


BulletHello. To anyone who has ever loved a pet, I think that you will understand the feelings and emotions that will be expressed on this page. I have had many pets during my life, and I am sure I will have many more in the future. I have loved each one of them! They become members of your family, so quickly they seem as though they have always been in your life. The thoughts of losing one of them is a terrible thing to think about, or have to deal with. Recently I lost a wonderful little girl, my cat, and my most favorite baby. It is still difficult to write about her, but I feel that I must honor her in some small way. The way she honored me with her presence in my life for over 12 years. It won't all be sad, for she did a great deal to uplift my life! This is Salem's story.



BulletIt was a warm spring afternoon when we found you under a bush at grandma's house. So tiny you were, your eyes still closed. Just a small black bundle of fur. To tiny yet to be left alone. I don't think that you were abandoned, surely your mother couldn't have left such a precious baby all alone and unprotected. She must have been chased or frightened away! Should I take you, or hope that she would come back to retrieve you? Would I be able to feed you? I did not know the answers, but in my heart I new that I couldn't leave you there.


BulletSo home you went with us. Then the search began to find a tiny eye dropper to feed you with. No special formula from the vet, or pet center. I did not know that they were available! You drank regular milk, and you loved it! You did well, and soon your eyes were open and you were exploring your new home. And then you meet the man of the house! Oh how Peeka Boo loved you, and you him! To watch the 2 of you curled up together was funny. You grew up to be a very large cat, probably over 15 pounds in your prime. When I would come home from work and sit in my chair with the afghan on my lap, here you would come! We could sit there for hours, you sleeping, me watching tv or crocheting. It was a wonderful feeling!


BulletThen the big day came for us to move to another state. Your first car ride since you came home with us! This one a really long one, almost 2 days long. In the car with that other cat Sugar. But you did well, and you loved your new home with the big bay window seat to watch the birds. This is the only time you ever got out of the house, it being new to you, I think you thought that the front door went to another room! We went to search for you, but you found us quickly, and ran back inside. So much for the outside world! You never ventured out again!

BulletSeveral moves later, your pal and best friend Peeka Boo passes away.I know this was a ruff time for you, it was for all of us. He blessed us for over 18 years with his presence, and all of your life.Then we have a couple additions to the family,new pets, people, and new grandchildren, and you did well with most of them! You still do your tricks to get attention. You like to knock things off the table or dresser, you like to pick up your treat can to tell us you would like one. But mostly you love to sit on my lap! Then there were the times I would try and make the bed, only to find this big lump in the middle of it after I thought I was through. You were a great cat!

BulletAnd this year early, right after Sugar passed away, I noticed a lump on your belly. Your first trip to the vet, and you never were fond of strangers, especially ones that were touching you! I told him that I didn't want to hear bad news, but he told me anyway. Probably breast cancer, he said that we could operate, but that it might make you leave us sooner. He said he didn't know if he would have it done if he were us. So we took you home, and we hoped that you would let us know if and when you were in pain. You changed a lot after that visit to the vet. It is almost like you understood his diagnosis. You were more distant, preferring to be alone. You didn't want to cuddle with me anymore. Through the spring, summer, and fall we watched and waited. You then decided that you wanted to be around us again in the late part of fall. I knew then that your time with us was short.

BulletOh little girl how brave you were, never letting on about the pain that must have been ravageing your little body. I watched you go from a large cat down to a small waif. But still you clung to life with determination! And then on December 15,1999 you gave up your valient fight. I found you at 6:00 a.m. under the desk, in the room that you spent your last month with us in. I had hoped that you would make it until Christmas, but it was not to be. Peeka boo and Butch and Sugar needed a Christmas Angel, so they sent for you! I will miss you baby, but I know that I will see you again. And my lap will again hold a big Beautiful cat named Salem!


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