

Hello and welcome to my Treasures of the Web dedication page. I had the pleasure of becoming a member of this wonderful group at the very beginning, so I am proud to say that I am a Charter member! I can't tell you how proud I was when asked to join this group of people. To know that someone thought that my website was a Treasure was a really neat feeling. We hope to accomplish may great things on the web. I am sure with all the wonderful talented people involved in this group that we will do just that! Below you will find a few of the treasures that other members have given me. If you feel that your site is also a Treasure of the Web, why not apply yourself. Click on my Treasures logo to go to our main site.


Treasures gift

Sharkmans gift

Catshark's gift

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Family Pets and Things Health Problems My Interests Holidays Assorted things Travel
Joann's Home Away from Home Pets Asthma Cake Decorating Halloween Music Midis Travel Introduction
Joann and Jerry Pet Memorial Hearing Loss Cake Pictures Thanksgiving Applets Grand Canyon
David and Angela Salem's Memorial Breast Cancer Awareness Porcelain Dolls Christmas 1 Game Room North Carolina
My Grandchildren Awards Schizophrenia Porcelain Doll Webring Christmas 2 Thoughts to live by NC's Sports
Joann's Family Win My Awards Violence and Child abuse Diplomas Christmas 3 Inspirational Thoughts NC's Famous People
Jerry's Family Winners The Fall-Child Abuse Community Leader New Years Jesus A Cry Was Heard Beaches & Lighthouses
Memorials Gifts Received Drug & Alcohol Abuse Garden House Fourth of July Party Girl South Carolina
Welcome-Home Webbings Carpal Tunnel Treasures of the Web Valentine's Day St.Patrick's Day Easter

Copyright © 1999, 2000 Joann Romans

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