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The Difference

The Difference


I got up early one morning

and rushed right into the day;

I had so much to accomplish

that I didn't have time to pray.


Problems just tumbled about me~,

and heavier came each task.

Why doesn't God help me ?' I wondered.

He answered, "You didn't ask".


I wanted to see joy and beauty,

but the day toiled on, gray and bleak;

I wondered why God didn't show me~.

He said, "But you didn't seek."


I tried to come into God's presence~;

I used all my keys at the lock.

God gently and lovingly chided,

"My child, you didn't knock".


I woke up early this morning,

and paused before entering the day;

I had so much to accomplish

that I had to take time to pray.

Author Unknown

"Teach us how to pray," the disciples said to Jesus. (Luke 11, 1) He answered by teaching them the prayer we call the Our Father or The Lord's Prayer.

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Created 3/28/2000

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