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by Merrell Kenworthy

I went searching for an ancestor. I cannot find him still.
He moved around from place to place and did not leave a will. He married where

a courthouse burned. He mended all his fences.
He avoided any man who came to take the U.S. Census.

He always kept his luggage packed, this man who had no fame.
And every 20 years or so, this rascal changed his name.
His parents came from Europe. They should be upon some list
of passengers to U.S.A., but somehow they got missed.

And no one else in this world is searching for this man.
So, I play geneasolitaire to find him if I can.
I'm told he's buried in a plot, with tombstone he was blessed;
but the weather took engraving, and some vandals took the rest.

He died before the county clerks decided to keep records.
No Family Bible has emerged, in spite of all my efforts.
To top it off this ancestor, who caused me many groans,
Just to give me one more pain, betrothed a girl named JONES.


'Twas the night before Christmas
When all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even my spouse.
The dining room table with clutter was spread
With pedigree charts and with letters which said:
"Too bad about the data for which you wrote
Sank in a storm on an ill-fated boat."
Stacks of old copies of wills and the such
Were proof that my work had become much too much.
Our children were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of sugarplums danced in their heads.
And I at my table was ready to drop
From work on my album with photos to crop.
Christmas was here, and of such was my lot
That presents and goodies and toys I'd forgot.
Had I not been so busy with grandparents' wills,
I'd not have forgotten to shop for such thrills.
While others had bought gifts that would bring
Christmas cheer,
I'd spent my time researching those birthdates and years.
While I was thus musing about my sad plight,
A strange noise on the lawn gave me such a great fright.
Away to the window I flew in a flash,
Tore open the drapes and I yanked up the sash!
When what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But an overstuffed sleight and eight small reindeer.
Up to the housetop the reindeer they flew,
With a sleigh full of toys, and 'ole Santa Claus, too.
And then in a twinkle, I heard on the roof
The prancing and pawing of thirty-two hoofs.
The TV antenna was no match for their horns,
And the roof was covered with hoof-prints adorned.
As I drew in my head, and bumped it on the sash,
Down the cold chimney fell Santa ... KER-RASH!
"Dear" Santa had come down the roof in a wreck,
And tracked soot on the carpet
(I could wring his short neck!).
Spotting my face, good old Santa could see
I had no Christmas spirit you'd have to agree.
He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work
And filled all the stockings
(I felt like a jerk).
Here was Santa, who'd brought us such gladness and joy;
When I'd been too busy for even one toy.
He spied my research on the table all spread
"A genealogist!" He cried!
(My face was all red!)
"Tonight I've met many like you," Santa grinned,
As he pulled from his sack a large book he had penned.
I gazed with amazement ... the cover it read
"Genealogy Lines for Which You have Plead."
"I know what it's like to be a genealogy bug,"
He said as he gave me a great Santa hug.
While the elves make the sleighful of toys I now carry,
I do some research in the North Pole Library."
"A special treat I am thus able to bring,
To genealogy folks who can't find a thing.
Now off you go to your bed for a rest,
I'll clean up the house from this genealogy mess."
As I climbed up the stairs full of gladness and glee,
I looked back at Santa who'd brought much to me.
While settling in bed, I heard Santa's clear whistle
To his team, which then rose like the down of a thistle.
And I heard him exclaim as he flew out of sight,
"Family History is Fun! Merry Christmas! Goodnight!"
~ Author Unknown ~

Twas The Day Before Yesterday
TWAS the day before yesterday and all through the branches,
NOT a name to be found, none of my ancestors.
THE Journals and Bibles were dusty and worn,
WHY should we care, these kinfolk are gone.
THE pictures of children and family, long ago dead,
ARE scattered, crinkled, and crammed under beds.
DAD in his chair, and I with a book,
HAD just settled back to give the TV a look.
WHEN out on the street there arose such a clatter,
I sprang to my feet to see what was the matter.
ON the way to the window I tripped with a crash,
I tore open the curtains and looked through the glass.
THE sun in the sky was nowhere in sight,
THE clouds were so gray, it could have been night.
WHEN what to my wondering eyes should appear,
THE Mailman with packages, letters and cards of good cheer.
THE driver was grumbling while sorting his letters,
I knew in a moment, things had to get better.
THE size of one letter stood out from them all,
A distant cousin was asking about family, one and all.
THE names of Grandpa and Grandma, Great Grandparents all,
NEXT came my Father, my Brother, and Uncle Paul.
FROM cousins and uncles to aunts and nephews,
NIECES and in-laws, just to name a few.
SO through the many journals and photos, and stuff I possessed,
MY search for my ancestors slowly progressed.
WHILE up the family tree I gradually climbed,
MY ancestors names, I was seeking to find.
UPON that tree I have carved many a name,
THE branches of which, will never be the same.
THE tree is now filled with many I've found,
BUT in the search for others, now I am bound.
THE ancestors whose names, I have written with love,
THE Lord has gathered to take to His Father above.
WITH so many names yet to be carved on that tree,
I have little time to waste on games and TV.
GATHERING names, photos, histories and places,
REQUIRES a lot of love, patience, and God's good graces.
SOME were Farmers, Soldiers and such, Mothers and Fathers
who struggled much.
SOME were Settlers, who traveled far, some Adventures,
who followed the stars.
SOME were rich but most were poor, they came by ship,
seeking more.
SOME died young, others old, many their stories yet untold.
I cried when I thought of those brothers and sisters,
FOR I am who I am, thanks to my ancestors.
MY family is but one branch on the Tree of Life,
A tree that grew strong through toil and strife.
 ALONE, I'm just a bare twig or a stub,
 TOGETHER we build a Family Tree of Love
(Written by Linnie Vanderford Poyneer one night after a long day of research)

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Created 12/14/1999

Please!! Enjoy Franny's pages as I am Enjoying creating them,

Thank You!! Franny : )

FDM 2001


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