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Created and Edited By: Christy / ChristyMW1@aol.com

Lots of graphics... slow loading.... worth the wait... please be patient  =)


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"After the cheers have died down and the stadium is empty,
after the headlines have been written and after you are back
in the quiet of your room and the championship ring has been
placed on the dresser and all the pomp and fanfare has faded,
the enduring things that are left are: the dedication to
excellence, the dedication to victory, and the dedication to
doing with our lives the very best we can to make the world a
better place in which to live."
*Vince Lombardi {1913-1970 American Football Coach}

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Hello!!   Happy October!  Happy Harvest!  Happy Autumn!
I hope everyone had a wonderful September.  We are now moving full speed ahead into Fall (although here in Florida it is hard to tell.. MAYBE 60 degrees a morning or two.. then back to the 70s and 80s <sigh>  Come on cool weather!).  Fall is my absolute FAVORITE Season.  I can't say a whole lot about leaves changing color, cause here in Florida that doesn't really happen... and sometimes it seems we don't have real seasons here at all... but I digress. <g>  October already... soon will come November... Thanksgiving.. then December with Christmas.  It is hard to believe we are less than 3 months away from a whole new millennium.  What are YOUR plans for this New Year's Eve?  The New Year's Eve of ALL New Year's Eves....  Send in your plans and / or ideas and I will publish them in the November issue.  =)   Now... Onto the October issue... Happy reading and remember if ya click on any links that take you away, please come back.  <g>   If there is anything you would like to see in the Game of Life or anything you would like to share, just let me know.

Lots of Love n Smiles,


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Prayers for Wedgewood Baptist Church

For those receiving copies of this, I am Walter H. Norvell. I am the Dean of the Weekend College at Dallas Baptist University, Dallas Texas. I am also a PhD student at Southwest Baptist Theological Seminary. My family and I are members at Wedgwood Baptist Church and were in the services Wednesday night as this tragedy occurred. This is written in response to a request for specific prayer needs. I don't know many of you except through e-mail contacts or through my dissertation work or my denominational writing. Please pray for our church. Please  forgive typos, etc. It is hard to type through the tears. --W

Pray for Justin Laird. He is a football player at Brewer High School and a member at First Baptist Church, White Settlement. He took a bullet in his spine and is paralyzed at this time. Pray that God will do a miracle so he will fully recover.

Pray for our church staff: Dr. Al Meredith, pastor; Mike Holton, Minister of   Education/Administration; Jonathan Gardner, our brand new Minister of Music; Chris Shirley, our Minister of Adult Education and Singles; Dax Hughes, Minister to Students; Jay Fannin, Youth Minister; Kim Heron, Minister to Children; and Kevin Galey, counselor. Kevin is among the wounded.

Pray for Jay Fannin, our youth minister. Jay, along with several other youth ministers, planned this event.

Pray for the Christian band Forty Days. They were leading the youth in the praise, actually singing "Alleluia" when the gunman burst in. Pray God will give them a new power and focus in their music ministry because of this event.

Pray for Mike Smith. Mike is the 11th grade boys Sunday School teacher (David's class). Mike enlisted Kim Jones to help with the rally and she was killed doing the job she volunteered for. Mike is having a hard time dealing with this.

Pray for Tim Hood. Tim is the technology teacher at Southwest High School and leads the media team in our church. He had just succeeded in interesting Justin Ray in the youth group because Justin enjoyed video work. Tim assigned Justin to his videotaping position in the sanctuary.  Justin was killed. Tim is having a hard time dealing with this.

Pray for youth who brought visitors to this event. Our son invited and brought a friend from school. These kids feel anguished and troubled because they brought visitors, yet they were doing just what all Christians should be doing.

Pray for Mary Beth Talley. We have a sweet, physically and mentally challenged youth named Heather MacDonald. Mary Beth shielded Heather and was shot in the back. Her wound was not serious, but she will face surgery in a couple weeks to have the bullet removed. Mary Beth will not accept the title, but she is a real hero.

Pray for Jeff Laster, our building maintenance worker, the first person shot.  Jeff is a student at SWBTS and is preparing for  ministry. His condition is improving.

Kevin Galey, our counselor, is wounded and recovering. I helped pull Kevin to safety right after he was shot. Kevin is the father of three wonderful little boys. Pray for his wife, Leslie, as well.

One of the dead is Sydney Browning. She was our children's choir coordinator and deeply loved by every child who has been in her choirs. Pray for those children. Sydney was also a teacher in the city's alternative education program for problem kids. She loved her students, many of whom were kids that others have given up on. Many Saturdays, Sydney would go down to the park and meet her students on their turf to play basketball and just hang out. Her students were excelling because of her commitment to them and her witness. Pray for her students.

Pray for the Clark family--Larry, our church organist, Glenda, who worked with Sydney in the children's choir, and their sons Aaron and Andy. The Clarks invited Sydney to live in their home while she was struggling financially with seminary studies and before she could find a job.  Sydney was like a second mom to the Clark brothers. Glenda and Larry were sitting in the church lobby with Sydney when the shooter attacked and killed her. They were unharmed.

Many former church members are traveling to Fort Worth to be with us as we go back into that sanctuary on Sunday morning. Pray for traveling protection as they come and leave.

Many of the youth present, from our church and other churches, are struggling with fear, sleeplessness, depression, guilt, and other serious emotions and symptoms. Pray for their emotional healing. In particular, pray that God will bless people with sleep. So many kids are telling me they can't sleep.

Pray for the police officers, EMTs, city workers, fire fighters, counselors, and many other caregivers who came to our aid. Every one has shown great respect and love to our people. Several more would have died if not for their work. Their work has a special stress, too. Many are mothers and fathers of teenagers themselves and they feel our hurt very keenly.

The media people are just surrounding us. As bad as that sounds, it is providing us a way to share the gospel with thousands of people. Pray that our staff and people will graciously share their testimonies and the plan of salvation in these interviews. Pray for God's power will be on us to share our faith.

Pray for the families of the deceased: Justin Ray, Cassie Griffin, Sydney Browning, Sean Brown, Kim Jones, Kristi Beckel, Joseph Ennis.

Pray for our youth as they share their faith in Christ Jesus with their families and school friends.

Pray for parents of youth. It's really hard to rejoice your youth is alive and the parents next to you are grieving because their youth is not alive. It's hard to let them out of your sight. It's hard to realize that there really is very little you can do to protect them in such a crisis.

Pray for my Sunday School class. Our teacher is Chip Gillette. Chip just lives across the street from the church building. He is a police officer. He was off-duty and home, making him the first officer on the scene.  Chip is another hero in our church. Our class is made up entirely of parents of youth.

Pray for this entire generation of teenagers. God has something in store for this generation. Satan is throwing all he can at this group. Pray that more teens will come to know the Lord and that Christian teens will stand up for the Lord.

There are many things to praise God for in all this:

Many youth and others have renewed their faith and strengthened their faith in this tragedy.

This could have been worse. I firmly believe it was the desparate prayers going up that prevented the gunman from using the 60 addition bullets he had on his person. He could have killed nearly half the people in the sanctuary.

Praise God for the support these hurting brothers and sisters in Christ are getting. The support and encouragement is phenomenal. Every little word that people say to you is an encouragement and help. You would not think it so, but it is true.

As tragic as it is, God's good news of salvation is being proclaimed like never before. God is working miracles and opening doors like never before. I was asked to speak at DBU yesterday morning and I led those students and faculty in  prayer. Mary, my wife, was asked to e-mail everyone in Early Childhood Intervention where she works for the Tarrant County and she testified to the Lord's power. Her e-mail was read in every office staff meeting across the county. That's just us.  Our members are on the news programs all over the country.

I want to praise God for the media. As intrusive as it was, my older son, Jonathan, studying at Baylor University, was beside  himself with fear and worry until he saw me on the TV screen. He could tell by my body language that our family was safe.

If some of you would like to send notes, letters, or cards, you can send them to:

Any Youth or Any Member
Wedgway Baptist Church
5522 Whitman

Fort Worth, Texas 76133

Our people will gratefully receive them. We also have a website you can reach at www.wedgwoodbc.org.  The Baptist General Convention of Texas is asking people everywhere to wear simple Wedgwood blue ribbons on their clothing or attach them to their car antennas to remember them to pray and to show their solidarity with our church.

Today, Saturday is going to be a long day. My son and I are going to the high school this morning to hear youth from Columbine share about their healing process over the last eight months. Only youth who were in the sanctuary and their parents will be admitted. Then we have four funerals to attend later in the day. I am going to carry a note pad with me and list prayer requests as I can. I will forward these to you as I have time. I want you to tell your youth that when all you have is your faith in Jesus that it is also all you need. It is enough. God bless each and every one of you. Keep the faith.

Sincerely, Walter H. Norvell


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Email Susan

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October is National Breast
Cancer Awareness Month
This subject is one that is very near to my heart.  About 9 years ago I discovered a problem with one of my breasts and sought medical attention for it.  After surgery to find out exactly what the problem was, I learned that my cells were "pre-cancerous" had I not had the surgery, I would in all likelihood have developed breast cancer. I cannot stress enough the importance of self exams done on a monthly basis in addition to regular mammograms. I had had a mammogram just a few months before my problem surfaced, but it was not the kind of problem that would have been picked up by a mammogram. My problem was a rare one. Thank God I had an aggressive Doctor who took no chances, or a wait and see attitude.  I truly believe that he was lead by God.
A woman should see her Doctor if she notices any of these changes.
Swelling or lump in the breast.
Bleeding from the nipple.
Any discharge from the nipple.
A lump or thickening in or near the breast or underarm area.
A change in the size or shape of the breast.
A change in the color, or feel of the skin of the breast, areola, or nipple {dimpled,puckered,or scaly}.
Distorted breast contour.

"REMEMBER" is an acronym for "Risk Evaluation Mammogram Exam Monthly Breast Exam Regular checkup"

Breast Cancer Facts and Figures
Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women of all ages and is the leading cause of death of women between the ages of 35-54.

All women are at risk for breast cancer. The two most significant risk factors are being female and getting older. Only about 5-10% of women with breast cancer have a hereditary form of the disease.

An average woman's chances of getting breast cancer is about one in 200 by age 40, one in 50 by age 50 and one in 25 by age 60.

Approximately 80% of women with breast cancer are over age 50. Half of all breast cancers in the United States occur in women 65 years and older.

Early detection is the key to survival. Diagnosed at an early stage, the five year survival rate for women is 98%. Diagnosed at a regional stage, the rate is 78%, and for a distant stage, a sobering 25%.

In 1995, 69% of the breast cancer diagnosed in non Hispanic white women was found at the early stage. For African American women, this figure was 53%, for Hispanic women, 54%, and for Asian and Pacific Islander women, 62%.

The good news is, with continued advances in screening and treatment, breast cancer mortality significantly declined during this decade.

This information was provided by the Susan G. Koman Foundation.

National Mammography Day: October 15, 1999

Participating mammography facilities offer reduced cost mammograms.  Call 1-877-866-2226.

For a free video to help asses your risk for contracting breast cancer call 1-800-676-3067.

Breast Cancer : Resource Center --American Cancer Society has an 800 phone number on this webbie you can call 24 hours a day to receive information and services.

The Breast Center -- thrive@health --Very comprehensive web site, for information on, treatment, recovery, survivor stories, resources.

National Alliance of Breast Cancer Organizations --News flashes, latest infomation, find a support group here.

Breast Cancer Prevention & Detection-- What is your risk?

InteliHealth - Home to Johns Hopkins Health Information: Breast Cancer-- Types of breast cancer, including information on pre-cancerous conditions.

Breast cancer --Causes, risk factors, treatment.

WINABC.org - The Stamp For The Cure --Very inspiring story. THANK YOU LEE for this!

Advice and Tips: Dealing with breast cancer --Ten key questions woman should ask their health care provider.

2 Chicks, 2 Bikes, 1 Cause --Dedicated to creating awareness of breast health among women. Thank you John for finding this for me!

NABCO Regional Breast Cancer Support --How to find a support group in your area.

NABCO E-mail Reminder --With this help, you won't forget to schedule your next breast exam.

Avon Breast Cancer Awareness Crusade--non-profit programs nationwide that educate women about breast cancer, and refer them to screening mammograms and clinical breast exams.


Kids Healthy Living

Halloween is one of the major fun days for little goblins of all ages! These links will help you keep your little spooks safe while out trick or treating. Also links to party ideas and some fun sites for the kiddies to surf.
OK, big kids a joke for ya, What kind of mistakes do spooks make????? A. Boo boos!

Halloween Safety
Children and parents look forward to the excitement and fun of Halloween. Taking safety precautions will ensure that your children will enjoy the once-a-year trick-or-treat adventure.

Costume Caution

Be sure that your child's costume fits. Check to see that he or she can easily walk up and down a set of steps. Hemming the bottom of a long dress or cape will reduce the chance of fraying at the bottom.

If your child's costume is a dark color, adhere either reflective tape or stickers to it so drivers will be aware of his or her presence.

Masks can reduce your child's visual clarity. Face paint can provide the same effect as a mask without the danger.

Select props carefully. Oversized shoes can be a hazard when walking up steps or on uneven pavement. Swords, guns, and bows and arrows should be made of a flexible rubber in case your child falls.

Young children need adult supervision; they may be spooked by older children or by other kids' costumes while walking in the neighborhood.

Remind your children to walk, not run. With the onset of darkness the chances of tripping are great.

Houses with no lights should be avoided.

Obey street-crossing rules.

Stay on walking paths -- children may be tempted to cut across lawns, which can have hidden hazards such as sprinkler heads, uneven grass or tree roots.

To protect children coming to your house, remove any breakable items from your front entry such as flowerpots or glowing jack-o'-lanterns. Also check for low-hanging tree branches around your property.

Use reflective tape or stickers on the trick-or-treat bag so they are easy to spot by drivers.

Use flashlights or light sticks when walking after dark.

Pumpkin Safety

Young children can join in jack-o'-lantern carving by drawing the face or scooping the seeds out of the hull with a spoon.

Beware of when you are cleaning up the pumpkin that infants can choke on pumpkin seeds.   

Keep matches away from children. The candles inside pumpkins may spark your small child's curiosity.

Place the pumpkin with a lit candle away from windows with curtains and other objects that could catch fire.

Consuming the Goodies

Do not allow children to eat any candy until you have inspected it. Throw away any unwrapped gum or candy.

Homemade treats should only be accepted from neighbors you know well.

Check fruit carefully for puncture marks and discard if it appears to have been tampered with.

Discard candy that may cause choking in young children.

The tradition of going door to door "begging" for candy can be most enjoyed when safety precautions are considered. But if you're still uncomfortable trick-or-treating in your neighborhood, there are many alternatives. Malls have designated hours when children can go trick-or-treating from store to store. Neighborhood groups may have planned festivities for the children with special events. Or use our Halloween Party Planner and host a party for your child and his or her friends.

Safe haunting!
These tips were provided by Women.com

Boo!!! ::giggle::! --Cards, links, jokes, games etc, safe for the kids to surf.
Halloween Books --read together and enjoy.
Halloween Costume Center --good ideas for teens also
Great Craft Ideas Page
Holiday: Halloween Recipes --Halloween pizza?? Orange ooze cupcakes! Yumm!
Billy Bear says... Happy Halloween!
AGW's Halloween Spooktacular!--Girls world Halloween spooktacular
Halloween Fun Page --This site is full of ideas for pre Schoolers fun.

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Please feel free to write/respond to fellow GOL family members!

~~~~>  Tell us about YOU! =) <~~~~~

From:    Teacher2be@aol.com
Hi Christy, great newsletter, I really like it on a web page so I can go back to it again and again easily. I am taking you up on your offer to write and tell you about ourselves. I am a 31 year old stay at home mom/college student. I love to work on the computer and surf all day long sometimes. We just moved to Florida from California in April and are still settling in. I love it here. Here is a link to my page, it has a ton of links on it, check it out if you have time. Thanks again for all of your hard work. You and the other editors do a wonderful job.   God Bless you.
Stephanie's Link Page

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From the Knights of Kindness :
I come to you tonight with some very sad news. This was passed on to me by BaddTeddy and Maureen, mother of Nadia. As you will see below, the date of this murder happened in July of 1998. The Government kept this HUSHED for over a year!! This Mother went alone to get her daughter back, where was our Government??! This little girl will never see her Mother again because we can't get enough politicians to listen to our pleas for the children and parents. This child was Abducted....this has nothing to do with Custody battles and people must realize this. Let's all write to Insight about this Mother and this article. Let our voices be heard. Let's get back to writing our letters and get your friends to do the same. We must get people to understand and we must get our government to listen. Please,don't let this Mother's death be in vain. Each voice, each letter can make a difference! Feel free to share this sad news with your lists.
Angel hugs, Sass

Slain Woman's Family Seeks Daughter
.c The Associated Press

LOS ANGELES (AP) - The family of a woman who was slain in Italy while trying to get her daughter away from her ex-boyfriend traveled to Rome seeking to return the child to the United States.

Toni Dykstra was killed in July 1998, allegedly by the ex-boyfriend. After months of legal wrangling, her family will attend a hearing Thursday to determine whether her parents can take custody of her 4-year-old daughter, Santina.

Family attorney Gloria Allred is urging Italian authorities to allow Santina, who is living in a child care facility, to return to California with her grandparents.

Carlo Alberto Ventre, Santina's father, fled to Italy with the girl in January 1998, in violation of a U.S. court order.

Ms. Dykstra won sole custody of Santina in both countries. She was killed while traveling to Italy to reclaim the girl. Italian authorities said Ventre knocked the 29-year-old woman against a fireplace at his house north of Rome.

Ventre surrendered to police in connection with the killing but has been out of jail since July 31. He claimed Ms. Dykstra had threatened him with an ax. He has continued to fight for custody of Santina.

Ms. Dykstra left behind two other daughters, ages 5 and 8, who live in the United States with her twin sister, Terri.

AP-NY-10-05-99 1103EDT
Copyright 1999 The Associated Press.


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Email Jackie

"The world is full of willing people,
some willing to excel, the rest willing to let them."


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"The difference between a successful person
and others is not a lack of strength,
not a lack of knowledge . . . but a lack of will."



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~~~> Send Links Here! <~~~

From LegalWngs2
Susanne's Rose Garden

From LonEagle3
Diet Coke Website
Screensavers, games, cartoons, 360 degree pics, plus wallpaper and stuff AOL 5.0 Info:

AOL 5.0 <~~an audio guide to the new AOL 5.0.... worth the two extra minutes it takes to listen and watch.
Frequently Asked Questions about AOL 5.0
AOL 5.0 Windows Message Boards

From Kittennn11
Howdy and Welcome to Kittenn's Kage ....
**Dreaming Of How I Found You**
Water Falls
Build a Home Page Now!   (Hometown AOL)
PCDoctor - Helping You Understand Your Computer 
37.com - 37 SEARCH ENGINES ! - 37.com

From KeepOnSmiling via Kittennn11
You Must Try Again
You Gave Me A Mountain
Truckers Prayer
How Lonely Is Lonely
Only Me
My Special Friends
From Me To You
You Are Lucky For Me
To You Just Because
And A Very Good Morning To You!
I'll Never SeeThe Sunshine Without Sweet Thoughts Of You
I Love You, Oh, So Much
Night Images
A Gift For You
Funnybuny's Home Page
Blessing's Of Beauty
God's Cover Letter & Resume

From Susan909
Thank You For Being A Friend
Gods Greatest Love
Free Book ~~>  Josh McDowell Radio - Free Offer
I'll Just Take Jesus
I Found A Friend
Welcome To The Victorian Garden
It's a valuable friendship
AOL Quick Buddy
Victoriana's Angel Quotes <~~ Very Nice!!!  =)
Be Yourself!
Online Friends
The Blind Man
Little Girl In The Park

^^ A Poignant & Lovely Short Story Presented By Angelblueyes ^^
Uh Oh! A warm fuzzy friend page !!
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Muffs Oldies Wavs
Something Good About You!
Send this hug to all your friends!
For My Grandchild
†imele§§ ßeau†iƒul ƒrieñð

From WendyWW@webtv.net
I Am Blessed

From Gde125

From Dbj310
AngelEyes Card Shoppe  
Inspired Art of Danny Hahlbohm
Hey You, It's me...
Win A Monkey Dance !
Welcome to Time2Pray Prayer Partners

From darrenj@startrekmail.com:
Midis R Us

From mailbits.com and arcamax.com
Cataloglink <~~ Catalogs! Catalogs! Catalogs!
For new parents or parents to be ~~>  GrowthSpurts.Com - Announce the birth of your baby using your FREE baby web page.
Welcome to iPrint.com <~~ Free address labels (cost of shipping only)
The Literary Guild® - Guests Home Page
Service by eFax.com Home Page - Sign Up Now! It's FREE!
Tree Loot
Family Photo Savings
Free Pagoo - Internet Pager Service
Free BarbeQ Sauce
Free Samples - Breathe Right® nasal strips.
Visit Opatija Croatia
Virtual Nurses Memorial

From LadyIsREAL:
LadyisREAL! Welcome to the REAL Family...

Fractal Twister

Links From The Editor:
(Psssst... That's me.. Christy...  <g>)
"Teddy Bear Thoughts"
Welcome to Food.com
Alan & Melissa's Music Pages
Faith Hill - Offcial Website
Smackerals formerly known as: PoohHunney's Love of Pooh


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From Susan909:

Life in the 1500's...

Most people got married in June because they took their yearly bath in
May and were still smelling pretty good by June. However, they were
starting smell, so brides carried a bouquet of flowers to hide the B.O.
Baths equaled a big tub filled with hot water. The man of the house
had the privilege of the nice clean water, then all the other sons and men,
then the women and finally the children. Last of all the babies. By then the water was so dirty you could actually lose someone in it. Hence the saying, "Don't throw the baby out with the bath water."

Houses had thatched roofs. Thick straw, piled high, with no wood underneath. It was the only place for animals to get warm, so all the pets... dogs, cats and other small animals, mice, rats, bats, lived in the roof. When it rained it became slippery and sometimes the animals would slip and fall off the roof.   Hence the saying, "It's raining cats and dogs."

There was nothing to stop things from falling into the house. This posed real problem in the bedroom where bugs and other droppings could really mess up your nice clean bed.    So, they found if they made beds with big
posts and hung a sheet over the top, it addressed that problem.  Hence those beautiful big 4 poster beds with canopies.

The floor was dirt. Only the wealthy had something other than dirt, hence the saying "dirt poor".  The wealthy had slate floors which would get slippery in the winter when wet. So they spread thresh on the floor to help keep thier footing.  As the winter wore on they kept adding more thresh until when you opened the door it would all start slipping outside. A piece of wood was placed at the entry way, hence a thresh hold.

They cooked in the kitchen in a big kettle that always hung over the fire. Every day they lit the fire and added things to the pot.  They mostly ate vegetables and didn't get much meat.  They would eat the stew for
dinner leaving leftovers in the pot to get cold overnight and then start over the next day. Sometimes the stew had food in it that had been in there for a month. Hence the rhyme: peas porridge hot, peas porridge cold, peas porride in the pot nine days old.

Somethimes they could obtain pork and would feel really special when that happened. When company came over, they would bring out some bacon and add it to show it off. It was a sign of wealth and that a man could really "bring home the bacon". They would cut off a little to share with guests a would all sit around and "chew the fat".

Those with money had plates made of pewter. Food with a high acid content caused some of the lead to leach onto the food.  This happened most often with tomatoes, so they stopped eating tomatoes...for 400 years.  Most people didn't have pewter plates, but had trenchers - a piece of wood with the middle scooped out like a bowl.  Trenchers were never washed and a lot of times worms got into the wood.  After eating off wormy trenchers, they would get trench mouth.

Bread was divided according to status. Workers got the burnt bottom of the loaf, the family got the middle, and guests got the tip, or the "upper crust".

Lead cups were used to drink ale or whiskey. The combination would sometimes knock them out for a couple of days. Someone walking along the road would take them for dead and prepare them for burial. They were laid out on the kitchen table for a couple of days and the family would gather around and eat and drink and wait and see if they would wake up. Hence the custom of holding a  wake.

England is old and small and they starting running out of places to bury people. So, they would dig up coffins and would take their bones to the house and reuse the grave. In reopening these coffins, one out of 25 coffins was found to have scratch marks on the inside and they realized they had been burying people alive. So they thought they would tie a string on their wrist and lead it through the coffin and up through the ground and tie it to a bell. Someone would have to sit out in the graveyard all night to listen for the bell. Hence on the "graveyard shift" they would know that someone was "saved by the bell" or he was a "dead ringer".


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Email Linda

September's Question:

Summer movies...  Was there a favorite?? If so, why????


motleyclan@email.msn.com (MotleyClan) I loved "Runaway Bride" with Julia Roberts and Richard Gere! Who couldn't love watching Richard Gere for nearly two hours! It was a sweet story, tho at times you wanted to swat Julia upside the head, while at other times you wanted to hold onto her hand and run with her! It was great to be able to sit at a movie without all the violence, foul language and nudity! We can see enough of that on tv at home without having to pay extra at the movie theater! Can't tell ya what happened at the end, you'll have to see it for yourself. For all of us who have been in those love/hate relationships, a must see!

SUSAN 909: My favorite movie of the summer was The Blair Witch Project. I found it stimulating and very intriging. It kept me on the edge of my seat. It was in my opinion, a well made movie and very different from the normal genre out there.

CYNDIE1@webtv.net: "SIXTH SENSE" Now this is a movie to keep you interested, Bruce Willis played an extrordinary part . This is a movie you need to go see twice Just to see what ya missed the first time around. I recommend Movie to anone who likes suspense, drama, a very emtional movie, will get a good cry out of it. " if you leave the kids at home" A must to watch from the beginning to end. with not interuptions. Cyndie

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IF you could choose to be any person for a day......
Who would it be and why???

~~~>  My Response For Linda <~~~


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~~~> Send Requests / Birthdays / Anything ya want to, lol, HERE <~~~

From KB4Avon
Hi Christy,
LOVE those newsletters !
I was hoping you could print something for me. I need suggestions for a theme party. It's my husband's 40th birthday (in February, but gotta plan it early). I'm having a surprise "MASH" party for him. It's his favorite tv show. All the guests will come dressed as their favorite characters, surgeons, nurses, soldiers, etc... I'm going to hang a big MASH 4077th flag, and my friend is making the sign post that points to different cities. I'm having a live DJ, also. As guests enter he will announce, "attention, attention, incoming wounded".  LOL.   I would appreciate ANY other ideas to help make this a special party for a special guy !
I can be e-mailed at KB4avon@aol.com

From Frnds4evr3
Hi Christy....
Just wanted to tell you my BEST FRIEND in the world is cwelebrating her Birthday on Oct. 13....   Please have everyone :))  Fill Kelly/Dragunflly's Mailbox for me..  Also here is a very special Dedication page I made... I am now working on a new one to complete our story of Forever Friends...  :)

From MidiMiestr
A friend of mine has started a MIDI Site Ranking Top 100 List. I'm listed there, but I'm not number 1 yet. I was talking a lot of trash to him about how I am gonna be number ONE on his Top 100 List ... I need YOU to check out his Site (his Top100 MIDI List Site) using the link supplied below, just so I can get more HITs on his Site and put ME on top. Yes, its a cheap attempt at blatant egotistic advertising, but what the heck ?
Click on the above link to help ME top HIS list of MIDI Sites .. Thanks in advance ....  Steve

From KB4Avon
Jimmy turns 10 on October 10th. He's in the 4th grade, a straight A  student, and attends GATE class for gifted kids. He recently started piano  and organ lessons, and he's really talented! I call him "Jimberace" ! I found an old Liberace CD and played it for him. Wow, he was impressed!  Since we live in Las Vegas we're going to take him to the Liberace Museum.  Happy Birthday, Jimmy !


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From Whymee2
Hi, you wanted stories about Floyd.. well here ya go.. My sister, (donna tancordo) and her family lost EVERYTHING to FLOYD.. She lived in MANVILLE, NJ which is about 2 miles out of BOUND BROOK but her backyard was the Weston Canal/River and that rose 15 feet. so her home was destroyed. She's still in a shelter and wont' be able to see an insurance person until thursday the 23rd of Sept. Its only the 19th.. She has NO Money, No clothing, NO water, NO BED, NOTHING.. the only thing they did have was their car that they moved to HIGH GROUND when they knew the waters were coming up.. The worst part is My Brother in law is a fireman and My sister is a volunteer with the RED CROSS and they were helping others when this tragedy happened to them. She has been flooded before but this was the worst .. EVERYTHING IS GONE THIS TIME. She said she can't go thru this again and decided NOT to rebuild her home.  Its sad cause they both worked very hard to maintain a beautiful home.. My sister has 2 girls of her own and is raising My other sisters daughter. She's a giving person and is still helping those who haven't been thru this before, giving them helpful tidbits of the SYSTEM since she has been thru it before. This is the hardest thing I've had to go thru. Watching a family member suffer and NOT being able to help. Please keep her in Your Prayers. I'm sure by the time you read this she will still be homeless. They say its going to be LONG TERM before they can get settled somewhere permanent. So keep her family in your prayers. thank you .. Hugs, janice aka whymee2

From WendyB80
Just wanted to drop you a note and say I think you are doing a wonderful job with the newsletter.....and to tell you my funny Floyd story..... The place where I work and live is near Des Moines, Iowa....I do data entry correction for UPS....and our mainframe computers are in New Jersey....under all that water....so needless to say our day on Friday and overnight on Saturday were a barrel of fun!...=).....  I never thought that in Iowa that I could say I got off work early on Saturday because of Hurricane Floyd!....  WendyB

From Adalas428
Here is some info for you re "Floyd".....
North Carolina - Twenty dead. Damage estimates incomplete as some entire  towns remained submerged Sunday. States of emergency in effect in 28  counties, 3,000 National Guard personnel on duty. Some 400 roads, including sections of Interstates 95 and 40, closed or partially closed. Farmers fear estimated 100,000 hogs and 1 million poultry are dead.
Some 6,400 evacuees staying in 63 Red Cross shelters, including 3,000 at  Tarboro High School, which had no running water, no electricity and ran out of food after Sunday breakfast.
Utilities: 147,000 still without power Sunday, down from peak of 1.5 million.


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Email John

Howdy Ya'll! I shore do hope everbody is up to par! Well, Its football season again and it is in full swing! Speaking of Swinging how about the Houston Astros and them Texas Rangers makin it into the playoffs again? Anyways, down here in Fuzzy Junction we is all excited bout our Fuzzy Junction Dustbunnies cuz they is a playin purty durn good. They done whooped up on several of the local teams, like the Hutto Hippos. Yep now that was a game u had to see cuz the Hippos was favored to win by a good margin and since they had the homefield advantage, our Dustbunnies knew thay was gonna have a fight on their hands. But them Dustbunnies sauntered into the brand new remodeled Hippodrome and kicked some Hippo Hiney. As soon as the game was over though we hightailed it out of town cuz their mascot... the Hippity Hopitty Hutto Hippo came out and started sittin on our cars, boy howdy that always makes a mess. After last years disaster I would just soon not go through that again.. See, ol Hippity Hoppity went and jumped on all the pickups we had lined up out thar and just strewn parts all over the place. Well, we done the best we could a gettin everybody back the right parts to all the trucks but as a direct consequence of that incident I now drive a 1957-88 CheFord Ram and I'll tell u one thing it is hard as all get out findin parts for that sucker at the parts house!
Now this Friday oughta be a humdinger of a game too cuz we is a playin the Lamesa Tornados and their mascot is a giant gold tornado! but actually it looks like one of them baked potatos u get over to the Sizzler Steak House thats wrapped in that gold tinted foil. Anyway I figure our Dustbunnies can whoop up on them ol tornaders any old day! Sides we is gonna hook up a giant magnifying glass and go to using the lights from the stadium and pinpoint that light on that giant bake potato lookin critter and heat him up! Now that will be worth watchin fer sure!
Yall have a goodun and we will be for talkin at you soon!
John =)


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From Susan909


About ten years ago, a young and very successful executive named Josh was traveling down a Chicago neighborhood street. He was going a bit too fast in his sleek, black, 12 cylinder Jaguar XKE, which was only two months old. He was watching for kids darting out from between parked cars and slowed down when he thought he saw something. As his car passed, no child darted out, but a brick sailed out and - WHUMP! -- it smashed Into the Jag's shiny black side door!

SCREECH..!!!! Brakes slammed! Gears ground into reverse, and tires madly spun the Jaguar back to the spot from where the brick had been thrown. Josh jumped out of the car, grabbed the kid and pushed him up against a parked car. He shouted at the kid, "What was that all about and who are you? Just what the heck are you doing?" Building up a head of steam, he went on. "That's my new Jag, that brick you threw is gonna cost you a lot of money. Why did you throw it?"

"Please, mister, please ... I'm sorry! I didn't know what else to do!"   Pleaded the youngster. "I threw the brick because no one else would stop!" Tears were dripping down the boy's chin as he pointed around the parked car. "It's my brother, mister," he said. "He rolled off the curb and fell out of his wheelchair and I can't lift him up." Sobbing, the boy asked the executive, "Would you please help me get him back into his wheelchair? He's hurt and he's too heavy for me."

Moved beyond words, the young executive tried desperately to swallow the rapidly swelling lump in his throat. Straining, he lifted the young man back into the wheelchair and took out his handkerchief and wiped the scrapes and cuts, checking to see that everything was going to be OK. He then watched the younger brother push him down the sidewalk toward their home.

It was a long walk back to the sleek, black, shining, 12 cylinder Jaguar XKE -a long and slow walk. Josh never did fix the side door of his Jaguar. He kept the dent to remind him not to go through life so fast that someone has to throw a brick at him to get his attention ....

Some bricks are softer than others. Feel for the bricks of life coming at you.


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Lots of newsletters here... 
All kinds of goodies you can subscribe to!

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To know someone here or there with whom you can feel
There is understanding in spite of distances or thoughts
That can make this life a garden
- Goethe

Kathi's Garden is an inspirational newletter, built around quotes that inspire and challenge us... it is about life and love and a journey that encourages growth and taking risks.. it is about looking back only to see how far you have come, it is about loving life with passion... it is about you and about me.... please join me on a walk through my garden...

Subscribe to Kathi's Garden

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gol1099_Maggies555_Mnsm.jpg (3987 bytes)
Magnolia News
A weekly web page E-Zine
Consists of Jokes, Poems, Help Tips & Speak out!

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Have you tried the rest? Now try the best! Here is the eleven list we have to offer: 2 Jokes list, A Poetry list, A Recipes list, A Computer Tips list with Computer Tech Support, A Weekly Horoscopes list, A Pet Tips list, A Graphics list, A Custom Wav list, A Games list, A Custom Tags list. Just An all Around Fun And Helpful Group. Visit our web site for more information on how to join our lists.
The Work Bench  ~  List Connection

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Start everyday with a page full of laughter, subscribe to our daily joke page. Our page contains adult humor (no xxx rated) and words of wisdom, plus a daily Trivia Quiz, just for fun.
Subscribe -- LAUGH-A-LITTLE  ~ Unsubscribe -- LAUGH-A-LITTLE

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MinkyKat's Korner

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Add me to Whatsmoos Recipes  ~  Whatsmoos Recipes Web Site

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"Happy Thoughts" is a daily G-rated newsletter filled to overflowing with lots of interesting facts and information, jokes, inspirational stories, recipes, fonts, pictures, links, puns, themes, quotes, computer tips, backgrounds, and everything you need to fill you day with plenty of "Happy Thoughts." Every day is different in style and content. This newsletter is a gift to me from God and all done in fun and in my love of people. To join this newsletter click here:  Subscribe to "Happy Thoughts" newsletter

Happy Thoughts Newsletter  ~  Animal Happy Thoughts
"Children Happy Thoughts"

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gol1099_Nikicj5_AngelsWthHpenHumorTag.jpg (11367 bytes)

Angels With Hope and Humor Newsletters   ~  "G" Rated

"Beyond The Panic" ~~> Will have helps for Panic Disorder and Depression, Inspirational Stories and Verses, Motivationals, Affirmations, Tips on Coping and Graphics.

"Humor Is Healing"  ~~> Has jokes and funny stories with graphics

Medical Page ~~> Discusses Medical Conditions, a different one for each mailing

You will receive all newsletters when you subscribe and as a courtesy to our readers we also send annoucements of our Reader's Birthdays.

Editors: SassKittn - Sass / Imwoman42 - Sabrina / Nikicj5 - Sandy / SWells1835 - Sue

Subscribe - SassKittn

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Ladi's Family Mail
Hello and welcome to Ladi's Family. I would be so happy if you joined us. We would be sending you a mail each morning to start your day off with a positive thought and maybe a laugh. We think you would enjoy all we send. We love hearing from our readers, so if you had something you would like to share, or a suggestion or comment, we would love to see it. We are an inspirational list with family friendly jokes poems and graphics, but we also offer a non-graphics mailing if you do not like the graphics or are on another server. Please join our family, we would love to have you :o)
We ask that you DO NOT FORWARD any edition of Ladi's Family.

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Please add me to Blu's News & Tips
A G-rated Newsletter of Quotes, Jokes, Inspiration, and Computer Tips

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Arkansas AOL Newsletter  ~  Arkansas AOL USA
Weekly newsletter for AOLers of Arkansas.
To Subscribe: TisYvonne@aol.com

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The Joke Pages
I send out a daily mailing, consisting of Jokes, Riddles, downloads, and much more. Because some material my be considered of adult nature, I do ask you to be 21 years of age.
To subscribe, click here.

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A free online e-zine containing alittle of something for everyone over the age of 18! Humor, quotes, inspirationals, stories, poems, tips of all kinds, and a lot of fun links to click and go to for surfing fun...just a potpourri of fun stuff! A two pager E-mailed to you once a week.   Editor, ProAt21
Proud member of: Phoenix...Editors Exchange and The Harmony Editors Group.    Interested?  Click here >> Jump aboard the Keyboard Express

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gol1099_MelisMa321_00-1B&P.bmp (96054 bytes)

Click Here ---> Subscribe to "Bits & Pieces" <--
* articles * stories * poetry * literature * prayers *
thoughts * quotes * comments * scriptures * links * jokes * computer tips * computer virus alerts * good clean fun! *
This is a Good, clean, Christ-Centered Electronic Magazine (E-zine)

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Bring all your problems, as the Lord has answers for all of them, no matter  what you are suffering from. Turn to Jesus as He is your Savior. We do not care what religion you are. We care that you are one of God's children in search of counsel.  We have an online support group available. You will meet others like you that also carry burdens.  You will interact in emails and join in group activities.   But most of all you will have God to guide your way, as we counsel only from the word of God, using scriptures to guide your way. The Bible is the answer to all your problems. All you need is the word. Jesus said come all that are weary and I will take your yoke. Rest in his saving Grace everyone. If you would like to join the Christian Biblical Counseling Network send me an email telling me so. I in turn will send you our welcome letter.  God bless you...  Debleevltr@aol.com

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Welcome to My World
A happy place to visit.
You are sure to come away with a
smile on your face, a giggle in your voice,
and a warm feeling in your heart!


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Lee's Links October 1999

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Free Newsletter:  Lots of Heart Warming Poems & Links,  A Recipe & Craft each week Also the Birthday/Anniversary Club sent weekly
Sign Me Up

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Editors Exchange


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Ask A Nurse
Medical questions answered, links given, and hands held
You have requested to be on this list, this is not unsolicited mail.  If you wish to be removed you may do so by using the link provided.

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daily mailings of quotes and words of wisdom

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Inspirations & Blessings
stories and poems of hope, life, and the struggles alone the way

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An AOL 4.0 Øn~Line E~Zine Consisting Of poems • thoughts • ÇärâFüñKnêéFwК • jokes • computer tidbits • etc.  You name it---Cara's gotsit   "...spreading a lil' lub one FWD at a time"

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*~Sign Me Up For C&C Friends~*
You must be 18 or older.
We send out only on M/W/F.
And only 3-5 graphic per mailing
So YOU have more time for fun here online
But the best part is...you get to make
some great friends in the meantime!!
So come and join us **Smile**


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From jwstahl@maysvilleky.net
I wonder ?  One of those things that make you go hmmmmmm.....

Useful Info for Speeding Tickets

I don't know if this works or not,but what have you got to lose!! so if you ever get in this situation you have an out.  This procedure works in any state. Read it and try it, you have nothing to lose but the points in you license.

If you get a speeding ticket or went through a red light or whatever the case may be, and you are going to get points on your license, there is a method to ensure that you DO NOT get any points.

When you get your fine, send in a check to pay for it and if the fine is say $79, then make the check out for $82 or some small amount above the fine. The system will then have to send you back a check for the difference, but here is the trick!


Throw it away! Points are not assessed to your license until all the financial transactions are complete. If you do not cash the check, then the transactions are not complete. However the system has gotten its money so it is happy and will not bother you any more.

SOURCE: Thoonen Production Administrator RACV Touring Publications.


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FastCounter by LinkExchange

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Game of Life Staff:
Editor in Chief  <g> : Christy aka ChristyMW1@aol.com
"Healthy Living" : Susan aka Susan909@aol.com
"Down in Fuzzy Junction" : John aka LonEagle3@aol.com
"Question Of The Month" : Linda aka Linda1000@aol.com
"What's Cooking" : Doreen aka DoeRadQA@aol.com
"Quotes and Quips" : Jackie aka Larjax@aol.com

Back Issues:
The Game of Life Newsletter ~*~ September 1999 ~*~
The Game of Life Newsletter ~*~ August 1999 ~*~
The Game of Life Newsletter ~*~ July 1999 ~*~
The Game of Life Newsletter ~*~ June 1999 ~*~
The Game of Life Newsletter ~*~ May 1999 ~*~
The Game of Life Newsletter ~*~ April 1999 ~*~
The Game of Life Newsletter ~*~ March 1999 ~*~
The Game of Life Newsletter ~*~ February 1999 ~*~
The Game of Life Newsletter ~*~ January 1999 ~*~

To Subscribe:
The Game of Life Online Newsletter: Info / Subscribe


© 1999 Game of Life Online Newsletter, ChristyMW1@aol.com
Last Updated: Friday, 08 October 1999 06:21:17 PM

Originally Uploaded: 03 October 1999
Web Design by Creations by Christina / ChristyMW1@aol.com

URL: http://www.Geocities.com/Heartland/Farm/1628/gol1099.html