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Game of Life
Online Newsletter
~August 1999~

Created/Edited By:


**Caution** GRAPHICS INTENSE!! Slow Loading Zone!!! <g>


Hello!!   Welcome to the August issue of the Game of Life.  =)  How is the summer going?  If you are like most, it is probably pretty busy.  As y'all know I have trying to research my genealogy.   (Trying being the keyword here, lol.  I mostly hit brick walls.)  I found out a couple of months ago that a new Historical and Genealogical Society had started not too long ago in the same county that the family line I am researching is from.  Talk about great timing.  <g>  I won't bore y'all with the in-between details, but I now find myself the WebMistress for the new website for the Society.  =)  Please stop by and take a look at it and let me know whatcha think.  You can click on the banner or the link below it. 

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Hmmmm...  Is there only person with a birthday in August out there?  Or is someone holding out on me??   <g> 
On the 27th of August Zachary will be *7*
And only one person had a response to last month's question.   (Although someone else did mention to me that they found it to be a rather tough question to answer.. perhaps this month's will be a tad easier.) 

If there is anything you would like to see in GOL or any change suggestions, I'd love to hear them.  If you have an online newsletter that you would like me to list in the September 1999 issue of GOL, please let me know.  If you have a small logo or banner I will gladly include that as well. 

OH OH OH !!!!!  Guess what?????   Next month GOL will be turning 2 years old!!  (Guess you can expect a birthday theme! LOL)  This would be a good time to post YOUR comments about GOL... I would also love to hear from those of you that have been hanging around since early on.  =)   I still have hopes of publishing the email based newsletters (prior to January 1999) on the web.  I had a problem converting from text to html last time I tried.   I was able to get it into html format, without losing color or links, but the font size was off.  When I would edit anything, it would throw it off even further.   Any suggestions?  I am looking for some nice inspirational thoughts/poems for future issues of the newsletter... Please send them in if you come across them.  THANKS!

Past 1999 issues of GOL:
The Game of Life Newsletter ~*~ July 1999 ~*~
The Game of Life Newsletter ~*~ June 1999 ~*~
The Game of Life Newsletter ~*~ May 1999 ~*~
The Game of Life Newsletter ~*~ April 1999 ~*~
The Game of Life Newsletter ~*~ March 1999 ~*~
The Game of Life Newsletter ~*~ February 1999 ~*~
The Game of Life Newsletter ~*~ January 1999 ~*~

If you arrived at this page and are not currently signed up to receive GOL monthly updates, please join us....
Click to Subscribe to the Game of Life

To access my other pages, click below:
Christy's World of Love and Smiles

Remember...  my mailbox is ALWAYS open to you.

Lots of Love n Smiles,

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From Winners: What America Means to Me!
(On AOL Only)

Our theme of "What America Means to Me," brought out some of the finest posts of this year. Reading these entries and trying to select three was an arduous task. The result, however, has been greatly rewarding as you will see as you read our winning selections. We thank all our authors for responding, and encourage everyone to read these awe inspiring selections. They are truly fine literature, and amplify the theme perfectly.

Our First Place winner is a true and unbiased look at our America and what makes it great. It reminds those of us who, through our prejudices, may have strayed from what is near and dear to us. Our author, LonEagle3 proved what an accomplished writer can do with a worthy subject. For "America, A Country Born On the Passion of Dreams" we award 10 Amazing Points and bow from the waist in awe of what was written.
CONGRATULATIONS to our own LonEagle3 !!!!
Read John's Story
First Place Winner (On AOL Only)

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Good morning. I am God. Today I will be handling all of your problems.
Please remember that I do not need your help. If the devil happens to
deliver a situation to you that you cannot handle, do not attempt to
resolve it. Kindly put it in the SFJTD (something for Jesus to do) box.
It will be addressed in My time, not yours. Once the matter is placed
into the box, Do not hold on to it or remove it. Holding on or removal
will delay the resolution of your problem. If it is a situation that you
think you are capable of handling, please consult me in prayer to be
sure that it is the proper resolution. Because I do not sleep nor do I
slumber, there is no need for you to lose any sleep. Rest my child. If
You need to contact me, I am only a prayer away.

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If you have any questions for Susan, or if you have a
topic suggestion... please feel free to email her.  =)

Overcoming Grief

Simply defined, grief is deep or intense sorrow. An unhappy and painful emotion caused by the loss of a loved one, usually through death, but also from ending a relationship. Everyone experiences grief in their own way, but generally there are recognized stages to the process of mourning.
It starts at the recognition of a loss and extends to the eventual acceptance of it. Refusing to deal with the loss of a loved one, or being unable to face the loss, may cause an absent grief reaction. Grief not expressed openly comes out in other ways, such as physical symptoms or erratic behavior, or is displaced onto other persons.

While grief is natural, and clearly the most powerful of all emotional experiences, it is also the most neglected and misunderstood experience a person can go through.

Physical signs and symptoms of grief
Irritable/out of sorts
Loss of appetite
Profound sadness
Mood swings/euphoria to slumps
Great behavior changes examples: getting rid of everything or moving to try to get rid of the hurt.
Uncontrollable crying

Call your health care provider if you are unable to deal with grief, are using excessive amounts of drugs or alcohol, become severely depressed, or have prolong depression that interferes with your daily functioning.

Emotional support for the grieving process is usually provided by family and friends. Sometimes outside factors can influence the normal grieving process., and outside help from a pastor, social worker, mental health specialists, or self help groups may be helpful. Grief may extend a year or longer. Psychological counseling may benefit a person suffering from absent grief reaction, or from depression associated with grieving.
Grief and loss can have an adverse effect on overall health. It can contribute to depression, excessive use of drugs or alcohol.

Links to find information, help and support.

* Coping with Grief--Excellent information in this site.
* The Grief Recovery Institute -- Links to Compassionate friends, The National SIDS Foundation, The National AIDS Network.
* Disorders -- This site lists and gives information on the most common mental disorders.
* Online Psych Locator -- Comprehensive mental health locator.
* depression center -- Extensive information about depression.
* Killer Cliches about loss--Dealing with loss, excellent article!
* Are there actual stages of grieving? --The 5 stages as written about by DR. Kubler-Ross.
* Am I paranoid or am I being avoided?--Talk about what has happened.
* I'm fine...and other lies!!!
* Less Than Loved On
* If I start crying will I be able to stop
* MenWeb - Men's Issues: Men and Grief--Do men grieve differently than women? Answers are in this article.
* The Center for Grief Education
* Subjects - Mind, Body, and Spirit
* Grief Forum @ Online Psych (AOL only)

Ultimately, to grieve our losses means to surrender to our feelings.
So many of us have lost so much, have said so many good-byes, have been through so many changes. We may want to hold back the tides of change, not because the change isn't good, but because we have had so much change, so much loss.

Sometimes, when we are in the midst of pain and grief, we become shortsighted, like members of a tribe described in the movie Out of Africa.
"If you put them in prison," one character said, describing this tribe, "they die."

"Why?" asked another character.
"Because they can't grasp the idea that they'll be let out one day.
They think it's permanent, so they die."

Many of us have so much grief to get through. Sometimes we begin to believe grief, or pain, is a permanent condition.
The pain will stop. Once felt and released, our feelings will bring us to a better place than where we started. Feeling our feelings, instead of denying or minimizing them, is how we heal from our past and move forward into a better future. Feeling our feelings is how we let go.  It may hurt for a moment, but peace and acceptance are on the other side. So is a new beginning.

Help me fully embrace and finish my endings, so I may be ready for
my new beginnings.
~~Melody Beattie~~
~~The Language of Letting Go~~

As seen in Happy Thoughts newsletter, used by permission.
Thank you Janice.

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Got a health-related problem you want to talk about? The Web's a great place to share it. Join HealthGuide for the run-down on the best places to find health chats and events. You'll learn where to turn to for advice on aging well, nutrition tips, support for parenting, and even talk about alternative medicine. Your body (and health care plan) will thank us for it.

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Thank you Lee, for your help with these links.
It's the most wonderful time of the year.........
No, Not Christmas..........................................
It's............... Back to School time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Over the next 3-4 weeks children across this country will be heading back to school. I'm sending parents back to school to bone up on health problems most likely to surface this season. Plus much more. You'll be glad after checking out these links that you did your homework.

* Back to School -- Guide--Classroom trends, You won't believe this years fashion trend!
* Back to School -- Improving Math Skills Through Music --Multiply your child's chance of retaining math facts by singing?????
* Back to School -- Feed the Mind --Along with the ravioli and peas, enhance reading skills with good nutrition.
* Back to School -- Lactose Intolerance: Give Them Culture
* Back to School -- Breakneck Breakfasts-- Truly the most important meal of the day.
* Back to School -- Say No to Soda--You decide.
* Back to School -- Food For Sick Kids --Colds, flu, make sure your child gets the nutrition they need during sick times.
* Back to School -- When Kids Leave the Nutrition Nest-- How can parents help their child eat the right foods away from home???
* InteliHealth - Home to Johns Hopkins Health Information: Immunizations and Vaccine Schedule --When to Immunize, what is an immunization? Why immunize? Are they safe? Immunization Q&A? answered here. Birth thru 14 years.
* InteliHealth - Immunizations and Vaccine Schedule--Printable schedule.
* Meet Benny Goodsport and the Goodsport Gang! --For parents and kids to enjoy.
* What's Your Child's Primary Learning Style? --Knowing how your child learns is the key to his success.
* The Brain and Learning
* Building a Better Person --Help children see the difference between right and wrong.
* 10 Pearls of Wisdom from Kids About Parenting --Raising the perfect parent.


Chicken pox doesn't have to be a "rite of passage" of childhood, and
treating it as such could be dangerous to your child's health and that
of adults not exposed to the disease in childhood.

Chicken pox is particularly severe in adults and is responsible for
several deaths every year. Yet despite the availability of a vaccine
that can help prevent the disease, only 34 percent of U.S. children
between the ages of 19 and 35 months are currently vaccinated against
chicken pox.

The vaccine is recommended for all people over 12 months of age who
are susceptible to the infection, including adults who did not have
the disease in childhood. It is not recommended for children under 12
months of age, pregnant women, individuals with a weakened immune
system, or those taking high doses of steroids.

Thank you Susan for all the research you did and the time you spent on Healthy Living and Healthy Kids this month. 

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July's Question:
IF you discovered that your best friend's spouse was
cheating on your friend, what would you do? Why?

Responses to last month's question

Hmmm..    Only one response.... 
LOL.. Are y'all awake out there??  <g>

POOCHKY: I would gently tell her, because,if it were me, I would want to know:)


What is the best book you read this summer?
If you like give a one paragraph synopsis.


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This will be Lee's last issue as our Links Editor.
She has decided to move on and start her own Links Newsletter.
We wish you the absolute best Lee... but we are gonna miss ya!

When Lee is established, I will let y'all know
how you may subscribe to her newsletter.  =)

Hello everyone. It's August already and it is time to get the children back to school and start getting ready for old man winter. It is also time to start looking ahead to the holidays. Here are just a few links to help you get started. Thank you all for visiting with us at "Game of Life".

College Related Links
Advice and Information

Includes a series of articles such as safety,stress, and getting along with roommate.
Student Survival Center
College Stress

To Help You Study
Parents News
The Math Online Resource Center
Schoolhouse Rock
The Grammar Lady
The Idea Box
The Parent and Teacher Resource Center
Student Homework and Teacher/Parent Resource Site

World Breast Feeding Week-Aug1-7
La Leche League-
world's foremost authority on breastfeeding
Breastfeeding Reduces Risk of Childhood Obesity
Breastfeeding Support Group

Friendship Day-Aug 3
These links were provided by Susan909,LonEagle3,ChristyMW1,and QVC435868.
Thanks to each and every one of you for your friendship. You mean the world to me.
The Bird Nest
-Here is the recipe for friendship tea plus more
Friendship's Garden
My On-line Friend

Thank You My Friend
What Is a Friend
Friends-Precious as a Rose
The Wonderful World Wide Web of Friends

Thank You for Being My Friend
You Are My Friend

National Homeless Animals Day- Aug.20
Hugs For Homeless Animals
Humane Society of the United States

Women's Equality Day-Aug.26
National Women's History Project

The ABC's of Winterizing Your Home
Your Boat
Inground Swimming Pools
Above Ground Pools
Winter Awareness Tips
Seasonal Pond Care
Winterizing Your Car and Mind
Your Pet

General Gardening Basics
Monthly To Do List (By Zone)
Garden Guides
Winterizing Your Landscape

As The Twig is Bent-Susan909
The Fog-Susan909
Pansy's Home Page-Susan 909
The Official Site of Elvis Presley
Monthly garden calendars  - LegalWngs2
its a pdf file but its tips for gardening for pacific northwest :)
Here's the link I got it from (hubby uses em at home depot where he is Dept Head :)

Game Of Life Subscriber's Homepages
These pages were created byKB4avon
Kassie's Korner-Her Homepage
Memories of Mom
Joey's Barking Lot
Everything you want to know about Pomeranians is here

By LegalWngs2
Susanne's Rose Garden

In closing, please remember how special each and everyone of you are.
This link provided by Susan909
Never Forget

Lee...  Thanks for all the links...  You will have us clicking away for hours no doubt!  LOL!  Lots of informative sites and some fun n friendly ones too.  =)  You are gonna be missed!!

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Howdy Y'all,
I don't know bout where you is at but here in Texas it's been hotter than the Devil's Outhouse in August! And dryer than Miss. Minnies Cornbread Stuffin. And all this heat is just a wearin me out. So, I up and took a couple of trips up into the beautiful mountains of New Mexico and Colorado. Boy howdy was it nice up thar. What with all the mountains and the lakes and the streams. And while I was up thar the Houston Astros was whoopin up on the Colorado Rockies. So I had to sit still for a little while and root for my boys. Seein how they was in a foreign country I had to help them fend off them mountain boys!! hee hee They did it too. Beat em up that night big time too. =)
Anywho's, We crossed that there continental divide twice and boy howdy did they go and stack them rocks high! I thought I was never gonna get my ol pickup with the camper over that derned rock! Finally I drug my horse out of the trailer and hitched him up to the pickem up truck and he pulled us up to the top! And once we got up there dang!!!!! I took time to look over to my left and it was a long ways down! Kinda made me dizzy ya know! Well it had been a rainin when we was going up but when we got ourselves up to the summit we was above the clouds. Well, I got to gawkin out that winder and ya know what we saw? We seen a rainbow down below us. Now the really neat thing about this here rainbow is we could actually see the whole thing. Includin both ends. I aint never been that close to one before. It was all I could do to hold Granny back from slidin down that cliff to get to the pot of gold. She was kinda irratated at me fer not lettin her have a go at that lil leprechaun that guards it but, I knew that even if she did grab that lil feller and snatch his pot o gold away from him I was gonna have to go after her and fetch it back up and to tell you the truth. I just werent up to it!
Anyway, I appeased her by stoppin on our way back at Roswell and lettin her search for martians and aliens. The only Alien we seen though was some feller named Jose from Mexico, and he don't count!

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Eagles Nest, NM
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Dont know who they was but they had cute Legs! =)
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Continental divide
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Another one of the continental Divide
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Rainbow at 14,400 feet

Well, I will let y'all go! Here is some pitures of the mountains and the rainbows fer ya!
John =)

Written and copyrighted 1999 by John Love
(Picture descriptions by John)

John....  ROTFLOL...   You never cease to crack me up with your wonderful insights in the land of Fuzzy Junction!!!!

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*Grill meat a few minutes on each side before basting to prevent contaminating your basting brush with the bacteria often found on uncooked meat.

*Pretzel sticks are a nice alternative to toothpicks for spearing appetizers.

*Fresh herbs will stay fresh longer if you place them in a dry paper towel and then in a plastic bag before putting them into the refrigerator.

*A salt shaker filled with flour works well for dusting pans and coating chicken.

*After flouring chicken for frying, chill for one hour~the coating stays adhered better.

*Store tomatoes stem side down and they will stay fresher longer.

*For easy, clean storage, remove radishes from their tops before putting in the refrigerator.

*To easily remove seeds from a cucumber, cut it in half lengthwise, then run a melon baller down the length of both halves to scoop out the seeds.
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*Use instant potato flakes to thicken gravy, chowders, soups and stews!

*You can also use cornstarch mixed with cold water,to thicken soups stews and gravies.

*Pour leftover coffee into ice cube trays and freeze for use in iced coffee~no watered down iced coffee, and no waste!

*Use ice cream to flavor and instantly cool hot cocoa and coffee!
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*For a tender, flaky crust, add one teaspoon of vinegar or lemon juice as part of the liquid for each cup of flour in pastry and pie dough recipes.

*Thaw frozen fish in milk to preserve the fresh-caught flavor.

*Use lowfat vanilla yogurt in fruit salads for a delicious, lowfat alternative.

*Out of granulated sugar? Use brown sugar! Out of brown sugar? Use granulated sugar!

*Test baking soda or powder by adding a teaspoonful of water to it. If it fizzles, it's still good.
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*place your earring stud into an over-the-counter antibiotic cream before inserting into your ear,this lines the canal of your piercing with the ointment,preventing infections.

*save your back some strain, by removing your wallet from your back pocket whenever you sit down -- sitting on a thick wallet creates unbalanced pressure on your skeleton.
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Hiccup Solvers
* suck water through a napkin covered glass.
* gently tickle the hairs in your ear canal
with the paper end of a book match.
*Take a large glass of ice water and sit a spoon in it until the spoon is cold. Put the rounded side of the spoon against your forehead and chug the whole glass of water.
*COUGH! the reasoning is that it gets the diaphragm back in sync with the breathing."
*one shot glass, of white vinegar swallow all at once.
*Drink a glass of water (as hot as you can stand) without taking a pause to breathe,and try to relax your stomach muscles.
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*A clear-pocket shoe organizer hung on the back of a door makes a great catch-all for children's odds and ends. Beanie Babies, toy cars, art materials, and Barbie dolls can all make their home in these hanging pockets. Best of all, there's no need to rummage through a toy box to find one small part; you'll easily spot those Barbie shoes or that missing purple crayon through the clear vinyl.

*Hang a loose-shape, woven purse with a leather strap from the bed post at the head of your bed to hold a good book, writing materials, reading glasses, small flashlight, tissues, or other items you might want to find easily at night. The purse is flexible and expands to hold a large assortment of bedtime necessities.

*For a family with several children, color coordination is the key to organizing a hectic household. Let each child choose his or her favorite color, then buy towels, toothbrushes, and other personal items in the individual color for each child. The color coordination makes it easy for them to sort and identify their belongings quickly.

*Use vintage suitcases to take advantage of the extra space under your bed. If the suitcases are beat up, cover them by decoupaging paper designs over the outside. This not only hides an ugly surface, it makes it easy to quickly identify the stored items by letting the pictures do the talking.
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*coat your fingers and fingernails with a touch of petroleum jelly before starting any messy work, cleaning them afterward will be much easier.

*If your grill is new, it's important to "season" it (remove any impurities or residue and residual metals). Just light some charcoal in the grill (the same amount you'd use for cooking) and let it burn at a low temperature for several hours (you'll need to add a few briquettes now and then to keep it going. When the fire dies down, rub down the cooking grids and the inside of the barbecue lid with an old rag.

*You can revive a fire that's died down by sprinkling a few teaspoons of cooking oil on top of the coals--perfect for marshmallows!
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*Zippers won't stick if you try rubbing them with a lead pencil. Getting rid of the cling

*Dresses won't cling if you starch your slips.

*To remove a hem crease, sponge the material with white vinegar and press with a warm iron.

*Nail polish remover removes tar and grease from
white leather shoes.

*Emergency run stoppers, in your pantyhose, hair spray, a wet bar of soap, clear nail polish.
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*Dry up blemishes fast by dabbing with lemon juice several times a day.
*Make your own cleansing grains by mixing a teaspoon of sugar with soap lather.

*A terrific eye cream Apply odorless castor oil around your eyes before you go to sleep.

*To make your own dry shampoo Mix 1 tbs. salt and 1/2 Cup cornmeal. Use a large-holed shaker and sprinkle on hair then brush out dirt.

*Before applying nail polish, apply some vinegar. This not only cleans them thoroughly, but will help polish last longer.
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* Taken from various places out on the web, and the advice of
My Grandmother and Aunt. I am not in any way am I taking credit for these.

~ Darla aka LadyBeanie

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All Nascar this issue <g>
* August Schedule
* Spotlight on Rusty Wallace
* Spotlight on Bobby Labonte

Winston Cup
August Schedule

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Indianapolis Motor Speedway
Saturday Aug. 7
1 p.m.ET

Frontier at The Glen
Watkins Glen International
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Aug. 15
12:30 p.m. ET

Pepsi 400
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Aug. 22
12:30 p.m. ET

Goody's Headache Powder 500
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Saturday Aug. 28th
7:30 p.m. ET

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Whether it be Victory Lane, autograph alley or the media spotlight,
Rusty Wallace
is never far from the action.

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Rusty Wallace, Inc.
149 Knob Hill Road
Mooresville, NC 28117

Rusty Wallace Fan Club
4707 E. Baseline Road
Phoenix, AZ 85040

1-877-RUSTY-WALLACE (1-877-787-8992)
FAX 1-602-337-3760

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Rusty Wallace
Car: No. 2 Ford
Primary Sponsor: Miller Lite
Owner: Penske South Racing
Crew Chief: Robin Pemberton
Spouse: Patti
Kids: Greg, Katie, Stephen
Hometown: St.Louis, Mo.
Birthday: Aug. 14, 1956
Hobbies: Flying

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His first win came in his 72nd start, the Valleydale Meats 500 at Bristol. His first pole was recorded in his 110th race, the 1987 Miller 400 at Richmond. In his NASCAR Winston Cup Series debut, Wallace finished an amazing second in Atlanta.

He has won at least $1 million in nine different seasons, leading a racing family that includes two brothers in high-level NASCAR racing, Kenny and Mike, as well as his father, a legendary Midwest racer who was a three-time track champion in St. Louis.

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Rusty is curently running 10th in points.

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Bobby Labonte

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#18 "TeXas" Bobby Labonte
Car: Pontiac
Primary Sponsor: Interstate Batteries
Owner: Joe Gibbs Racing
Crew Chief: Jimmy Makar

Spouse: Donna
Kids: Tyler
Hometown: Corpus Christi, Tex.
Birthdate: May 8, 1964
Personal Vehicle: Chevrolet Suburban
Hobbies: Fishing, remote control cars, flying

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Labonte's first career victory came in 1995 in the Coca-Cola 600 at Charlotte. Later that year he swept both races at Michigan. The No. 18 has won at least one race every year since.

The younger Labonte brother was the NASCAR Busch Series Grand National Division champion in 1991, then was edged for the '92 by three points in a race to the finish with eventual champ Joe Nemechek.

He began racing quarter-midgets in Texas in 1969, the graduated to go-karts in 1978. His NASCAR background includes Late Model Stocks, where he won a championship at Caraway Speedway in 1987, Late Model Sportsman and in 1990, his NASCAR Busch Series Grand National debut came. He now owns a car in that series.

Bobby is currently running 3rd in points.

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Barbecued Spareribs

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method
-------- ------------ --------------------------------
5 pounds spareribs
2 tablespoons vinegar
1/2 cup catsup
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons brown sugar
1/2 teaspoon hickory smoke salt (liquid smoke)
1/2 cup steak sauce
1 teaspoon onion -- minced

Place spareribs on rack in baking pan. Brown in a 400 degree oven for 15 minutes ; turn and brown on other side for 10-15 minutes. Drain fat and put ribs in crock pot. Combine remaining ingredients and pour over ribs. Cover and cook on low 6-to 8 hours.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

French Apple-Butter Muffins

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method
-------- ------------ --------------------------------
1/2 cup sugar
6 tablespoons unsalted butter -- softened
1/2 cup milk
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup apple butter
1/4 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 cup unsalted butter -- melted

Line 12 21/2inch muffin cups with paper bake cups. Set muffin cups aside. In a medium mixing bowl beat the 1/2 cup sugar and 6 tbls butter with an electric mixer on medium to high speed till well creamed. Beat in milk and egg. In a small mixing bowl stir together flour, baking powder, nutmeg and salt. Gently stir in flour mixture into the butter mixture just till combined. Divide batter in half. Using 1 portion of the batter, spoon batter evenly into the prepared muffin cups. Make a depression in batter in each cup. Then spoon 1 teaspoon of apple butter in each depression. Using the remaining portion of the batted, spoon batter evenly on top of the apple buttier in the muffin cups. Bake in 350 oven for 20-25 minutes or till muffin tops are golden brown. remove muffins from muffin cups and let stand for 5 minutes to cool slightly. Combine 1/4 cup sugar and cinnamon. Dip the tops of muffins in 1/4 cup melted butter; roll in sugar-cinnamon mixture. Serve warm

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Macaroni and Cheese

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method
-------- ------------ --------------------------------
1 1/2 cups grated cheddar cheese
1 can cheddar cheese soup
2 tablespoons butter -- melted
2 tablespoons flour
2 cups milk
1 teaspoon Dry mustard
10 ounces macaroni -- cooked

Melt the butter. Add flour, then milk. Stir til it thickens - don't burn. Add: grated cheese and soup. Remove from heat and add remaining ingredients. Bake for 25 minutes. 350

NOTES : Grated Bread Crumbs on top. (sauté in butter and onion salt) Put on after macaroni has cooked for 15 minutes.

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Orange Tulius

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method
-------- ------------ --------------------------------
2 cups orange juice
2 egg white
1 cup ice cubes -- crushed
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/3 cup sugar

Blend and enjoy

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Special Tea

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method
-------- ------------ --------------------------------
1 large jar Tang (18 ounces)
1/2 cup Instant tea
1 1/2 cups sugar
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ground cloves
Lemon slices

Mix together all but lemon and keep in sealed Tupperware container. For each cup of boiling water, use 2 or 3 heaping teaspoons of mixture. Add thin slice of lemon to each cup. In the summertime serve over ice.

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Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method
-------- ------------ --------------------------------




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Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method
-------- ------------ --------------------------------
1 pound lump crabmeat
1 egg -- beaten
5 tablespoons mayonnaise
1 tablespoon fresh parsley -- chopped
2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce
1 teaspoon yellow prepared mustard
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon white pepper
1/2 cup bread crumbs
2 tablespoons olive oil (or melted butter)
1 cup mayonnaise
1/4 cup dijon mustard
1/2 teaspoon dry mustard
2 teaspoons lemon juice

1. Drain crabmeat and place in a bowl. Remove shell, being careful not to break up the meat!

2. In a separate bowl, mix together egg, mayonnaise, parsley, Worcestershire sauce, mustard, salt and pepper.

3. Gently fold bread crumbs into crabmeat with rubber spatula.

4. Fold egg mixture gently into crabmeat without breaking up the meat. Refrigerate mixture for 1 hour.

5. Form mixture into 8 cakes, approximately 2-1/2 inches wide and 3/4 inch. thick each.

6. Place cakes on a foil-covered baking sheet that has been brushed lightly with oil. Brush the cakes lightly with olive oil or
melted butter. Cakes may be refrigerated until ready to broil and

7. Broil cakes for 10 - 12 minutes or until golden brown.

8. Serve 2 cakes per person.

Garnish with cold Mustard Sauce.



Combine all ingredients in a bowl and blend thoroughly. Sauce may be kept in refrigerator in a covered container for up to 2 weeks!

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Ed's Baked Beans

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method
-------- ------------ --------------------------------
1 pound hamburger -- cooked
1 green pepper -- diced
1 medium onion -- chopped
40 ounces beans (Campbell's or Bush's)
1 tablespoon Brown sugar
4 slices Bacon or ham
3/4 bottle barbecue sauce
2 tablespoons dry Mustard

Mix all ingredients in crock pot. Cook on low for 4-5 hours. High 2-3 hours or bake at 250.

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Editor in Chief  <g> : Christy aka
"Healthy Living" : Susan aka
"Down in Fuzzy Junction" : John aka ( )
"Lee's Links" : Lee aka   <Last issue for Lee's Links>
"Question Of The Month" : Linda aka
"What's Cooking" : Doreen aka
"Birthdays and Special Days" : Jackie aka
"The Domestic Goddess" : Darla aka
"Darla's Goodies" : Darla aka
"Mad Gabs": Julie aka

strawberry_bar.jpg (17796 bytes)

Special thanks to Cherlyn for making this beautiful graphic set.
It looked so perfect for August that I couldn't help customizing it and using it.
Thanks Cherlyn!!

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Last Updated: Thursday, 12 August 1999 10:11:39 PM
Originally Uploaded: Wednesday, 11 August 1999
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