These pages are an expression of me, of who I am and what I believe in. They are both a creative outlet and a sharing of my world with you. All the graphics on this site, with the exception of the external site logos, were done by me. Feel free to help yourself to the graphics; all I ask in return is that you credit me on your site and provide a link back to mine. If you email your URL, I will be happy to provide a link to your site, so that others can see how you have used my graphics.
You will find my favorite quotations on my garden page and scattered throughout this site. Be sure to click on the Lord's Prayer link to read Walter Russell Bowie's wonderful "Meditation on The Lord"s Prayer".
On the Mood Disorder's Page, you will find a link to my recovery forum where you can read and post messages of encouragement or seek support from others.
Samantha's Page has great links for children. And if you need help with school assignments or research, my links page has a section that should be useful.
A visit to the Heritage and Community pages will tell you about my family and the cultures which so deeply affect who I am. I hope you enjoy exploring my world and please come back again. |