
Bullet Domestic Violence and Child abuse Bullet

The music playing here is
"Rock A Bye Baby"

Bullet In my family violence seemed to be a way of life. I remember growing up in a world always filled with conflict, anger, and abuse. These were sometimes caused by many different things, but mostly it was due to the abuse of drugs and alcohol. Whatever the causes are, it is difficult for a child to understand. Because my world growing up was not normal, I was forced at an early age to grow up myself. I feel now as though I lost the biggest part of my childhood.


Bullet Most of the abuse in my family was from my mother, but I suppose that somewhere in her childhood she to was subjected to the same type of abuse. This is where the cycle of abuse began. Although I did not live with her as a child, I did live with her when I was an infant. This was the first incidence of abuse and neglect that I am aware of. I was the age of three months old when my mother left me alone locked inside an apartment. The concern of the landlord after hearing a baby crying for three days through the locked door, and not having seen my mother around in a couple of days prompted the landlord to call my grandparents to find out about me. This is when I came to live with my grandparents. When I was a little older I did seem to be the object of some of my mother's anger. Being raised by my mother's parents seemed to put me in the middle of a constant tug of war between my grandparents and my mother. I would think that the same thing could also happen to a child separated from one parent through divorce. The possible difference being that my mother's anger was directed more toward me than my grandparents.


Bullet I can tell you though, having lived in this violent trap for the better part of twenty three years, ( until my mother's death ) that this is not the best life for a child to grow up in. Whether the abuse takes the form of verbal, or if it is of a more physical nature, the results can still be the same. I survived both. Usually the abuse started out verbally and then escalated to physical abuse. The abuse on me continued even after I was married and had a child. That was the last time that I allowed some to physically strike me. I knew then, as an adult that I had to take a stand even if it meant having someone arrested. Which in the end is exactly what it meant.


Bullet It meant four years without seeing my three sisters. It also meant having my youngest sister arrested and placed in a juvenile facility for several years. Because of this my younger sister and I have never been close, unfortunately we probably never will be.
Although my mother was the main abuser, she managed to work her way around the court system and received no punishment. The cycle still continues on.


Bullet My sisters as well as my brother are all violent in nature. Their relationships have been violent and abusive, both giving and receiving. They also have no parenting skills to speak of. They suffered more abuse than me because they lived with my mother. They can talk about my mothers abusive nature, yet they don't see themselves in the same harsh light.

Bullet I too have scars that I live with, a quick temper probably being the most noticeable. I have managed to resolve most of my issues involving abuse, but sometimes I still feel like that little girl. Having been called terrible names, having my hair pulled out by the roots, my glasses broken on many occasions, and my eyes blackened, made me realize that my family was not normal. Because of this type of childhood, or despite it, I am a much stronger person.


BulletI often wonder what my life would be like now if I had grown up normally. If my confidence in my own abilities had not been challenged at such a young age and to such a degree, what might I have achieved. I may never know the answers to these and many more questions, but I am proud of myself for what I have achieved! Most importantly I am proud because the cycle of violence has stopped, at least in my small family.


Bullet You may be wondering why I would write about such personal and intimate parts of my life, well the answer is simply this, I know that my family is not the only family that suffers from this type of abuse. If in some small way, I can help to get the message out that this occurs, perhaps it will encourage other children to remain true to themselves and know what is right. Realizing that this is not the only way to live your life, the cycle can be broken. It takes strength and courage, but it can be done. We must make a change for the better!


Bullet If you see or suspect child abuse or domestic violence, report it. Sometimes the abused are unable to report it, and sometimes they are unable to recognize it if it is all they know! Your silence doesn't do anyone any good!

BulletPlease visit my page called "The Fall" click on the link for more information on my mother's child abuse.

BulletPlease visit this page to read a very lovely poem by Kim Clayton entitled "A Cry Was Heard"

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