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Richard's and Steven's May/June 1999 Trip To Visit John On The


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Other Neat Places While in Hawaii.

Taken by Steven Anthony Molloy from Boxer Pacific Ocean Sunset  June 1999


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Richard M. Molloy End Of May 99


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Steven A. Molloy  End Of May 99


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Richard, John, Steven Molloy 5/99


The USS Arizona is the final resting place for many of the ship's 1,177 crewmen who lost their lives on December 7, 1941. The 184-foot-long Memorial structure spanning the mid-portion of the sunken battleship consists of three main sections: the entry and assembly rooms; a central area designed for ceremonies and general observation; and the shrine room, where the names of those killed on the Arizona are engraved on the marble wall.


Taken by Steven Anthony Molloy USS ARIZONA BB39 May99


USS ARIZONA ship was sunk Dec., 7, 1941 Pearl Harbor, HA


Tiger Cruise


Taken Last VIEW of  Honolulu LAND for while  June 99


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The USS BOXER 4  June 99


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John Waiting For Start Up


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AV-8 Harrier


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John doing the hoisting


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June 1999


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Give it Up John.. LOL Ya' Got Big Hands but NOT that BIG. 6/99


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Franny's Place Franny's Favorite Places Franny, Loves hearing from Ya' <VBG> Thank You !! For Signing... : )  Feel Welcome to View Comments in Franny's Guestbook.  Welcome Home John

"Anchors Aweigh"

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Created 1/14/2000
FDM 2001

Thank You for Visiting Franny's Place.  Hope You are Enjoying it as much as I am creating it.   Franny : )

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