Created/Published/Edited by: Christy aka
Hello... Thank you for
stopping by for a visit. I hope you find something that you like... something to
make you smile.... Can you believe it is summertime again already? Well, June
is here and isn't waiting for anybody <g> I guess we had better get down to
enjoying the summer before it passes us by as we know all too well it will. =)
I have recently taken more of an interest in tracing my ancestry... I have actualy always been interested... I should say I am now becoming more ACTIVE in the search. Please take a couple of minutes and take a look at the following pages <thanks> ...... WASDIN Genealogy (should be up by 6/19) Christy's Genealogy
Page (main page) By the way... If you have an account at
Geocities (and/or Yahoo) you may want to take a lok at this page... Yahoo and
Geocities have merged and there will some changes taking effect. The major one being
membernames... Be informed <g> This issue is divided into two parts.....
You are now on Part 1.... Lots of Love n Smiles to ya!!!!! |
We had no responses to last onths Question... Hmmm... Let's see if we can fill up Linda's box this time with LOTS of responses!! =) Take a moment NOW <g> and email Linda and tell her what you think... You might forget to come back later. =) If you were asked to pass on your best advice for living life, in one sentence, What would it be?? |
Before U were thought of or Time had begun,
God even stuck U in the Name of His Son.
And each time U Pray, you'll see it's true
You can't spell out JesUs and not include U.
U're a pretty big part of His Wonderful Name,
For U, He was born; that's why He Came.
And His Great Love for U is the reason He Died.
It even takes U to spell CrUcified.
Isn't it thrilling and splendidly grand
He Rose from the Dead, with U in His Plan.
The Stones split away, the Gold TrUmpet blew,
And this word ResUrrection is spelled with a U.
When JesUs left Earth at His Upward Ascension
He felt there was one thing He just had to Mention.
"Go Into The World and tell them it's TrUe, that I Love them ALL -
Just like I Love U. So many great People are spelled with a U,
Don't They have a right to Know JesUs Too?
It ALL Depends now on what U will DO,
He'd like them to know
But It ALL Starts With U.
Email Susan
Super Quick Workouts That Really
Pay Off
Not enough time to exercise? Here are eight speedy workouts that burn
100 calories in less than 15 minutes. Running up stairs--- 6 minutes to burn 100 calories Jumping rope , fast--- 7.5 minutes Jogging, 9 minute mile--- 8 minutes Kickboxing--- 9 minutes Ski machine--- 9.5 minutes Bicycling, 13 mph--- 10 minutes Walking up stairs--- 11 minutes Inline skating--- 13 minutes Healthy Ideas: Program Planner -- Inline Skating Healthy Ideas: Program Planner -- Stair-Stepping Tips, How To Use a StairMaster or Stair Climber Correctly What's Your Exercise Quotient? -- Take the quiz and find out! THRIVE: Top 40 Fitness Questions (AOL ONLY) Get the straight information you need, about exercising. What's Your Workout Personality? Matching personality to exercise make sense??? Indoor Cycling What is it? why would I wanna do it? Click and find out! 25 ways to lose 5 pounds Losing the weight is easier than you think. To drop about a pound or two a week, simply whittle 500 calories out of your day-by eating a little less, working out a little more or doing a combination of the two. No suffering required: the 25 sneaky strategies here can help you painlessly drop those 5 pounds in just a few weeks. Get ready for a great summer! 1. Shave off 500 calories a day with this twofold approach: At breakfast, lunch and dinner, eat one quarter less than you usually would. For example, try eating half a bagel with jam instead of a whole one with cream cheese at breakfast, and have a small green salad with your dinner instead French fries {that's about 250 calories right there}. Then during your workout, step, run, jump rope, for at least an additional 30 minutes {that will take care of the other 250 calories}. 2. Take up power walking. Walking can burn the same amount of calories as running if you increase the intensity. Find a speed at which you're sweating but still able to talk. Forty-five minutes, 5 days a week, can melt off more than 1,600 calories. 3. Defrost your freezer. Gourmet ice cream is a diet travesty. Reach instead for fat free fudgesicles, frozen yogurt and juice bars when you want a snack. 4. Dance! Take advantage of the swing dance craze by signing up for classes twice a week. {in addition to your regular cardios workouts}. 5. At each meal, cut exactly half the food on your plate and then assess: are you still hungry? If so eat half of the remaining food. Drink some water and assess again. Leaving just a little bit on your plate at every meal will quickly add up to weight loss-and you'll train yourself to take smaller portions. 6. If you don't already strength train regularly, you'll lose more than a half pound of muscle mass every year after the age of 25. Increase your mass by working with free weights and machines. Each 45 minute strength training session burns about 300 calories. 7. Keep carbs in check. Contrary to what some popular diet books claims, carbs aren't evil. But if you overdo eating them, they can definitely keep your weight up. 6 or 7 servings a day for 6 weeks will help you lose weight. If you are very active though already, {exercise for more than an hour a day 5 days a week} 9 servings a day is more realistic. 8. Fill up on fruit. Instead of guzzling fruit or vegetable juice all day, stick to the whole food. Whole fruits and vegetables have a fraction of the calories of juices. And they are more satisfying. They're packed with fiber so you fill feel fuller faster. 9. Have a cup of soup--go for clear broth based kinds that are full of veggie's, or a salad with non fat dressing before lunch or dinner five days a week. Filling up on fiber rich low cal foods means you eat less and still are satisfied. 10. There are some foods -- cheddar cheese, cake, ice cream, oreos, around which you truly cannot control yourself and that can add hundreds of extra calories a day. Don't buy these items or keep them around until you've lost the weight. If you still miss a few of your favorites, reintroduce them slowly, and in small quantities. 11. Addicted to soda? Believe it or not 3 cans of the sugary stuff pack 450 calories. Switch to zero calorie diet soda if you can't give up the caffeine. 12. Invest in your health by investing in an expert. A personal trainer can help whip you into shape. Even just 2 or 3 sessions will benefit you. Call The American Council on Exercise at 800-825-3636 for a certified trainer in your area. A registered dietitian will customize an eating plan that will allow you to safely lose about 1-2 lbs a week. Many health care plans have their own dietitians that you can consult with at no charge. You can also log on to for a local dietitian. You can also log on to to help you analyze your diet and create your own plan for free. 13. At least three days a week, ride your bike to work or walk to the grocery store instead of driving. 14. Those afternoon trips to the vending machines may be doing major damage to your waistline. Keep some low cal/low fat snacks at your workplace to munch on when hunger strikes. 15. Sign up for an upcoming 5 K race in your area. If you're not a runner walk it! Train for at least three weeks to walk it, gradually increasing your distance to three miles, until race day. 16. Ditch the deli. Eating one deli sandwich will cost you 600-800 calories!!!!! Cut calories in half by bringing healthy lunches from home. 17. What's not to love about circuit training? It squelches boredom, and works more muscles than a monotonous stairclimbing session. One hour session can burn up to 500 calories. 18. For a healthy diet regimen that won't cost you a dime you can log on to for a copy of the food pyramid. You'll learn how to build your food pyramid here. Stick to the low end of the recommended servings. 19. Go hard core. If you have the time, twice a week double up your exercise routine by adding a second cardio workout. If you're already getting in a 45 minute session, add another 45 minutes of exercise on the same day. 20. After dinner, go directly to your toothbrush. No food tastes good once your mouth is minty fresh. 21. Cancel your cable. Okay, at least unhook it for six weeks. Watching to much TV can lead to inertia -- which invariably leads to mindless snacking. Instead, watch one 30 minute workout tape a night -- try Yoga, Tae-Bo, body sculpting. 22. Here's a weight loss tip for evening exercisers: eat a low fat breakfast, healthy lunch and a pre workout snack to keep your energy up. 23. Forget the fast food. If you're a fast food fanatic, cut out all Mc Donald's, Chinese takeout, crispy fried chicken, and the like. One quarter pounder and fries alone have over 630 calories and scary amounts of fat. 24. Dietitians agree that keeping a food diary is a surefire way to target the foods and habits to keep you from achieving your goals. For one week, write down what, and how much you ate, as well as how you felt. Look for patterns. 25. Do you realize that your morning mocha delight topped with whipped cream is loaded with about 400 calories and 25 grams of fat! Reduce the fat and calories without sacrificing taste. Switch to plain coffee and add a sprinkle of fat free cocoa, for just 50 calories. The Fitness Zone: Fitness Information Library The FATFREE Recipe Collection The Recipe Directory --vegetarian THRIVE: Healthy Habits @ Thrive The Basics for improving your eating habits THRIVE: Battling the Bulge Body Mass Index Calculator -- thrive@weight Looking Forward. Race for the Cure -- National Race for the Cure, If the events of the last couple of years have made you think there's no such thing as a non partisan day in our nation's capitol, think again. On Saturday, June 5th, a 50 foot pink ribbon will hang from the Washington Monument and tens of thousands of National Race for the Cure entrants from politicians to celebrities to regular citizens will run and walk the streets of Washington, DC with one simple goal: to help find a cure for breast cancer. For information on a Race for the Cure in your area, call 800-653-5355. Welcome to AIDSRide --The aids ride is a spectacular journey from 350 to nearly 600 miles. Check out their web sight to find the ride nearest you. Also great training tips to prepare for this journey and registration. Healthy Kids Calling all Campers Ready, Set, Go! How can you know if your child is old enough to handle and benefit from a sleep away camp experience? Though age is no guarantee of maturity, the ideal age is about 9.
Kids' Camps - Diabetes Camps
Meet Featured Child, Jessy F.
Beary Special Kids,
From: June 6th June 8th June 18th June 24th June 25th June 30th From: LegalWngs2 |
When Is Your Birthday
and What is it for?
June 1 is . . . . . Dare Day
June 2 is . . . . . National Rocky Road Day
June 3 is . . . . . Repeat Day
June 4 is . . . . . Old Maid's Day
June 5 is . . . . . Festival Of Popular Delusions Day
June 6 is . . . . . Teacher's Day
and National Applesauce Cake Day
June 7 is . . . . . National Chocolate Ice Cream Day
June 8 is . . . . . Name Your Poison Day
June 9 is . . . . . Donald Duck Day
June 10 is . . . . National Yo-yo Day
June 11 is . . . . National Hug Holiday
and King Kamehameha Day
June 12 is . . . . Machine Day
June 13 is . . . . National Juggling Day
and Kitchen Klutzes Of America Day
June 14 is . . . . Pop Goes The Weasel Day
June 15 is . . . . Smile Power Day
June 16 is . . . . National Hollerin' Contest Day
June 17 is . . . . Watergate Day
and Eat Your Vegetables Day
June 18 is . . . . International Panic Day
June 19 is . . . . World Sauntering Day
June 20 is . . . . Ice Cream Soda Day
June 21 is . . . . Cuckoo Warning Day.
June 22 is . . . . National Chocolate Eclair Day
June 23 is . . . . National Pink Day
June 24 is . . . . Museum Comes To Life Day
June 25 is . . . . Log Cabin Day
June 26 is . . . . National Chocolate Pudding Day
June 27 is . . . . National Columnists Day
June 28 is . . . . Paul Bunyan Day
June 29 is . . . . Camera Day
June 30 is . . . . Meteor Day
John takes on a more serious than usual
approach this month...
Words From The Heart...
Man without vision shall perish! |
Submitted by Which tree are you? Which tree
does your birthday fall under? |
Editor in Chief <g> : Christy aka
"Down In Fuzzy Junction" : John aka
"Healthy Living" : Susan aka
"Lee's Links" : Lee aka
"Question Of The Month" : Linda aka
"What's Cooking" : Doreen aka
"Birthdays and Special Days" : Jackie aka
"The Domestic Goddess" : Darla aka
"Darla's Goodies" : Darla aka
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Copyrighted 1999
/ Game of Life Online Newsletter
All Rights Reserved
Published June 15, 1999