
Since starting my web page, I have enjoyed receiving awards! It is very uplifting to have someone feel as though all your hard work is worthy of their award.

That is why I decided to start giving out awards of my own. To honor those of you out there that enjoy working on their pages as much as I do mine.

I only have a few small requirements. Most of you already know what they are, but for those that don't I will list them for you.


1. You must have a family friendly site! One that my grandchildren can see without me worrying about content!

2. Abosolutely no porn of any kind! This includes webrings that are questionable!

3. No foul language of any kind! Also this includes webring names, and the like!

4. No hatred of any kind, race, religion, sexual orientation, political beliefs etc.

5. You must have some content on your site, not
just a bunch of links!

6. You must link the award back to this site.


Not that hard to do really! Still interseted in applying? Please choose the award you wish to receive. Then fill in the form below. I will get back to you as soon as possible! Thank you for you interest and time.

I am sorry to have to do this....but beacuse of the strain that making these awards causes on my hands, I must discontinue giving them out. I recently underwent Carpal Tunnel surgery on both my hands so I can't risk any further damage to them. I would ask that all of you do try to visit the past winners of my awards though, you will be pleasantly suprised by the quality and touching sites you will see listed among them!
To view my winners list and visit their sites please click here.


Diamond Website Excellence Award

Must have a really great site! To apply for the Diamond Website Excellence Award you must have an excellent site! This means that all forms of navigation must work properly, drop down boxes, index maps, etc. Use of Java Scripts, done in a pleasing way and not overdone, is a plus! Efforts should be made so that all pages load fairly quickly! There should be no broken links or images. All graphics used on the site should be clearly identified if they are not your own! This means give credit to the graphic designer by way of a link, banner, logo, or text link! Your site will not be considered unless this is done, the link ideally should be listed on the page where the graphics are used. As with most awards, the beauty, design quality, and content of the site will also be greatly considered in receiving this award. If your site is just a mixture of links, photos, or animated gif's, but the content or style is lacking, then this award may not be for you. All other requirement remain the same as the rest of my awards, they are listed below.

Award of Excellence

This Award is an award for excellence in web design. It was created to honor those people who have spent a lot of time on their webpages. It is for beauty and design, as well as content and style. Their should be no broken links,and graphics should not take an extreme amount of time to load. There should be real content on the site, not just a bunch of links to other sites. All graphics should complement the content of the site and If using someone else's graphics, credit should be given,a link to that graphic site should be given on the page where the graphic is used.

Adorable Site Award

Should be fun for all!


Cozy Site Award

I should feel at home here!


Peacock Award

Should be a beautiful site!


Apply for an award!

Your full name:

Your email address: (e.g.: you@aol.com)

Where is you page?

What is your page title?

Which award would you like?

Tell me a little about you and your page.


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