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Andy Anderson's

Viet Nam Photos

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Andy Anderson

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Sgt. Ron Lay

Sgt. Ron Lay

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B.G Anderson and Andy


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1st Sgt. Buff

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Andy Anderson

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Andy Anderson!! I knew that...

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Where's Andy??  I See Gang.. OK So Andy is 4th one counting from Left. LOL

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Andy Anderson

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Hooch Girls.. Ok who's Hooch?  <VBG>

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Yes it says Qui Nhon Air Strip

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W.B. Boles

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USS Princeton docked at Subic Bay, PI carrier pier 1966

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YZ -71 Crash

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Qui Nhon Air Base, Republic of South Viet Nam

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Andy Anderson

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Ooops!!!   Crash

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dropped from 5,000 ft. from Army Sky Crane

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And Yes!! They Finally Meet Again!!  Sunday Oct. 17, 1999 in Oak Ridge, Missouri.

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roselacebut1.gif (3864 bytes) Franny's Favorite Places Franny, Loves hearing from Ya' <VBG> Thank You !! For Signing... : ) Feel Welcome to View Comments in Franny's Guestbook.

Created 12/14/1999

FDM 2001


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