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Thank you for sending me the things
to make me think, laugh or smile.
For when I am down
it makes the hurt go away
if only for a while.

That is why friends are so dear,
just because they love you.
And you always know they're there
to lend a listening ear
and to take away the blues.

It is also why I thank my God...
for the friends he sends my way
For He knows we all need some cheer
and the support each and every day.

So to my wonderful friends
I send a rose to you.
Because I know that you all
are my friends through and true.

In each of us is a special gift
for if we love one another
It can surpass so much pain and fear
And give help and love to others.

So take this rose my friend,
and hold it close to your heart
And always remember me,
for we will never be apart...

~source unknown~

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If there is one ingredient
which adds warmth and love
to our lives...

it is Friendship.

If there is one relationship to
help us through all the others...
it is Friendship.

Friends surround us with
the beauty of their caring.
With friends we can share
what we see, what we feel
and what we love.

Friends help us with our problems
because they listen.
And as they listen
we begin to hear the language of
our own hearts.

With friends we can
walk along the remembered
paths of our lives and
completely share our experiences.

With friends we can work
the soil of forgotten dreams
that needed to be tended and
nurtured once again.

With friends we can
plant the seed
of our hearts
new dreams.

We can always return to a friend
like going back to a special place...
and find the same warm feeling
unchanged by time or distance.

Life gives us friends
so we can share the precious times
and memorable moments of
being children, and teenagers,
and adults, and parents,
and grandparents.

Life gives us friends
so we can share
the growing up...
and growing down
and old.

With friends we have a place to go
to be accepted and understood.
Together we can laugh.
Together we can cry.
Our thoughts are heard,
our feelings are held
in the heart of a friend.

With friends our lives are made
more full, more rich, more open,
beautiful and blessed !

I'd like to be the sort of friend
That you have been to me,
I'd like to be the help that
You've been always glad to be;
I'd like to mean as much to you
Each minute of the day,
As you have meant, old friend of mine,
To me along the way.
--Edgar A. Guest

There are not many things in life so beautiful as true friendship,
and not many things more uncommon.

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Created 5/31/1999
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