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Cumberland Falls
in October 1999

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At one cemetery the Gate Keeper was no other then "Our Sweet Milly"


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Sowder Cemeterty the Steep Climb
Beckers taken pic of girls at bottom of steep hill.


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Franny taken pic of Beckers who is almost to top of steep hill.. I said almost. LOL .. A Sowder Family lives in house that is in pic.


Another on hill by Sowder Cemetery


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The Recording Of A Cemetery

By Thelma Greens Reagan

Today we walked where others walked

On a lonely, windswept hill;

Today we talked where other cried

For Loved Ones whose lives are stilled.

Today our hearts were touched

By graves of tiny babies;

Snatched from the arms of loving kin,

In the heartbreak of the ages.

Today we saw where the grandparents lay

In the last sleep of their time;

Lying under the trees and clouds -

Their beds kissed by the sun and wind.

Today we wondered about an unmarked spot;

Who lies beneath this hollowed ground?

Was it a babe, child, young or old?

No indication could be found.

Today we saw where Mom and Dad lay.

We had been here once before

On a day we'd all like to forget,

But will remember forever more.

Today we recorded for kith and kin

The graves of ancestors past;

To be preserved for generations hence,

A record we hope will last.

Cherish it, my friend; preserve it, my friend,

For stones sometimes crumble to dust

And generations of folks yet to come

Will be grateful for your trust

Franny's Place Franny's Favorite Places Thank You !! For Signing... : ) Feel Welcome to View Comments in Franny's Guestbook. Franny, Loves hearing from Ya' <VBG>

Lisa gonna' back to AZ Franny meets Becky, Lisa, Bobbie and Milly


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