line of blinking pumpkins

moon and clouds
lightning lightning

Carol's Place

Halloween Page


line of blinking pumpkins

As children, we look forward to Halloween. We plan our costumes carefully and dream of all the candy we will have when the day is over. We tell scarey stories about monsters and demons that really only exist in our imaginations.

Once we are grown, we learn that those monsters never did exist. But we do learn that the real horrors of life can be more frightening than anything our imaginations could ever create. And one horror from which many suffer is the horror of addiction to drugs or alcohol.

My imagination has run rampant at the thought of this horror and below is my attempt to show what I think it might be like, not only from the addicted person's point of view, but also from the view point of those who may love an addicted person.

line of blinking pumpkins

For those of you who are seeking help, whether you are somehow involved with an alcoholic/addict or you are the alcholic/addict yourself, there is help out there. Look in your phone book for the 800 number and ask about local meetings. OR you can go to the Addiction and Recovery Forum (AOL Keyword: A&R). Here you will find all kinds of online meetings.

In my search for graphics, I just happened upon this site. It looks like a site full of information not only for those addicted to alcohol but also for those of us who care about an alcoholic. And it is a site anyone with any internet browser can visit.

Another Empty Bottle

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Welcome to Hell

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burning red devil
head skeleton head burning

Come on in.

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scarey werewolf type
face evil looking devil

scarey skeleton head with white hair

Join us.

winged demon animated winged devil

Look what we have just for you.

animated devil monster with lots of

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smoking skeleton head with beckoning

This is the good stuff

bottle of bourbon whiskey bottle of Wild

bottle of whiskey

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Was that enough for you?
spaced out man

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red blinking eyes

What's the matter? You think we're watching you?

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red demon with moving
mouth animated gargoyle

We aren't watching you

blinking eye looking through hole in

blinking red eyes looking through hole in

green blinking eyes

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Here is some more. You haven't had enough yet.
bottle of bourbon whiskey bottle of bourbon

bottle of bourbon whiskey

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Oh we are sorry. What did you say?
You have that sinking feeling?
ghoul reflected in water

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ghost demon throwing

skull with male hair

There you go. Right where you wanted to be. Isn't it?

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