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Cumberland Falls
In October 1999

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The View of Cumberland River / Taken by Franny 10/99


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Our home for 4 days


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Don't sit Inside the Apple Tree with any one else but me....or is it Don't sit under LOL

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Woody Wood Pecker just made this hole and YES!! Milly Climbed in it... LOL


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Ha! ha! ha!! My Hole and Ya' Ain't,  I say Ain't Coming in. Tee!! Hee!


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Now is that Nice to stick Ya' tongue out at Franny?


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Oh My Gosh!!! No wonder we're standing by Scarecrow!!!! ROFLOLWTIMELMAO!!

"Well, whad'ya say boys.....them thar gals don't look like country gals.....bet that blonde one don't even know a cow from a bull!"

THANK YOU !!!! Beckers
for Sharing the Postcard of the "Cumberland Boys"
and the Caption for the pic.. ROFLOLWTIMELMAO!!!

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Taken at Lodge by Fwanny


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Now here is why Chase, my grandson, loves Franny so good! She put him in a high chair & was zooming around the Crowed Lodge dining room with him!!!  LOL This one was when she took him to the dessert bar to see what they had! Bobbie


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They won Fwanny's Heart, of course Ya' can't prove that by Look on Chase's facey... LOL


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Our Sweet lil Indian


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Anthony Houston and Becky Perry, Houston cemetery and Ms Lisa took the pic on Sunday Oct 24, 1999


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Franny and New 2nd Cuz D. B. Deward Beverly Jenkins


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I Know this is NOT what Dorothy Jo had in mind when she told Ya'll to teach Franny how to MILK a COW.. LOL Keyword "COW"


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Uh Huh!! Busted Fwanny Behind The Barn LOL


Franny's Place Franny's Favorite Places Thank You !! For Signing... : ) Feel Welcome to View Comments in Franny's Guestbook. Franny, Loves hearing from Ya' <VBG> Girls Cemetery hopping in Ky

Created 1999
FDM 1999/2000/2001

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