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Created/Published/Edited by: Christy aka ChristyMW1@aol.com


Hello...  Thank you for stopping by for a visit.  I hope you find something that you like... something to make you smile....  Can you believe it is summertime again already?  Well, June is here and isn't waiting for anybody <g>  I guess we had better get down to enjoying the summer before it passes us by as we know all too well it will.  =)  
I added a guestbook backk in April and I know that many of you have not yet signed it...  Please do...  It is a great place to share your homepage link.... or just say hi.  =)  (Or... do both, lol)

Sign Guestbook

I have recently taken more of an interest in tracing my ancestry...  I have actualy always been interested...  I should say I am now becoming more ACTIVE in the search.  Please take a couple of minutes and take a look at the following pages <thanks> ......

WASDIN Genealogy (should be up by 6/19)

BRODY Genealogy

GRIMES Genealogy

Christy's Genealogy Page (main page)
"Remodeling" should be done by 6/19

By the way...  If you have an account at Geocities (and/or Yahoo) you may want to take a lok at this page...  Yahoo and Geocities have merged and there will some changes taking effect.  The major one being membernames... Be informed <g>

This issue is divided into two parts.....   You are now on Part 1....

Lots of Love n Smiles to ya!!!!!


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Email Linda

We had no responses to last onths Question... Hmmm...  Let's see if we can fill up Linda's box this time with LOTS of responses!!   =)  Take a moment NOW <g> and email Linda and tell her what you think...  You might forget to come back later.  =)

If you were asked to pass on your best advice for living life, in one sentence, What would it be??

My best advice for living life is....

My Question suggestion is...


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Before U were thought of or Time had begun,
God even stuck U in the Name of His Son.
And each time U Pray, you'll see it's true
You can't spell out JesUs and not include U.
U're a pretty big part of His Wonderful Name,
For U, He was born; that's why He Came.
And His Great Love for U is the reason He Died.
It even takes U to spell CrUcified.

Isn't it thrilling and splendidly grand
He Rose from the Dead, with U in His Plan.
The Stones split away, the Gold TrUmpet blew,
And this word ResUrrection is spelled with a U.
When JesUs left Earth at His Upward Ascension

He felt there was one thing He just had to Mention.
"Go Into The World and tell them it's TrUe, that I Love them ALL -
Just like I Love U. So many great People are spelled with a U,
Don't They have a right to Know JesUs Too?

It ALL Depends now on what U will DO,
He'd like them to know
But It ALL Starts With U.

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Email Lee

A Special Note:
I would like to say Happy Anniversary to the most fantastic man in the world. Bryan,it has been a joy, privilege, and honor to be your wife for the past ten years. Thank you for making life so wonderful. Happy Father's Day to each and every one of you.  Have fun and be safe. Lee

Flag Day-June 14th
The Flag of the United States: Table of Contents

Father's Day-June 20th
Billy Bear's Happy Fathers Day
Welcome to Father's Day on the Net
Marvelicious Happy Fathers Day
Smiles From Kathy - Poems for Father's Day
Father's Day - History of Father's Day
Homearts Celebrates Father's Day
When God Created Fathers
Kid's Domain
Betty's Father's Day

Father's Day Graphics
Pat's Father's Day Border and Backgrounds
Roxy's Renditions

Cards To Send To Dad
Kodak "Picture This"
Virtual Greeting Cards
Blue Mountain Arts
Free Digital Postcards For Father's Day

Gift Ideas For Dad
Perfect Present Picker
The Man in The Moon-Gifts for him

The First Day of Summer - June21
Summer Fun for Kids

Craft Recipes-For rainy days
Lots and Lots of Links-For kids and parents
Summer Camps For Kids Directories-The Mining Company
(more info on Kids Camps in Healthy Living below)

Vacation Planning and Tips
Any Seasons Travel-Tips for children and female travelers; also tips for packing
Leisure Planet Travel Guide-Know before you go!
Vacation Paradise Travel Tips
Fodor's Travel Online
RV Trips

General Safety Tips For Summer
Summer Hiking and Camping
Lawn Mower Injuries
Summer Swimming Safety
Summer and Water Safety Provided By Clemson University
Boat Safe and Boat Safe Kids
Glossary of Health and Safety Tips-Provided by the American Red Cross

Help With Remoldeling Your Home
Living Home
DoIt Yourself
Free Home Improvement and Home Repair Advice
Home Design
Home Depot

Miscellaneous Sites
The Dash-Thank you AmySL1
Touched By Angels-Thank you Christy
The Child Within-Thank you Susan


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Email Susan

Super Quick Workouts That Really Pay Off

Not enough time to exercise? Here are eight speedy workouts that burn 100 calories in less than 15 minutes.

Running up stairs--- 6 minutes to burn 100 calories

Jumping rope , fast--- 7.5 minutes

Jogging, 9 minute mile--- 8 minutes

Kickboxing--- 9 minutes

Ski machine--- 9.5 minutes

Bicycling, 13 mph--- 10 minutes

Walking up stairs--- 11 minutes

Inline skating--- 13 minutes

Healthy Ideas: Program Planner -- Inline Skating

Healthy Ideas: Program Planner -- Stair-Stepping Tips, How To Use a StairMaster or Stair Climber Correctly

What's Your Exercise Quotient? -- Take the quiz and find out!

THRIVE: Top 40 Fitness Questions   (AOL ONLY)
Get the straight information you need, about exercising.

What's Your Workout Personality?
Matching personality to exercise make sense???

Indoor Cycling
What is it? why would I wanna do it? Click and find out!

25 ways to lose 5 pounds

Losing the weight is easier than you think. To drop about a pound or two a week, simply whittle 500 calories out of your day-by eating a little less, working out a little more or doing a combination of the two. No suffering required: the 25 sneaky strategies here can help you painlessly drop those 5 pounds in just a few weeks. Get ready for a great summer!

1. Shave off 500 calories a day with this twofold approach: At breakfast, lunch and dinner, eat one quarter less than you usually would. For example, try eating half a bagel with jam instead of a whole one with cream cheese at breakfast, and have a small green salad with your dinner instead French fries {that's about 250 calories right there}. Then during your workout, step, run, jump rope, for at least an additional 30 minutes {that will take care of the other 250 calories}.

Take up power walking. Walking can burn the same amount of calories as running if you increase the intensity. Find a speed at which you're sweating but still able to talk. Forty-five minutes, 5 days a week, can melt off more than 1,600 calories.

3. Defrost your freezer. Gourmet ice cream is a diet travesty. Reach instead for fat free fudgesicles, frozen yogurt and juice bars when you want a snack.

4. Dance! Take advantage of the swing dance craze by signing up for classes twice a week. {in addition to your regular cardios workouts}.

5. At each meal, cut exactly half the food on your plate and then assess: are you still hungry? If so eat half of the remaining food. Drink some water and assess again. Leaving just a little bit on your plate at every meal will quickly add up to weight loss-and you'll train yourself to take smaller portions.

6. If you don't already strength train regularly, you'll lose more than a half pound of muscle mass every year after the age of 25.  Increase your mass by working with free weights and machines. Each 45 minute strength training session burns about 300 calories.

7. Keep carbs in check. Contrary to what some popular diet books claims, carbs aren't evil.  But if you overdo eating them, they can definitely keep your weight up. 6 or 7 servings a day for 6 weeks will help you lose weight. If you are very active though already, {exercise for more than an hour a day 5 days a week} 9 servings a day is more realistic.

8. Fill up on fruit. Instead of guzzling fruit or vegetable juice all day, stick to the whole food. Whole fruits and vegetables have a fraction of the calories of juices. And they are more satisfying. They're packed with fiber so you fill feel fuller faster.

9. Have a cup of soup--go for clear broth based kinds that are full of veggie's, or a salad with non fat dressing before lunch or dinner five days a week. Filling up on fiber rich low cal foods means you eat less and still are satisfied.

10. There are some foods -- cheddar cheese, cake, ice cream, oreos, around which you truly cannot control yourself and that can add hundreds of extra calories a day. Don't buy these items or keep them around until you've lost the weight. If you still miss a few of your favorites, reintroduce them slowly, and in small quantities.

11. Addicted to soda? Believe it or not 3 cans of the sugary stuff pack 450 calories. Switch to zero calorie diet soda if you can't give up the caffeine.

12. Invest in your health by investing in an expert. A personal trainer can help whip you into shape. Even just 2 or 3 sessions will benefit you.    Call The American Council on Exercise at 800-825-3636 for a certified trainer in your area. A registered dietitian will customize an eating plan that will allow you to safely lose about 1-2 lbs a week. Many health care plans have their own dietitians that you can consult with at no charge.  You can also log on to www.eatright.org  for a local dietitian. You can also log on to www.cyberdiet.com  to help you analyze your diet and create your own plan for free.

13. At least three days a week, ride your bike to work or walk to the grocery store instead of driving.

14. Those afternoon trips to the vending machines may be doing major damage to your waistline. Keep some low cal/low fat snacks at your workplace to munch on when hunger strikes.

15. Sign up for an upcoming 5 K race in your area. If you're not a runner walk it! Train for at least three weeks to walk it, gradually increasing your distance to three miles, until race day.

16. Ditch the deli. Eating one deli sandwich will cost you 600-800 calories!!!!! Cut calories in half by bringing healthy lunches from home.

17. What's not to love about circuit training? It squelches boredom, and works more muscles than a monotonous stairclimbing session. One hour session can burn up to 500 calories.

18. For a healthy diet regimen that won't cost you a dime you can log on to www.nal.usda.gov/fnic/ for a copy of the food pyramid. You'll learn how to build your food pyramid here. Stick to the low end of the recommended servings.

19. Go hard core. If you have the time, twice a week double up your exercise routine by adding a second cardio workout. If you're already getting in a 45 minute session, add another 45 minutes of exercise on the same day.

20. After dinner, go directly to your toothbrush. No food tastes good once your mouth is minty fresh.

21. Cancel your cable. Okay, at least unhook it for six weeks. Watching to much TV can lead to inertia -- which invariably leads to mindless snacking. Instead, watch one 30 minute workout tape a night -- try Yoga, Tae-Bo, body sculpting.

22. Here's a weight loss tip for evening exercisers: eat a low fat breakfast, healthy lunch and a pre workout snack to keep your energy up.

23. Forget the fast food. If you're a fast food fanatic, cut out all Mc Donald's, Chinese takeout, crispy fried chicken, and the like. One quarter pounder and fries alone have over 630 calories and scary amounts of fat.

24. Dietitians agree that keeping a food diary is a surefire way to target the foods and habits to keep you from achieving your goals. For one week, write down what, and how much you ate, as well as how you felt. Look for patterns.

25. Do you realize that your morning mocha delight topped with whipped cream is loaded with about 400 calories and 25 grams of fat! Reduce the fat and calories without sacrificing taste. Switch to plain coffee and add a sprinkle of fat free cocoa, for just 50 calories.

The Fitness Zone: Fitness Information Library
The FATFREE Recipe Collection
The Recipe Directory --vegetarian
THRIVE: Healthy Habits @ Thrive

The Basics for improving your eating habits
THRIVE: Battling the Bulge
Body Mass Index Calculator -- thrive@weight

Looking Forward.

Race for the Cure -- National Race for the Cure, If the events of the last couple of years have made you think there's no such thing as a non partisan day in our nation's capitol, think again. On Saturday, June 5th,
a 50 foot pink ribbon will hang from the Washington Monument and tens of thousands of National Race for the Cure entrants from politicians to celebrities to regular citizens will run and walk the streets of Washington, DC with one simple goal: to help find a cure for breast cancer.  For information on a Race for the Cure in your area, call

Welcome to AIDSRide --The aids ride is a spectacular journey from 350 to nearly 600 miles. Check out their web sight to find the ride nearest you. Also great training tips to prepare for this journey and registration.

Healthy Kids
Calling all Campers Ready, Set, Go!

How can you know if your child is old enough to handle and benefit from a sleep away camp experience? Though age is no guarantee of maturity, the ideal age is about 9.

Here are a few signs that indicate that your child is ready to be a happy camper.

Handles separation-at school, birthday parties easily.

Has had successful overnight experiences at friend's homes.

Makes requests to go to camp.

Shows an eagerness and enthusiasm for new activities.

Demonstrates an open attitude to making new friends.

Shows a desire to join in group activities.

You feel ready to let go and have your child separate.

Some kids prefer to focus on one activity.  Fortunately for them, the array of specialty camps expands every year. Depending on your child's interest, you can chose from camps that focus on tennis, riding, sailing, basketball, hockey, soccer, football, computers, space, music and much more.

Where to find Camps.

The American Camping Association, will refer you to your local chapter which will provide camp recommendations. American Camping Association's Web Site www.camps.org 1-800-423-CAMP.

The National Camp Association Camp Advisory Service recommends Children's sleep away camps. Includes teens camps also. Summer Camp, sleepaway camp, overnight camp, sports camps for children kids teens teenagers www.summercamp.org. 1-800-966-CAMP.

InterCamp: Internet Summer Camp Directory & Resource --2,000 plus camps, searchable by price, location, special needs, websites and more!

Kids' Camps - Camp Directory - Teen Tours Summer Camp Search Youth Sports Jobs Sleep-away Sleepaway Special Needs Family Chi
A very comprehensive directory of camps and summer experiences. Links to sports camps, academic, arts and more.

Camps for Kids with special medical needs

Kids' Camps - Diabetes Camps

Kids' Camps - Burn Camps

Kids' Camps - Epilepsy Camps

Kids' Camps - Cancer/Oncology Camps

Kids' Camps - Weight Loss Camps

Other needs

Kids' Camps - Mainstream Camps

Kids' Camps - Speech/Hearing Impairments Camps

Kids' Camps - Physical Disability Camps

Kids' Camps - Visually Impaired Camps

Kids' Camps - Developmental Disability Camps

Kids' Camps - Learning Disabled & Attention Def. Dis. Camps

Kids' Camps - Other Needs Camps

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Meet Featured Child, Jessy F.

Beary Special Kids, Welcome

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Email Jackie


From:    KSulli3297@aol.com

Hi,, My husband and I have five children and he sacrifices alot for these kids and I and he'll go without to do for them..He gives of his time and energy and himself at all times for us. I know that is what a daddy is spoz to do. But the thing is ..I brought three children into this marriage and he took them and loved them like his own and never once has he complained about having three extra..He treats them like they are his very own..And I want to take the opportunity in the June issue of GOL to say Happy Daddy's day,,Jim..what a wonderful dad you are and I thank god everyday for you...We love you... Cwby357@aol.com  ...

June 6th
RJones8613@aol.com    ~ Michael ~ 16 years old !

June 8th
10th Anniversary

June 18th
Dan will be 36 !  Trouttrakr@aol.com

June 24th
Mike and Charlene's Wedding Anniversary
Charlie409@aol.com and Thelgtkpr@aol.com

June 25th

June 30th
Bryan and Lee's 10th wedding anniversary

From:    LegalWngs2
My dad is June 30 lol he isnt online lol but i can send my mom the link to the page thanks my dads name is Robert and he'll be 62 
Send greetings to: Raineshome@aol.com


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When Is Your Birthday
and What is it for?
From ItsCherlyn@aol.com  

June 1 is . . . . .  Dare Day

June 2 is . . . . .  National Rocky Road Day

June 3 is . . . . .  Repeat Day

June 4 is . . . . .  Old Maid's Day

June 5 is . . . . .  Festival Of Popular Delusions Day

June 6 is . . . . .   Teacher's Day
and National Applesauce Cake Day

June 7 is . . . . .  National Chocolate Ice Cream Day

June 8 is . . . . .  Name Your Poison Day

June 9 is . . . . .  Donald Duck Day

June 10 is . . . .  National Yo-yo Day

June 11 is . . . .  National Hug Holiday
and King Kamehameha Day

June 12 is . . . .  Machine Day

June 13 is . . . .  National Juggling Day
and Kitchen Klutzes Of America Day

June 14 is . . . .  Pop Goes The Weasel Day

June 15 is . . . .  Smile Power Day

June 16 is . . . .  National Hollerin' Contest Day

June 17 is . . . .  Watergate Day
and Eat Your Vegetables Day

June 18 is . . . .  International Panic Day

June 19 is . . . .  World Sauntering Day

June 20 is . . . .  Ice Cream Soda Day

June 21 is . . . . Cuckoo Warning Day.

June 22 is . . . .  National Chocolate Eclair Day

June 23 is . . . .  National Pink Day

June 24 is . . . .  Museum Comes To Life Day

June 25 is . . . .  Log Cabin Day

June 26 is . . . .  National Chocolate Pudding Day

June 27 is . . . .  National Columnists Day

June 28 is . . . .  Paul Bunyan Day

June 29 is . . . .  Camera Day

June 30 is . . . .  Meteor Day


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Email John

John takes on a more serious than usual
approach this month...

Words From The Heart...

Man without vision shall perish!
-The Bible

I once knew a man that died at the age of 20 but they didn't
bury him till he was 60!
-Ben Franklin

Have you ever watched a small child play and wondered how they see things? Wondered what things looked like through their eyes? Everything is larger than life through a child's eyes. A simple playground slide becomes Mt. Everest! A blanket suddenly becomes a fort! Everything seen through a child's eyes is new, adventurous, something to be explored with wide eyed wonder! And everything seen through the eyes of a child for the first time is seen with new eyes.
When my son was 4, he and my step daughter were outside playing catch with a tennis ball. When suddenly a thought crossed his mind and brought forth a cavalcade of questions that, only in a child's mind, brought forth more questions. ( I love watching the thought processes of a child.) The conversation went something like this:
Michael: Where is God?
Kathy: God is everywhere.
Michael: Is He in the sky?
Kathy: Yes Michael, God is everywhere.
Michael: Is He in our house?
Kathy: Yes Michael, God is everywhere.
Michael: Is He in our pool?
Kathy: Yes Michael, God is everywhere.
Michael: Is He in our tree?
Kathy: Yes Michael, for the last time...God is everywhere.
At this point Michael takes the tennis ball and throws it into the tree and watches as it bounces from limb to limb before it fell harmlessly to the ground. He looks at the ball and then at Kathy in astonishment and said, "Oops, God missed!"
This type of innocence is something that I, as an adult miss in myself! I long for the days of wide eyed wonder and carefree summer days when all I had to worry about was being good through the summer so that Santa Claus would place me on the "NICE LIST"! As adults we learn to be cautious and wary of people. We learn to distrust others. This is not a natural instinct but rather a learned instinct. A baby is neither scared nor worried about a spider or a snake until we instill in them our fears and terrors. We teach our children to watch out for the bad people. And we have just cause to instruct them in this behavior. There is plenty of evil in the world that we must protect our children from. Still, It is a shame that it has to be that way isn't it? After all, wouldn't it be nice to go to bed with no worries? Wake up refreshed and alert because we had a peaceful nights sleep with nothing heavy weighing on our mind! Wouldn't that be nice?
Not only are our children learning their fears from us the adults, but now they are learning terror from one another! Case in point, This past Thursday and anonymous letter arrived at my son's middle school with a bomb threat. 20 years ago, perhaps a few children would have missed a day of school because of it. Now, 1400 students fail to show up for class on the next day. That is roughly 50% of the students of that school! Even though the school was thoroughly searched and police were posted at every entrance to the school, half didn't show up! Did my son? NO! I felt that there was no reason to take a gamble that the . 0001% chance that something that terrible could hit our small community to risk my son's life! That afternoon, we went to the mall to see a Star Wars Episode 1, and low and behold we located the missing 1400 students!
Our children are now becoming the victims of an adult disease. The disease is reality! As adults we think "Seeing is Believing!" (because we have become untrusting). Children think, "Believing is Seeing!" They believe in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, They KNOW they are real, because they believe they are real! And why shouldn't they? They haven't had to face the cold stark reality that NOT EVERYTHING IS AS IT SEEMS! Their dreams are pure, untainted. As adults we let reality rule instead of our dreams. When we sees to dream we cease to live. As the Bible says, " Man without vision shall perish!"
Please, don't give up on your dreams, don't let reality harden you and force you to give up on the things you dream about! Tonight, before it is too late, sit down with your husband/wife, boyfriend/girlfriend, significant other, best friend, whomever, and talk about your dreams for the future. I know you still have them, but sometimes we become afraid to let them out! We become afraid that we will be ridiculed and called silly for allowing ourselves a chance to want something better for ourselves!
Dust off those dreams you once had of going to Hawaii, or of having a boat, or whatever your dreams may be! Because, if you don't, you risk losing them forever! Maybe your dream is getting your bills paid off and getting out of debt! Whatever it is, dust it off, polish it, make it shine! You will find that it will renew your life and give you more faith in people! I am not sure why!!! But, it is true! It will give you a greater sense of purpose in life! Then after you have re discovered your dreams... Sit down with your children and listen to their dreams! Let them share with you their vision of the future! I am sure it will cause you to add their dreams to yours!
Let that light back into your eyes! Start seeing the world again through a child's eyes. Go ahead be silly everyday! It wont hurt nothing! And those that may attempt to ridicule you will actually be jealous that they do not have the guts yet to live again! Get those "NEW EYES" working again and the world wont be quite so frightful! You well be amazed at how much wonder there is left unexplored in the world!
Now get out there and start dreaming and have fun with life!

God Bless You,

John =)

İMay 1999 John W. Love


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Submitted by WendyWW@webtv.net

Which tree are you?   Which tree does your birthday fall under?

December 23 to January 1 ............ Apple Tree
January 2 to January 11 ............. Fir Tree
January 12 to January 24 ............ Elm Tree
January 25 to February 3 ............ Cypress Tree
February 4 to February 8 ............ Poplar Tree
February 9 to February 18 ........... Cedar Tree
February 19 to February 28 .......... Pine Tree
March 1 to March 10 ................. Weeping Willow Tree
March 11 to March 20 ................ Lime Tree
March 21 ............................ Oak Tree
March 22 to March 31 ................ Hazelnut Tree
April 1 to April 10 ................. Rowan Tree
April 11 to April 20 ................ Maple Tree
April 21 to April 30 ................ Walnut Tree
May 1 to May 14 ..................... Poplar Tree
May 15 to May 24 .................... Chestnut Tree
May 25 to June 3 .................... Ash Tree
June 4 to June 13 ................... Hornbeam Tree
June 14 to June 23 .................. Fig Tree
June 24 ............................. Birch Tree
June 25 to July 4 ................... Apple Tree
July 5 to July 14 ................... Fir Tree
July 15 to July 25 .................. Elm Tree
July 26 to August 4 ................. Cypress Tree
August 5 to August 13 ............... Poplar Tree
August 14 to August 23 .............. Cedar Tree
August 24 to September 2 ............ Pine Tree
September 3 to September 12 ......... Weeping Willow Tree
September 13 to September 22 ........ Lime Tree
September 23 ........................ Olive Tree
September 24 to October 3 ........... Hazelnut Tree
October 4 to October 13 ............. Rowan Tree
October 14 to October 23 ............ Maple Tree
October 24 to November 11 ........... Walnut Tree
November 12 to November 21 .......... Chestnut Tree
November 22 to December 1 ........... Ash Tree
December 2 to December 11 ........... Hornbeam Tree
December 12 to December 21 .......... Fig Tree
December 22 ......................... Beech Tree

Apple Tree, the Love
Of slight build, lots of charm, appeal and attraction, pleasant aura, flirtatious, adventurous, sensitive, always in love, wants to love and be loved, faithful and tender partner, very generous, scientific talents, lives for today, a carefree philosopher with imagination.

Fir Tree, the Mysterious
Extraordinary taste, dignity, cultivated airs, loves anything beautiful, moody, stubborn, tends to egoism but cares for those close to it, rather modest, very ambitious, talented, industrious uncontent lover, many friends, many foes, very reliable.

Elm Tree, the Noble-Mindedness
Pleasant shape, tasteful clothes, modest demands, tends to not forgive mistakes, cheerful, likes to lead but not to obey, honest and faithful partner, tends to a know-all-attitude and making decisions for others, noble-minded, generous, good sense of humor, practical.

Cypress, the Faithfulness
Strong, muscular, adaptable, takes what life has to give, happy, content, optimistic, needs enough money and acknowledgment, hates loneliness, passionate lover which cannot be satisfied, faithful, quick-tempered, unruly, pedantic and careless.

Poplar, the Uncertainty
Looks very decorative, no self-confident behavior, only courageous if necessary, needs goodwill and pleasant surroundings, very choosy, often lonely, great animosity, artistic nature, good organizer, tends to philosophy, reliable in any situation, takes   partnership serious.

Cedar, the Confidence
Of rare beauty, knows how to adapt, likes luxury, of good health not in the least shy,tends to look down on others, self-confident, determined, impatient, wants to impress others, many talents, industrious, healthy optimism, waiting for the one true love, able to make quick decisions.

Pine Tree, the Particularity
Loves agreeable company, very robust, knows how to make life comfortable,very active, natural, good companion, but seldom friendly, falls easily in love but its passion burns out quickly, gives up easily, many disappointments till it finds its ideal, trustworthy, practical.

Weeping Willow, the Melancholy
Beautiful but full of melancholy, attractive, very empathic, loves anything beautiful and tasteful, loves to travel, dreamer, restless, capricious, honest, can be influenced but is not easy to live with, demanding, good intuition, suffers in love but finds sometimes an anchoring partner.

Lime Tree, the Doubt
Accepts what life dishes out in a composed way, hates fighting, stress and labor, tends to laziness and idleness, soft and  relenting, makes sacrifices for friends, many talents but not tenacious  enough to make them blossom, often wailing and complaining, very  jealous, loyal.

Hazelnut Tree, the Extraordinary
Charming, undemanding, very understanding, knows how to make an impression, active fighter for social cause, popular, moody and  capricious lover, honest and tolerant partner, precise sense of judgment.

Rowan, the Sensitive
Full of charm, cheerful, gifted, without egoism, likes to draw attention, loves life, motion, unrest and even complications, is both dependent and independent, good taste, artistic, passionate, emotional, good company, does not forgive.

Maple, Independence of Mind
No ordinary person, full imagination and originality, shy and reserved, ambitious, proud, self-respect, hungers for new experiences, sometimes nervous, many complexes, good memory, learns easily, complicated love life, wants to impress.

Walnut Tree, the Passion
Unrelenting, strange and full of contrasts, often egoistic, aggressive, noble, broad horizon, unexpected reactions, spontaneous, unlimited ambition, no flexibility, difficult and uncommon partner, not always liked but often admired, ingenious strategist, very jealous and passionate, no compromises.

Chestnut Tree, the Honesty
Of unusual beauty, does not want to impress, well-developed sense of justice, vivacious, interested, a born diplomat, but irritate and sensitive in company, often due to a lack of self-confidence, acts sometimes superior, feels not understood, loves only once, has difficulties in finding a partner.

Ash Tree, the Ambition
Uncommonly attractive, vivacious, impulsive, demanding, does not care for criticism, ambitious, intelligent, talented, likes to play with its fate, can be egoistic, very reliable and trust- worthy, faithful and prudent lover, sometimes brains rule over heart, but takes partnership very serious.

Hornbeam, the good taste Of cool beauty
Cares for its looks and condition, good taste, tends to egoism, makes life as comfortable as possible, leads reasonable, disciplined life, looks for kindness, an emotional partner and acknowledgment, dreams of unusual lovers, is seldom happy with her feelings, mistrusts most people, is never sure of its decisions, very consciencious.

Fig Tree, the Sensibility
Very strong, a bit self-willed, independent, does not allow contradiction or arguments, loves life, its family, children and animals, a bit of a butterfly, good sense of humor, likes idleness and laziness, of practical talent and intelligence.

Oak, robust nature
Courageous, strong, unrelenting, independent, sensible, does not love changes, keeps its feet on the ground, person of action.

Birch, the Inspiration
Vivacious, attractive, elegant, friendly, unpretentious, modest, does not like anything in excess, abhors the vulgar, loves life in nature and in calm, not very passionate, full of imagination, little ambition, creates a calm and content atmosphere.

Olive Tree, the Wisdom
Loves sun, warmth and kind feelings, reasonable, balanced, avoids aggression and violence, tolerant, cheerful, calm, well-developed sense of justice, sensitive, empathic, free of jealousy, loves to read and the company of sophisticated people.

Beech, the Creative
Has good taste, concerned about its looks, materialist, good organization of life and career, economical, good leader, takes no unnecessary risks, reasonable, splendid lifetime companion, keen on keeping fit (diets, sports, etc.).


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Editor in Chief <g> : Christy aka ChristyMW1@aol.com
"Down In Fuzzy Junction" : John aka EagleLinx1@aol.com
"Healthy Living" : Susan aka Susan909@aol.com
"Lee's Links" : Lee aka Lee955@aol.com
"Question Of The Month" : Linda aka Linda1000@aol.com
"What's Cooking" : Doreen aka DoeRadQA@aol.com
"Birthdays and Special Days" : Jackie aka Larjax@aol.com
"The Domestic Goddess" : Darla aka LadyBeanie@aol.com
"Darla's Goodies" : Darla aka LadyBeanie@aol.com

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Copyrighted 1999 ChristyMW1@aol.com / Game of Life Online Newsletter
All Rights Reserved
Published June 15, 1999


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