can get to the newsleter <grin> and boy is there ALOT to see this month. You may not get it all read in one sitting though.... so be warned. hopefully it will be enough to keep you tied over until June.
In loving memory of the teens
who faced such tragic loss at Columbine, a dear online friend of mine created the
following beautiful, touching web page. Tina my good friend.. your talent and your
love shines so brightly through the darkness. No one seizes the moment to pour out
the love like you do. Many have been touched by this site... On the sixth day of
being on the web, it had been viewed 124780 times. Tina.. Thank you...
To view Tina's page, click the graphic or link directly below it.
Lots of Love and Smiles,
The May 1999 issue of the
Game of Life Online Newsletter
has been broken up into 3 pages....
MAIN <~~ You are here. =)
I want to feature the
following newsletter... there is a link provided to subscribe.
Please subscribe... and also SHARE it.... This newsletter is sent weekly by Tina
(AOL screen name PeacenSafe) FYI: This is the same Tina that made the
page I mentioned above. Thank you Tina.
Editor in Chief <g> : Christy aka
"Down In Fuzzy Junction" : John aka
"Healthy Living" : Susan aka
"Lee's Links" : Lee aka
"Question Of The Month" : Linda aka
"What's Cooking" : Doreen aka
"Birthdays and Special Days" : Jackie aka
"The Domestic Goddess" : Darla aka
"Darla's Goodies" : Darla aka
If you like what you've seen on this
webpage, and would like to join the Game of Life to recieve updates for future issues and
sometimes a lil misc email from time to time, click on button below, then follow the steps
provided. =) |
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1999 MAIN
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Christy's World of Love and Smiles ]
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