Franny meets Milly Piros

Milly Piros - July 26, 1999

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Franny and Milly - July 26 1999 Monday

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Milly and Hubby Bob, Taken 1997 Easter time at Brandywine Falls. Ohio.  It is about a mile from where Bob is buried... Milly says It's beautiful, especially when it rains alot...huge falls then. Bob loved to take Milly there.  Bob passed away 5-16-1997

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One Of Milly's Daighters

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Laura : ) The Blonde one.

Milly's 5lb 8oz Bass

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Franny's Place Franny's Favorite Places Thank You !! For Signing... : ) Feel Welcome to View Comments in Franny's Guestbook. Franny, Loves hearing from Ya' <VBG>

Created 8/16/99
FDM 2001

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