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Franny's Trip To Elk Valley, Tennessee

and Cumberland Falls in July 99

Page 2

BAIRD Cemetery, Elk Fork Road

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Standing By Rev. Jesse Baird b. Nov. 24, 1826 d. Oct. 10. 1918


2nd wife of Rev. Jesse Baird

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Drusey Lay b. 10/22/1831    d. 5/29/1917


BAIRD Cemetery, Elk Fork Road

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Franny (white shorts)

Barbara"Bobbie" Lewallen (yellow top)


BAIRD Cemetery, Elk Fork Road

Son of Jesse H. & Mary Baird

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James Edward Baird b. & d. 6/27/1914


Daughter of Jesse H. & Mary Baird

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Nana IreneBaird b. 4-18-1911 d. 5-19-1911


BAIRD Cemetery, Elk Fork Road

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           Ruth Lay 6-7-1935                 

Tivis H.Lay b. 10-28 1933 d. 1-25-1934

J.R. Lay, Jr. b. 8-23-1931 d. 6-9-1932


Elk Fork Cemetery, located in the churchyard of Elk Fork United Baptist Church

Franny's 3rd Grgrandfather

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John M. Lay b. 9/10/1790 d. 9/1874 Rachel Foley b. 2/5/1789 d. 11/3/1879



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Spencer Lay b. Nov. 1840    d. March 27, 1903



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Franny's Place Franny's Favorite Places Thank You !! For Signing... : ) Feel Welcome to View Comments in Franny's Guestbook.
Franny, Loves hearing from Ya' <VBG> Baird Cemetery Pics Franny meets Bobbie and her Luther Baird

Created 7/22/1999

FDM 2001

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