
These are the Awards that I have been honored to receive. Please visit some of these sites by clicking on the award or link. To help in load time, I decided to break them up into a few pages.

The Music playing here is "Africa."

Heart of Gold Award Heart of the City Award
Thank you both Heart of Gold and
Heart of the City Committees for these Awards!
They mean a lot to me!
Sorry these awards are no longer given by Heartland.

Heartland's Golden Heart Award
I am so proud to be one of the
first winners of this NEW Heartland Award!

Heartland Hallmarks Award
Thank you very much
Heartland Hallmarks Committee!!!

Heartland Farm Pick of the Crop Award!
Thank you to the Heartland Farm Community Leaders
for honoring my site as the
Heartland Farm Pick of the Crop
Award winner for January 2000!!!

Star Fire Award
There are two people who decide on the winners
of this award.

Thank you so much Teresa for this truely beautiful award!

Thank you Chandra, I love this award!!

Angel Heart's Beauty Award
Thank You So much Angel Heart! It is beautiful!!
You must visit her site!
It is one of the most pleasant and
beautiful places I have seen!

Women Web Masters Award of Excellence
Thank you so much Chantel!

Team Creations
Thank you Rita and Ron for this award!!

I Am A Proud Member Of:
The Official Phenomenal Women Of The Web Seal
Phenomenal Women Of The Web

Positive Steps Excellence Award
Positive Steps is a really great site!
Please visit, you will be glad you did!

Award of Original Excellence
Thank you Anna for this beautiful award!!

Awards Page 2 | Awards Page 3


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